I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 258 New Dungeon: The Secret Building Office

[Ding dong!Congratulations to the players for coming to the horror world, the S-level copy of "The Secret Office", the mission: just survive after 24 hours]

[Player Bai Yao teleported successfully! 】

[I wish players a happy game! 】

When Bai Yao opened his eyes, he was already sitting in front of the computer.

After hearing the mechanical sound in his mind, Bai Yao realized that he was already in a thriller game, but what was different this time was that he did not stay in the space of the exceptional power system, but was directly transported into In a thriller game.

While he was thinking, the River God used his mental power to send a message to Bai Yao, "Xiao Xi asked me to tell you that the power of rules in this building is particularly strong, so you should not act too openly, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of the game system. It will be obliterated as an anomaly by the power of rules."

Bai Yao curled her lips after hearing this. She was about to start clearing the game seriously.

Bai Yao also understands that the unconventional power in her body is the nemesis of the power of rules. Once discovered, she will definitely be obliterated. It doesn't matter whether she dies or not, but Xiao Xi, Xiao Yu, and He Shen will all be affected, and even Xiao Xi will be obliterated. As a result, Bai Yao became a little worried when doing things and couldn't just consider his own feelings.

After thinking about this series of things, Bai Yao realized that she was going to work harder. She felt a little angry and couldn't help but kick the computer.

The sound made many people look up at Bai Yao. Bai Yao even saw Su Yue opposite him looking up through the partition and smiling at him and saying hello.

Su Yue's appearance is different from the appearance in the real world, but Bai Yao recognized it at a glance. It seems that Su Yue used some kind of ghost to change her appearance. She didn't want to appear as Su Yue in the identity of Su Yue. Act in this copy.

"Why are you still hanging around? You ten newcomers haven't turned on your computers and started working. I'm telling you that if you can't complete the task, it's up to you to look good!"

A quick and loud sound came from the front, followed by the sound of high-heeled shoes "tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap". Incoming was a tall, sharp-eyed Manager Li, who was about 30 years old, with a frown on his face. Looks very angry.

Bai Yao also took the opportunity to look around and see clearly the environment she was in. It was a very spacious hall with five groups. There were ten people in the group Bai Yao was in. They were obviously all players, while the other groups were working The staff are weird, they look lifeless, and they have the resentment of beating up the workers.

Manager Li had strode to Bai Yao's group. Fortunately, Bai Yao had already turned on the computer. Manager Li passed by and took a look without saying anything. Instead, he walked to the boy diagonally opposite Bai Yao.

The boy's computer was a step too slow to start up, and Manager Li pressed the boy's shoulder with an angry look on his face, gritting his teeth and said, "I asked you to come to the company to work efficiently, not to make you slow. Come fish."

The boy was sweating profusely and his face was very pale. His left shoulder, which was held down by Manager Li, hurt slightly, but the boy did not dare to say anything, but you could see that he was shaking all over.

After the boy's computer was completely turned on, Manager Li's face became slightly better, "Everyone's task is to sort out all the files in the ex file on the computer."

Many people have opened that document, but without exception, their expressions are not very good.

Bai Yao silently clicked on the file. Well, my dear, there are a thousand forms in the document. On average, it takes at least 2 minutes to process one form. A thousand forms... This day's time is completely not enough.

From now on, I will use the dungeon name to name chapters. I am too lazy to think of names~
And the baby who looked at it squeaked~
It’s been less in the past two days, I’ll have more tomorrow

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