I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 242 I’m looking for you, sister.

At the same time, Li Xiaotian also saw Bai Yao, his eyes full of shock.

Bai Yao naturally saw Li Xiaotian, and originally wanted to ignore Li Xiaotian and walk over. When passing by him, Li Xiaotian grabbed Bai Yao's arm and hugged her into his arms. He choked and said, "Sister, I finally put you in my arms." I got you back, and this time my brother will never abandon you again."

Bai Yao felt a little complicated, thinking that Li Xiaotian felt guilty because of his death in the last copy, so Bai Yao explained, "You made a mistake, I am not your sister, I am the player who plays your sister."

Li Xiaotian didn't want to let go, his eyes were full of self-blame, he kept shaking his head in denial, "No, you are my sister, you must still be blaming your brother for abandoning you in the amusement park, right? I'm sorry, Xiaotao, this time my brother I won’t leave you behind either.”

Li Xiaotao is Li Xiaotian's sister and the actor who plays Bai Yao in the second copy.

Bai Yao used his eyes of truth to look at Li Xiaotian's level. He was a level 73 high-ranking ghost. Who would have thought that when they first met, Li Xiaotian was still a level 62 monster. After a few months of not seeing each other, he had already been promoted to level 73.

After considering that he might not be able to beat him, and that it was impossible to kill him, Bai Yao sighed, patted Li Xiaotian on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Brother, I have never blamed you, but as promised, you Don’t leave me behind next time.”

"Well..." Li Xiaotian finally let go of Bai Yao, his eyes were red and even filled with tears, and he choked, "Brother, I will never abandon my sister again."

Bai Yao was stunned by this scene and found it incredible. He stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of Li Xiaotian's eyes and couldn't understand. It was obviously a copy of the acting, but Li Xiaotian took it seriously and acted so sad. He felt a little sorry in his heart. .

Later, Li Xiaotian kept holding Bai Yao's hand, holding it very tightly for fear of losing his sister. He would look back from time to time to see if his sister was following him, which made Bai Yao helpless and said softly, "Brother, I'm not a child." I won’t get lost.”

But Li Xiaotian said seriously, "But my brother is very stupid. He has lost his sister twice before."

Bai Yao pouted and muttered, "Who is the kid?"

Li Xiaotian answered honestly, "My brother is stupid, but he is a child."

This answer made Bai Yao laugh. He kept laughing and said, "What a childish brother."

The two of them lined up to get on the sightseeing bus. After chatting, Bai Yao found out that the mother in the second dungeon was already in a state of confusion after she jumped off the building. The mother was an obsession ghost, and the obsession ghost would lose her soul after eliminating her obsession.

Li Xiaotian also comforted Bai Yao, "It's okay sister, your brother will protect you from now on."

Li Xiaotian made a serious promise to Bai Yao, and also rubbed Bai Yao's hair.

This made Bai Yao feel a little dazed. No one had said anything about protecting herself in front of her for a long time.

Looking at the endless snow-capped mountains outside, Bai Yao raised a smile after a long time and said, "Well, I believe in brother."

Li Xiaotian felt much better after looking at Bai Yao's healing smile. At the same time, he also thought to himself: He must become stronger as soon as possible to protect his sister. Level 73 strength is not enough.

The two talked a lot about their longing for the future on the sightseeing bus. Ai Yu felt very happy in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. He thought that if Bai Yao cared more about this world, he might not think about suicide every day.

(End of this chapter)

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