I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 243 Obtain the talent of teleportation

After getting off the sightseeing bus, a mechanical sound rang in Bai Yao's mind.

[The touching talent is infinitely charming. Level 73 weirdo Li Xiaotian has a favorable opinion of the host of 80, and automatically obtains the agility talent - teleportation, which the host can trigger with his thoughts]
This was the voice of the Extraordinary Power System. After this voice rang in Bai Yao's mind, Bai Yao was stunned for a moment and then looked at Li Xiaotian blankly.

The favorability degree reaches 80, which is the limit for treating relatives.

It seems that Li Xiaotian really regards herself as his sister...

After Li Xiaotian noticed Bai Yao's gaze, he couldn't help pinching Bai Yao's cheek, thinking sweetly in his heart, his sister's face is so soft.

"What's wrong, sister? Is there something dirty on my brother's face? I keep staring at him." Li Xiaotian asked with some confusion afterwards.

Bai Yao smiled and shook his head, his eyes full of tenderness, "It's nothing, I just feel like having an extra brother is pretty good."

The sightseeing bus can only reach halfway up the mountain, where there is a small shop. There, Bai Yao also met people from the charity tour group and the manager of the opera house, Jigui.

Naturally, Shashagui also noticed Bai Yao and snorted, "We are really enemies of each other, Player No. 01 Bai Yao."

After hearing this, Thorny stepped forward and asked in confusion, "You said she is a player, not a very powerful high-level monster?"

Shashagui looked confused after hearing this, "No, she is just a D-level player, but she is more powerful. Manager, she is also the player I just mentioned to you who often bullies me. You have to make the decision for me!"

Jigui suddenly realized it, with an angry look on his face. He thought that he, a level 75 weirdo, could actually be afraid of a little human girl. He was really laughing his ass off!I also lost [-] ghost coins in vain!
The assassin was so angry that he wanted to tear Bai Yao to pieces on the spot. Li Xiaotian stood in front of Bai Yao and stared at the assassin. One was level 73 and the other was level 75. However, Li Xiaotian did not lose at all when confronting the assassin.

It happened that the live broadcast room with a black screen resumed the live broadcast, and the picture was Li Xiaotian protecting Bai Yao.

A cold mechanical sound sounded, and this sound could be heard by both monsters and humans.

[Players of the Love Tour Group dungeon, please note that after 5 minutes, you will have up to half an hour of free time. During this time, monsters are not restricted by any rules. Please be careful, as soon as half an hour passes. , the surviving players can return to the real world]

This voice is almost the gospel of all weird things, but only Li Xiaotian doesn't think so. He looked at Bai Yao nervously, "Sister, leave quickly, I will hold them here."

At the same time, other players had begun to run away, but Bai Yao grabbed Li Xiaotian's wrist and ran away, "I'm not afraid of death."

Thorny looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahahaha, none of you can run away, so what about the level 73 monster, with my two levels difference, you can still seriously injure him."

Thorny turned into a ball of black smoke and chased after them. Li Xiaotian stared blankly at Bai Yao who was holding his wrist, his eyebrows and eyes were all soft. It was great that his sister ran with him instead of leaving him behind.

But unexpectedly, Li Xiaotian thought that Bai Yao would run very slowly as a player. On the contrary, Bai Yao ran at the same speed as him, putting some distance between him and the black smoke behind him. Bai Yao's skills were still there. Quite agile.

Jumping between two rooftops and going down the steep slope were all easy for Bai Yao.

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