I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 167 A little surprise that really knows how to play

Bai Yao continued to practice his talent skills here. The talent field expanded to a radius of 20 meters. It not only had the function of slowing down, but also had the function of absorbing ghost aura from monsters, which is equivalent to weakening the opponent's speed and ghost aura by 20%. You can feed it back to yourself.

Eye of Truth has an additional stun skill, which can currently stun the enemy for 3 seconds.

Xiao Xi let Bai Yao and Xiao Yu fight for six hours to improve their fighting strength.

After all this was done, Xiao Xi snapped his fingers, and a black hole appeared out of thin air in front of the three of them.

Bai Yao looked at Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu with tears in his eyes, "I'm going back to the real world, please remember to miss me!"

Xiaoyu turned her head away proudly, Xiaoxi smiled and pushed Bai Yao into the black hole, reminding, "Go back to the real world quickly, I have carefully prepared a little surprise for you~"

Bai Yao was in a daze. Before he could react, he was pushed in. The black hole was closed in the blink of an eye.

surprise?What surprise?

Xiaoyu asked curiously, "What is the surprise you have prepared?"

Xiao Xi said leisurely, "A handsome guy with a good figure~"

Xiaoyu's face turned red instantly. It couldn't be what he thought, right? ? ?
Little surprise on the bed... Wow, Xiao Xi really knows how to play!

In the real world, a black hole suddenly appeared on the ceiling of a certain room.

Gu Feng, who was lying on the bed sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt a force that was very resistant to him appear. Gu Feng looked at the black hole warily.

"Ahhhh!" A female voice sounded from inside, and Bai Yao fell out of the black hole. Bai Yao's eyes widened when he saw Gu Feng. Unprepared, Bai Yao lay on the ground with an extremely ambiguous temperament. On Gu Feng.

When Bai Yao looked at the handsome Gu Feng, his heartbeat kept accelerating and his face turned red.

Even Gu Feng was surprised. He didn't expect that it would be Bai Yao coming out of the black hole.

The black hole gradually shrank. At the last moment of closing, a mobile phone fell out of it and hit Bai Yao's head. The mobile phone rebounded and fell to the bedside.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Bai Yao touched his head and it almost hurt to death. His eyes were a little red, and he looked so aggrieved.

Gu Feng's pupils widened. Bai Yao's current behavior was exactly the same as that of his sister Gu Yao when she was a child.

Bai Yao realized that his current posture was not very good, so when he was about to get up, he was held back by Gu Feng. Bai Yao's whole body was pressed against Gu Feng's body, and he could intimately feel the other person's temperature and the friction of his clothes. The physical differences caused by it.

Bai Yao's face suddenly turned red and he hesitated, "Um, um, I just finished the copy and I didn't know why I was teleported here. I'm sorry, I'm leaving now!"

Bai Yao just wanted to escape from Gu Feng's arms, but Gu Feng's eyes drooped, and there was a flash of persistence in his eyes, the strength on his arm secretly increased, and he firmly imprisoned Bai Yao in his arms.

No matter how much Bai Yao moved, he couldn't break free from Gu Feng's arms. Instead, his heartbeat accelerated faster. His whole face was as red as a cooked shrimp. The temperature of the air seemed to have suddenly increased by more than ten degrees. Bai Yao felt that It's hot and I can't tell what the strange emotion is. I can only say that this emotion is tingling.

Gu Feng held Bai Yao harder and harder, lowered his head and whispered, "Yao Yao"

The person in front of him is too similar to Gu Yao, not only his appearance, name, but also his childhood behavior are exactly the same, even if it is someone else, it is absolutely impossible to be so similar, unless it is the real person.

A flash of doubt flashed in Gu Feng's eyes. Could it be that there was something wrong with the corpse that was cremated 13 years ago?

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