Hearing the word "Yao Yao", Bai Yao's eyes immediately turned red, and he was angry and aggrieved, "Can you let go of me?"

The corners of Gu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he leaned close to Bai Yao's ear and said with a smile, "You suddenly appeared in my room, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. How could I let you go so easily?"

The hot breath tickled Bai Yao's neck, and strange emotions surged crazily in Bai Yao's heart. Bai Yao felt dizzy for a moment, as intoxicating as drinking wine.

Bai Yao blushed and whispered, "Then what do you want?"

Gu Feng reached out and stroked Bai Yao's face, looked deeply into Bai Yao's tearful deer eyes, and said word by word, "I want you to be my sister."

As if threatening, Gu Feng approached Bai Yao and smelled the faint smell of peony flowers on Bai Yao's body. The strong sense of invasion made Bai Yao feel uneasy and he couldn't help but want to retreat.

However, Gu Feng held the slender waist with one hand, making Bai Yao unable to retreat. Gu Feng suddenly laughed and said in a deep and long voice, "Otherwise, in this room, a man and a woman alone would do something. I think it’s normal, right?”

Bai Yao's head was in a mess, looking at Gu Feng's handsome face, and then at the beautiful lips.

Bai Yao's eyes flashed with a cunning blue light, and Bai Yao couldn't help but stretched out his hands and hugged Gu Feng's neck, moved forward and kissed Gu Feng's lips fiercely.

Gu Feng's eyes darkened, and he reached out and clasped Bai Yao's head to deepen the kiss. It wasn't until the air in his mouth became less and less that Gu Feng was willing to let go of Bai Yao. He approached Bai Yao and said with a smile, "You know this behavior?" What does it mean for a normal male?"

Bai Yao blushed and gasped, as if he was drunk. His head suddenly short-circuited and he forgot what he was wronged about just now. He just pouted and said softly, "Brother is bullying Yao Yao again."

The sound of "brother" made Gu Feng stunned. When he looked down, he saw a patch of white on Bai Yao's chest. Gu Feng's heart began to panic.

Then Bai Yao's eyelids began to feel sleepy, and he fell asleep leaning on Gu Feng's arms. Before falling asleep, he muttered, "Brother, Yao Yao is so sleepy."

Gu Feng looked at Bai Yao sleeping sweetly in his arms and smiled helplessly.

He was almost certain that the Bai Yao in front of him was his sister Gu Yao. Only Yao Yao could talk to him like this and act coquettishly.

The fact that Yao Yao didn't die means that the corpse he saw 13 years ago was fake, and Yao Yao was alive but never found him once. Gu Feng didn't dare to guess what his Yao Yao had been through these years.

Gu Feng sighed and said: "It doesn't matter, Yao Yao actually doesn't want to recognize me with his true identity, so I just let her go. As long as Yao Yao is by my side."

Recalling the scene in the second copy of Bai Yao's experience where Bai Yao called someone else his brother, Gu Feng just said with a smile, "It doesn't matter how many times you call others brother. After all, I have never treated you as a sister."

Gu Feng gently placed Bai Yao on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and sat next to Bai Yao. He reached out and touched the corner of his mouth where Bai Yao had kissed her.

Gu Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, feeling quite good.

While looking at Bai Yao sleeping soundly, Gu Feng secretly placed a light kiss on Bai Yao's eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips.

There was love that could not be hidden in Gu Feng's eyes. From the moment he first picked up Bai Yao when he was five years old, for some reason, Gu Feng always felt that Bai Yao was very familiar, as if he had been with her for a long, long time. , Gu Feng couldn't explain this strange feeling.

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