I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 192: Killed, re-chapter

The pressure on the murderer's body made Xiao Yao very uncomfortable. After being stabbed with a sharp knife, he felt soft everywhere in his body. Xiao Yao wanted to turn around and run away, but the murderer grabbed his right arm.

After pulling hard, Xiao Yao's eyes widened for a moment. His right arm suddenly felt light, and his bloody right arm fell to the ground. There was still blood on his fingertips and he moved slightly.

Xiao Yao was like a broken doll, falling forward helplessly, with the killer's harsh voice ringing in his ears, "There is no need for a waste like you here..."

Xiao Yao looked forward with difficulty. At some point, the girl with glasses came to the place where the sharpener had been dropped. She picked up the sharpener.

Xiao Yao couldn't see clearly the faces of the murderer and the girl with glasses. He only knew that the girl with glasses was wearing a pair of leather shoes and walking up to him and squatting down in front of him with a whittling knife.

Xiao Yao looked up with difficulty and could only see the gloomy eyes of the girl with glasses. She didn't understand why the girls with glasses had such terrifying eyes. She could notice their eyes even though she couldn't see their faces clearly.

Xiao Yao grabbed his throat and reminded with great effort, "Quick... hurry up."

Xiao Yao was afraid that the girl with glasses would have the same experience as her.

But the one who responded to Xiao Yao was the figure of the girl with eyes holding the sharp knife high, and then stabbed the sharp knife into Xiao Yao's aorta.

Xiao Yao's pupils were wide open, and he couldn't figure out why the girl with glasses wanted to kill him. The fatigue in his body came one after another, and Xiao Yao felt sleepy and wanted to sleep.

At the last moment, Xiao Yao only heard the indifferent words of the girl with glasses, "I hate it most... going home, especially facing the cold wall and endless loneliness..."

[Ding dong!Player Bai Yao's death detected!The game system automatically consumes a rollback opportunity! 】

[Number of reverberations remaining: 4 times! 】

[Players please cherish this opportunity and complete the mission: find yourself]

【Good luck to players! 】

When Xiao Yao woke up again, it was still the empty classroom, and the top student was still sitting next to him, and he was back to the beginning.

Xiao Yao rubbed his eyes drowsily, and cried out in grievance the moment he saw the top student, "Brother top student, I just had a terrible dream. I dreamed of being killed by a murderer." Uncle Mo was chasing me, and he was stabbed by the girl with glasses. Why did he want to kill me? Obviously I just want to go home."

The top student was still reading peacefully, and the book he was reading was still the same English book. Faced with Xiao Yao's crying, the top student suddenly said, "Go home? Do you have a home to go back to?"

This sentence was like a sudden awakening, which chilled Xiao Yao's heart. Xiao Yao was stunned for a long time. After a while, Xiao Yao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and replied, "I seem to have forgotten that I don't have a home... Mom and Dad." I was left behind. My brother also has his own life, and my good friends don’t want me anymore. I, I have no home..."

Xiao Yao's eyes were red and he squatted in the corner with great grievance.

The top student opened the book in his hand to the next page, and then added, "What you just experienced was not a nightmare, it was real. You were killed but resurrected."

Xiao Yao pursed his lips, and the first thing he thought of was, "Then I'm going to be killed by the murderous uncle again!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yao was stunned and his face looked ugly. He simply lay on the floor and thought silently: He was going to be killed sooner or later anyway, so why not just lie down and wait to be killed? Hehehe, he is so smart!

Updated three chapters, I tried my best!

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