I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 224 Five identical officials

Chapter 224 Identical facial features
After saying that, Xiao Yao rubbed Xiao Yao's hair and said happily, "Xiao Yao, you are a being who can bring happiness to everyone. I hope you can lead us to live well."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman in white took a few steps back and touched Xiao Yao's overflowing tears with her palms. The woman in white comforted her softly, "Don't cry. You should be happy. There is no need to be sad for me."

At the last step, the woman in white was already standing on the edge of the rooftop. This time, Xiao Yao did not stop the woman in white, but she burst into tears.

At that moment, Xiao Yao saw clearly the facial features of the woman in white and her dazzling smile. It was very beautiful and familiar, but that smile always had some sadness.

The woman in white leaned back and fell from a high altitude. Xiao Yao was unspeakably panicked, "No!", and uncontrollably threw himself at the spot where the woman in white jumped.

My heart skipped a beat and stopped beating...

Xiao Yao looked downstairs stiffly. The woman in white was lying on the ground on the first floor with a smile on her lips. The blood spilled behind her gradually dyed the white dress red. Her whole body was as gorgeous and desolate as a blooming peony.

Xiao Yao couldn't recover for a long time. He touched the position of his heart and was stunned for a long time. A faint sadness came like a tide, making Xiao Yao feel dizzy.

The girl with glasses stood behind Xiao Yao, patted Xiao Yao's shoulder gently, and comforted, "Don't be sad. I chose self-destruction due to extreme pain. This thing cannot be saved. The pain can only be erased by death." , and living will only be a kind of suffering."

Xiao Yao said silently, "I don't understand why we have to suffer, why we can't avoid it..."

The girl with glasses smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe this is fate."

With a "bang", the door to the rooftop was opened, and the murderer slowly walked out. As the murderer stepped into the rooftop, the door closed automatically.

The girl with glasses guarded Xiao Yao behind her cautiously, holding the dagger in her hand tightly, a little unbelievable, "I didn't expect you to catch up so quickly."

The murderer's eyes were full of Xiao Yao's fearful figure. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and said in a good mood, "Beautiful things should be destroyed."

But Xiao Yao was protected by the girl with glasses. At this moment, the murderer turned his attention to the girl with glasses, "I advise you not to get involved. You have completed your mission, and my mission has not yet been completed." Finish."

The girl with glasses snorted coldly, "In my dreams, how could I be the kind of person who abandons my friends?"

Xiao Yao pulled on the glasses girl's clothes and said anxiously, "The person he wants to kill is me. As long as you stay away from me, you will be safe."

The murderer curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Friendship? Then it should be destroyed!"

Suddenly, the murderer teleported in front of the girl with glasses, snatched the dagger from her hand and stabbed the girl with glasses in the abdomen.

The speed was so fast that only a red figure could be seen. With the sound of taking out the dagger, the girl with glasses fell to the ground.

The blood from the glasses girl's body was sprinkled on Xiao Yao's face. In Xiao Yao's shocked eyes, the glasses girl crawled towards Xiao Yao with trembling hands and said slowly with her last breath, "Quick...quick...go... "

As soon as the words fell, the girl with glasses closed her eyes.

And Xiao Yao finally saw clearly the facial features of the girl with glasses, and those facial features were exactly the same as those of the girl in white!
(End of this chapter)

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