I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 223 We no longer have a home

Chapter 223 We no longer have a home
"In this reincarnation, you made a wish to get your real name back, so the hardship you encountered this time will be the most difficult in your previous four reincarnations, which is why you were chased by so many monsters in the hospital corridors. "

Even the power outage in the convenience store that Xiao Yao encountered for the third time may have been caused by Xu's wish. In the fourth reincarnation, Xiao Yao asked the river god to protect her, and she also fell into an infinite dilemma on the way to the hospital. Cycle, if the river god hadn't been soft-hearted that time, Xiao Yao would have entered reincarnation early again.

Xiao Yao suddenly realized, "It turns out there are so many things I didn't notice. It's so amazing."

At the end, Xueba reminded, "Everything I said is related to the task of finding myself. As for whether you want to prevent the woman in white from committing suicide, it depends on you. If you are willing to accept the pain, then stop the woman in white from committing suicide." Suicide, but if you hate pain, then don’t stop the woman in white from committing suicide. But if you die, this reincarnation will end, and our souls may be taken away by the River God."

Xiao Yao caught a key word, "We? Why do you say us? Instead of Xiao Yao's own soul?"

Xiao Yao vaguely remembered that the girl with glasses once said, "We have no home for a long time." This sentence also used "we"

The top student smiled slightly, "It depends on your understanding."

Unknowingly, Xiao Yao and Xue Ba had reached the end of the stairs, and in front of Xue Ba was a safe passage door.

After opening the door, Xiao Yao found that this was the elevator waiting area on the 30th floor of the hospital. Next to it was the elevator, and opposite was the stairs leading to the rooftop. The door on the stairs was closed.

But Xiao Yao had a hunch that the girl with glasses and the girl in white must be standing on the rooftop.

The moment Xiao Yao stepped onto the stairs, the elevator door opened with a "ding dong" sound, and Xiao Yao turned around subconsciously.

What caught his eye was a red hem of clothes. Xiao Yao opened his eyes wide, it was the murderer coming.

At this moment, the murderer was holding a kitchen knife and looking at Xiao Yao with a half-smile, but the top student stood in front of Xiao Yao and faced the murderer, shouting loudly, "What are you still doing? Go ahead and do it!" What you want to do, I’m blocking you from here!”

The top student's shout woke up Xiao Yao. When he came to his senses, he immediately opened the door and came to the rooftop.

On the rooftop, the woman in white slowly walked to the edge and paused. The girl with glasses next to her frowned and looked at the visitor.

After seeing that the person coming was Xiao Yao, the girl with glasses breathed a sigh of relief and said warmly, "You came just in time, Xiao Yao. You will soon be able to see the so-called pain-eliminating magic of the woman in white, and soon all of us will be able to do without." Suffering from this pain.”

Xiao Yao did not listen to the girl with glasses, but walked towards the girl in white step by step, grabbed the girl in white's arm, and hesitated, "Jumping off the building to commit suicide may not be the best way to solve the problem. There may be other ways to solve the pain. Method."

For example, forgetting, just like Xiao Yao himself, he can forget all the sad things he encounters.

The girl with glasses' eyes became colder and colder, "Xiao Yao, what are you doing? As long as the girl in white dies, then all of us can be liberated from pain."

The woman in white smiled, shook her head and said, "Xiao Yao, it takes a lot of courage to live. I should have died long ago. The reason why I lived to be 18 is because my parents wanted me to live to be 18. They wanted to Look at what I look like when I am 18 years old, but I can never find my parents. I lived to be 18 as they said. Now I want to leave this world according to my own wishes and end my painful and miserable life. lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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