I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 159 It won’t hurt very much

At the same time, the sound of the announcement also spread to the eighth car.

Bai Yao was ashamed, the ghost seemed to be talking about himself...

But Bai Yao's face was as steady as a dog, and he still smiled, "It seems that one of us is played by Wei Wei."

After a pause, Bai Yao asked doubtfully, "Did the weirdness appear here from the very beginning?"

The purpose of what Bai Yao said was to exclude himself and make others suspicious of each other.

Player No. 125 pondered, "It's very possible. Those who come to this car from other cars can prove their identity as players. After all, only players have the right to go to the next car."

Player No. 125 himself came from another carriage.

Player No. 053 immediately said anxiously, "I have to prove this to myself. Although I appeared in this carriage, I am 100% a player."

"Yes, yes, me too!"

"That's right!"

Many people joined in.

However, player No. 069 took a deep look at Bai Yao, and said in a deep voice, "Player No. 001, I think you are the weird one. I also came from the seventh carriage, and all the female players there must Dressed up as a shemale to participate in the beauty competition, but you look normal, even if you wash your makeup, but I remember that the female players in the seventh car have to shave their eyebrows, and you, huh, shouldn’t you Give us an explanation? Explain...how did you get here from the seventh carriage."

Bai Yao smiled innocently, "It's very simple, as long as I'm the only one left in that carriage, there will naturally be only one candidate for the beauty championship, you think so."

Player No. 053 suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahaha, Player No. 001, stop joking. How could you kill a whole carriage of people with your small stature? Hahahaha, that's so funny!!!"

But while smiling, Player No. 053 suddenly stopped laughing. The surrounding atmosphere was terrifyingly cold. All the other players except him looked at Bai Yao with gloomy eyes. This biting cold air made Player No. 053 shudder. A shiver.

Player No. 071 has quietly taken out his ghost art knife from the space.

Bai Yao laughed lightly, "That's pretty good, guessing is so boring, isn't it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of ghostly aura overflowed and spread from Bai Yao's body, and the black ghostly aura blocked the shots of the four cameras in the corner.

The talent field and the eye of reality were opened at the same time, and a layer of coercion rushed towards everyone, preventing them from moving. A huge blue eye appeared out of thin air behind Bai Yao. The eye was opened, and the people in the car were People suddenly feel as if they have been stripped naked and can be seen at a glance.

Bai Yao walked slowly towards them step by step, and took out an SS-level sharpener from his white satchel, and Bai Yao softly "hush" at everyone, "There is surveillance here, I don't like killing you too much when I kill you." Louder."

Player No. 069's pupils froze, and he said in surprise, "You're half-deceitful!"

As he spoke, player No. 071 had already rushed forward with an art knife in hand.

With a sound of "噗嗤", a bloody right hand rolled to the ground holding an art knife.

Player No. 071 opened his eyes wide, and before he could feel the severe pain, he was killed by Bai Yao's blow to his throat, and finally turned into a burst of blood in the air.

Player 125's body was shaking constantly, and even his pants were wet.

Bai Yao tilted his head slightly, and his last friendly smile seemed to say, 'It's okay, it won't hurt very much, and it will be over soon.'

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