I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 247 The love tour group copy ends

[@xxx Research Institute, I hope we can thoroughly investigate Bai Yao’s background. What if she is a dangerous person? She is already so terrifying in the horror world, but what will happen in the real world? 】

[Popular science, Bai Yao has mental illness, and he is also the No. 1 creator of the scientific research award. The crime of killing players in the horror world will not be brought into real life. As long as Bai Yao abides by the law in real life, it will not put on trial]

[There are many examples of players killing each other in the horror world. We don’t care about this in real life, but at least Bai Yao also died in the explosion]

[Bai Yao is dead if he dies. Why did he drag S-level players Mingwan and Liu Kun to die together? He also wasted three talents. I don’t know how much I can use these three talents when they are used on me. good! 】

At this moment, a message was released in the announcement of the Thriller Game APP:
[Ding dong!The number of people who have cleared the dungeon of the Love Tour Group is 0. Liu Kun, Mingwan, and Bai Yao will be resurrected if they have resurrection armor. This dungeon will be permanently closed and will no longer be open to the public]

As soon as this news came out, some people on the Internet went crazy.

[Why, I can understand why S-level players have resurrection armor, but why can Bai Yao, a D-level player, also have resurrection armor! ! ! 】

[Sisters, don’t be angry, she still has three talents. She can also bring food, grenades, etc. from the real world, and she can also be protected by a level 72 monster]

[Ah ah ah ah, I have pink eye. Bai Yao is definitely cheating. Does anyone among the sisters want to report Bai Yao with me?]

【I also need to go】

【I also】


A group of people online spontaneously formed a team to report Bai Yao to the Thriller Game APP for cheating. So many cheats are definitely not normal!
In the horror game space, there is a world full of codes.

Some broken codes were combined to form Bai Yao.

[Ding dong!Player Bai Yao failed to clear the copy of the love tour group]

[Consumption of one resurrection armor]

【Experience value +0】

[The copy of the Love Tour Group is closed due to player reasons. The game system will monitor the players when clearing the copy. If it detects that the player has unknown power, the game system will use all its resources to strangle all variables]

Bai Yao's eyes turned cold. If the game system was aware of Xiao Xi's existence, would it completely erase Xiao Xi?

If Bai Yao was alone, she could die without hesitation, but now that she was not alone, and with some worries, it would be even harder to die now.

Bai Yao's eyes were filled with complexity. At this moment, she did not choose to return to the Extraordinary Power system space, but directly teleported to the real world. If they saw Xiao Xi, they didn't know how they would be nagged.

So Bai Yao chose to return to the real world, not to mention that in the real world she still had an unresolved problem, the horror institute.

In the real world

Mr. Liu, the director of the Horror Research Institute, looked at the scene in the video where Bai Yao was holding a grenade with a solemn face.

"Bai Yao has too many secrets. If Liu Kun hadn't had the resurrection armor on him, he would have died inside."

A white light suddenly appeared in the air, and Liu Kun fell out of it.

Liu Kun touched his sore buttocks and looked at his father at the table. Tears instantly overflowed, "Dad, I almost can't come back to your son."

Mr. Liu held his forehead helplessly, "Don't cry yet, quickly write down all the details of your relationship with Bai Yao in the dungeon."

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