I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 175 The rule of not disturbing sleep

After Ai Yu finished speaking, Bai Yao became disappointed again and whispered, "What? This is so boring."

Otherwise, it would be really uncomfortable to kill people openly and indiscriminately.

After Bai Yao woke up, Tour Guide Huang could move. He looked at the excitement on Bai Yao's face. Now he lowered his head in despair and muttered something. He wiped his forehead with some shame. This player looked sick. Get cured.

Tour guide Huang coughed a few times and said with a serious face, "Tourist, how can you sleep down below while I'm talking?"

When Tour Guide Huang was talking, his voice was suddenly stuck. He couldn't say the word "sleep", as if he shouldn't criticize Bai Yao for sleeping.

A golden inscription that only Tour Guide Huang could see was displayed above Bai Yao's head, which read: Do not disturb Bai Yao's sleep.
Guide Huang's face was full of horror. Only he knew what it was. The golden inscriptions represented rules, rules that both players and monsters must abide by. It was the first time he saw that there were rules not to disturb players' sleep. No wonder he just He wanted to hit Bai Yao but couldn't do it. There were rules. He couldn't disturb Bai Yao when she was sleeping, and he couldn't say that Bai Yao couldn't sleep.

Bai Yao smiled and said, "Tour guide, what's wrong with you? Your face doesn't look good."

Guide Huang gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, you can go back to sleep." After saying that, he left angrily.

There were rules. He couldn't find fault with Bai Yao for sleeping. He could only swallow his anger. This was the first time in his long career as a tour guide that he felt so aggrieved.

[Mei Yu: No way, I was already prepared to see Bai Yao get beaten, but this is the result? ? ? 】

[See clearly: The tour guide’s aggrieved look just now was really funny, wasn’t it? Hahahaha! 】

[Look at your dad: After watching Bai Yao’s live broadcast, I am either surprised or on the way to being surprised]

[Hungry Rice fv: Has anyone noticed that the tour guide originally wanted to hit Bai Yao, but ended up stopping with his hand in the air? Could it be that Bai Yao cheated and the tour guide couldn't hit Bai Yao? ? ? 】

[Run Question Book: That makes sense!It must be cheating, this is so abnormal! ! ! 】

The corner of Liu Kun's mouth twitched, "That's it... gone?" He thought he could see some exciting scene, but Tour Guide Huang ran over and said, "Go back to sleep" and disappeared.

Bai Yao put on his headphones without any politeness and went to sleep. The gloomy sky and the voice of tour guide Huang were all good hypnotic things.

The bus drove slowly down a muddy path, with some bumps and undulations along the way. Bai Yao lay his upper body on the seat next to him and slept on the two seats lying on his side.

It's more comfortable to sleep like this, but Tour Guide Huang is getting more and more unhappy when he sees Bai Yao.

Layers of fog dissipated, and the bus moved forward slowly with the long-distance light on. Several black figures flashed outside the glass window. The atmosphere was so gloomy that one could not help but tremble all over.

After Bai Yao woke up, the people in the car got up and got off one after another. Mingwan came over and poked Bai Yao's shoulder and reminded, "We have arrived at the hotel. The tour guide asked us to get off."

Bai Yao rubbed his eyes and whispered "Thank you", which made Mingwan smile even happier and replied, "Let's go together."

Before Bai Yao could react, Mingwan had already pulled Bai Yao's arm off the bus.

Bai Yao: ...what happened?Why did she get off the bus so quickly? ? ?
Bai Yao was stunned, and even the stupid hair on his head couldn't help but curl up.

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