I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 174 You must know how to be grateful

After everyone got on the bus, Tour Guide Huang began to introduce, "Our trip is for two days and two nights. It's almost night now. We have to go to the hotel to rest and sleep first. You can rest assured that the hotels are all five-star hotels. , on the first morning we went to see the beautiful scenery and animals, in the afternoon we went to the ancient city to experience the local customs, on the second morning there was an opera house, and in the afternoon we went to climb the famous Snow Mountain.”

"Our tour group is called a love tour group. In short, it is to show love. The price is 1500. If you come out as a tour guide, I will treat you to food, drink and fun. There are not many good people like me anymore. I believe that good people will be rewarded. Yes, we people should pay attention to gratitude and be grateful for everything. You must be grateful to me, listen to my words, and do not let down my good intentions for you..."

Bai Yao was impatient. This was just to brainwash himself to be obedient and grateful.

Bai Yao, who was bored, thought in his mind and took out his mobile phone from the 120 square meter space. A white light flashed and the mobile phone appeared in Bai Yao's hand. The mobile phone case was in the shape of a pink pig and was very cute.

After Bai Yao turned on his phone, it showed that there was no signal, but the Thriller Game APP could receive the signal, and Bai Yao also saw the live broadcast process of this instance. As soon as he clicked to go live, he saw a video of himself playing on his phone. …

Bai Yao decisively quit the Thriller Game APP and took out his Bluetooth headset. Fortunately, he downloaded a lot of music, novels and movies before entering the copy, which at least made him less bored.

After putting on his headphones, Bai Yao played a piece of music, then leaned back comfortably on the chair and began to sleep.

Mingwan and Liu Kun next to him were stunned. Liu Kun asked Mingwan in surprise, "I remember that players cannot bring real objects into the horror world except for their own clothes."

Mingwan nodded and said solemnly, "You are right. It seems that Bai Yao is really not simple."

The players in the live broadcast room were already shocked.

[I am unilateral: Let me go, Bai Yao is cheating. How can players bring things from reality into the horror world? 】

[Don’t you know: It’s so funny that Bai Yao can fall asleep at any time! 】

【Congratulations! "Xiaoye's Xiaosu" player rewards a rocket! 】

[Xiao Gongju: Do you think this madman Bai Yao will be deceived by this tour group and lose a penny? 】

[666: It’s possible, after all, Bai Yao looks stupid]

In the bus, Tour Guide Huang was talking excitedly when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Bai Yao who was actually sleeping. His face suddenly darkened and he walked towards Bai Yao.

[Yes, this post: If you blindly guess, Bai Yao will be scolded half to death by the tour guide, and maybe he will lose arms and legs]

A shadow shrouded Bai Yao, and Guide Huang had a black ghost aura on his body. Even his body was a bit taller. What he hated most was when someone fell asleep while he was talking.

Guide Huang was so angry that he stretched out his hand to hit Bai Yao fiercely, but his left hand stayed in the air and could not come down. It was as if there was an invisible pressure oppressing him, and his whole body could not move.

Bai Yao opened his eyes, looked at Tour Guide Huang's left hand staying in mid-air, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Tour Guide, are you trying to hit me?"

There was an inexplicable interest in the words, and Bai Yao became more and more excited.

Ai Yu reminded Bai Yao in the sea of ​​mental consciousness, "Yao Yao, please pay attention to this. Just hit him casually. Don't expose your semi-cunning identity in the live broadcast room."

Three chapters have been completed, is anyone still reading QAQ
I will update more later

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