I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 193 You have to eat well

The top student glanced at Xiao Yao on the floor, feeling speechless...

The top student sighed and reminded, "You might as well think about what the murderer is afraid of, or someone who can hold him, or maybe get out of here."

Xiao Yao's eyes lit up and he suddenly sat up from the ground, "Yes! I can bring others with me to defeat the murderous uncle. Hehehehe, thank you, Brother Xueba!"

Top student: "..." Why didn't I listen to the last sentence he said, the most important thing? I'm so angry!But at this stage, he is restricted by the rules and cannot remind him too much, which makes him even more angry!

Little Yao bowed deeply to Xueba and said with gratitude on his face, "Brother Xueba, you are such a good person!"

After that, Xiao Yao stepped out of the classroom and faced the murderer with confidence.

In the corridor, Xiao Yao looked out of habit and saw the same dead black sea and the thirty-story hospital. Downstairs, there was a man and a woman pulling each other.

Looking ahead is a crossroads, one leads to the sea, one leads to the teaching building, one leads to the hospital, and one leads to the "direction home". There is a bus stop next to the crossroads, and there is a convenience store with a faint light. .

Xiao Yao walked out of the teaching building and felt hungry while walking like last time. He walked into the convenience store as usual.


Xiao Gu stood at the door wearing a sweater and an apron and said enthusiastically, "My name is Xiao Gu, and I am the manager of this convenience store. What do you want to buy?"

Exactly the same words as last time
Xiao Yao gave Xiao Gu a sweet smile, and looking at the red reflection on the glass, she understood that the murderer was lurking near the convenience store, 50 meters away from the convenience store, and seemed to dare not approach.

Xiao Yao thought of what the top student said just now and thought about what people or objects the murderer was afraid of.

Xiao Yao suddenly had an idea and looked at the little consultant in front of him with bright eyes and said, "Sister Gu, do you have the ability to get rid of the perverted murderer uncle outside? He is obsessed with my beauty and can't help himself. , thinking about how to kill me every day."

Xiao Gu chuckled, a dangerous look flashed in her black eyes, she patted Xiao Yao's soft hair and comforted, "Don't worry, he left it to me, you can eat whatever you want here." Take whatever you want, no fees required.”

After saying that, Xiao Gu picked up several bags of chips and happy water and stuffed them into Xiao Yao's arms. He said with a smile, "These are all for you. You have to be full. You can't go hungry. You know without."

Xiao Yao was moved and gave a thumbs up to Xiao Gu and praised, "She is really the most intimate big sister!"

Xiao Gu was so funny that he took out a kitchen knife from the small box on the side. When he opened the glass door, he turned around and told Xiao Yao, "You just need to stay in the convenience store and wait until I come back." Come on, I'll help you deal with that pervert."

After giving instructions, Xiao Gu stepped out and several murderous intentions flashed before his eyes. No one was allowed to hurt Xiao Yao, not even the murderer.

Xiao Yao couldn't help but swallowed when he looked at the potato chips in his arms. They were so delicious, so he couldn't help opening a few bags, and took a pack of chicken legs, a rice ball, and a duck neck from the shelf, and started eating them.

Xiao Yao took another popsicle from the refrigerator and licked it with satisfaction. Xiao Yao exclaimed with happiness on his face, "It's delicious!"

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