I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 257 Xiao Yue will protect Xiao 7 well

When the conversation changed, Gu Feng's eyes were full of calculations, "I also want to enter the next dungeon as soon as possible, so that I can continue to look for that ghost object, the ghost object that can bring them all into the horror game, and then kill them." killed them"

Gu Feng's last words were spoken in a strong voice, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Mr. Dong couldn't help but sigh again and again. He knew that his student's life for these 13 years was nothing more than relying on hatred to support him. Otherwise, Gu Feng would have gone with his family as soon as he knew that his family was killed.

Gu Feng was about to enter a new dungeon. Before leaving, he sent a message to Su Yue and asked her to take good care of Bai Yao.

the other side

It was already late at night when Su Yue received this message. Even though it was midnight, people coming to assassinate her one after another made it difficult to sleep.

Butler Liu put down the tablet in his hand, with a look of worry on his face, "Miss, our people have dealt with another killer. The head of the family called us and asked us not to interfere, otherwise Miss will go back to the family to take care of her."

Su Yue suppressed the anger in her heart and slammed the cup in her hand, and snorted coldly, "Family law? My father had such a loud tone. I think my mother was beaten to death by my father using family law."

Su Yue took a deep breath and pressed her temples to feel a little more comfortable.

The premise for her cooperation with Gu Feng was that both of them had a grudge against Su Lin, and if Su Yue wanted to get rid of Su Lin's control and truly control the Su family, Su Lin must die.

The Su family flatters werewolf culture, Su Lin is ruthless, and his children are even more ruthless.

Butler Liu beside him shook his head helplessly. The young lady had always been worried about Xiao Qi and his wife, and hated herself for not being able to protect them. After that, the young lady almost tried her best to complete every training, eager to A strong self can then avenge Xiao Qi and his wife.

After a while, Su Yue stepped into Bai Yao's room holding two red bracelets. Looking at Bai Yao sleeping soundly on the bed, Su Yue's face softened, and she stepped forward and put a red bracelet on Bai Yao's wrist. , and the other one is worn on his hand.

A mechanical sound sounded in Su Yue's mind
[If the ghost concentric chain is successfully used, the two people wearing the concentric chain will appear together in the next dungeon]

【Notice!Notice!Due to the special characteristics of the two players, they will be pulled into the S-level dungeon, which will be opened in five hours]

Su Yue reached out and gently touched Bai Yao's face, showing a bitter smile, "Su Lin issued a killing order on the dark web. Players who kill you in the dungeon can get a billion bonus. Your life is worth a lot of money." , I don’t trust you to go to the dungeon alone, because Xiaoyue will not abandon her best friend Xiaoqi, let alone watch Xiaoqi fall into crisis."

Maybe she was tired, so Su Yue lay down on Bai Yao's bed. Her eyes widened when she smelled the faint smell of peony flowers on Bai Yao's body. This was the first time that Su Yue relaxed her mind and body and fell asleep quickly.

After a while, Bai Yao opened her eyes. She turned over and looked at the sleeping Su Yue opposite her. Her heart was full of complexity.

She had vague memories of what happened back then, but she could not forget the deep despair and helplessness she felt after Su Yue left her.

She had already planned to come to the horror world on her 18th birthday and wait silently for death. This was her promise to her parents.

Her parents said they wanted to see her survive, so she endured the pain and survived...

... She wants to leave this world, but there are too many concerns, so Bai Yao can't leave yet. Let's see after a while...

Bai Yao fell asleep thinking about it

In their sleep, Su Yue and Bai Yao were both pulled into the horror game.

I had a physical examination today. I will update a chapter first.

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