On the edge of the cliff, only Bai Yao and Ji Gui were left.

Jigui looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Hahahahaha, your good brother jumped off the cliff and ran away. How does it feel to be abandoned? I will torture you little by little and watch your blood drain away little by little, haha Hahahaha I want your life to be worse than death."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was exclaiming, sighing secretly that Bai Yao would never survive this copy, but what shocked them the most was how could Bai Yao have so many talents!I'm afraid this is not the king of hanging! ! !

Bai Yao didn't panic at all, and even showed a relieved smile on his face. He unhurriedly pulled the thin line on the grenade and threw it straight towards the assassin.

Bai Yao's face was filled with an arrogant smile, a smile from the bottom of his heart, "Hahahaha, what a pity you don't know is that I like death the most. I'm happy to die, but I will also do it before I die." More people will go to hell together, hahahahaha!"

Bai Yao went completely crazy.

When Cigui saw Bai Yao's smile, he suddenly felt a cold sweat on his body, and he felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

By chance, the grenade rolled at Jigui's feet.


A burst of air burst out from the grenade, and the green-skinned fragments on the grenade pierced into Thorny's eyes. A burst of burning red light emerged from the cracks in the grenade, and the surrounding area instantly ignited with flames.

Explosions sounded one after another, and the black clouds spread in all directions. An extremely burning force was spreading at a speed of one meter per second. This force seemed to tear everything apart.

Both monsters and players were turned into ashes and dissipated inside. Even Bai Yao was blown into a bloody mess and only ashes were left. The explosion lasted for hundreds of meters, and the snow in the snow-capped mountains collapsed instantly, and a piece of Bai fell into the raging fire and narrowed the scope of some explosion effects.

Li Xiaotian, who had fallen at the foot of the mountain, climbed up with difficulty. When he looked up at the dazzling fire on the top of the mountain, his vision was gradually blurred by tears.

Bai Yao deceived Li Xiaotian and said that she would escape together, but she stayed alone and died with Ji Gui.

The wedding woman not far away looked solemnly at the fire on the top of the snow mountain. "She can actually bring the gunpowder grenades in the real world into the horror world. Not only that, but also all the monsters and players on the snow mountain." Kill it, if the monster doesn't have level 80 strength, it will be difficult to escape this explosion."

A green jelly-like object on the side was on the shoulder of the wedding woman, and she said, "I'm afraid this behavior will attract the attention of the game rules. Even if the player named Bai Yao survives by luck, she will be subject to more changes in the game rules later." A lot of targeting.”

The woman in the wedding dress smiled, "If she survives, doesn't it mean that she is more valuable to cultivate?"

The screen in the live broadcast room had already gone black when the explosion occurred. Immediately afterwards, the Thriller Game APP continued to publish the death list of players.

The Internet has been in chaos, and the video of Bai Yao pulling a grenade and killing the assassin together has been widely circulated.

[No, why is Bai Yao so selfish? She doesn’t want to live, but others still want to live]

[What an extreme person, and really strong]

[In this copy, Bai Yaoli seems to have talents such as teleportation and bewitchment, and can also bring grenades from the real world into the horror world. 666, I’m afraid this is not the king of death]

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