Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 119 Confused memories, strange village

Chapter 119 Confused memories, strange village

"What about Shrek?"

According to what Jiang Yu'an said, Shrek does exist. There are no members like Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing in their team. Where have these people gone?
"Uh... they are the second team of the Tiandou Royal Family. You should know it by going to your academy to check, right?"

"Huh?" Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan were shocked at the same time. Shrek became their second team?
Dugu Yan rubbed his temples, this was nothing.

What kind of evil person did this?This memory has been turned into a mess!

"Yeah." Jiang Yu'an nodded, she was numb now.

She doesn't care what other people's memories look like. In short, the world now exists according to how she remembers you, so her memory is real.

"Okay, then where did Tang San and Xiao Wu go?" Dugu Bo continued with the next question.

"Taken away by Tang Hao." Jiang Yu'an was a little disappointed. Her two best friends had left her, and they might not remember her when they meet again.

"So they are still together in this world?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help but continue gossiping about his good brother. Even after saying these words, he always felt that something was wrong. Why did he subconsciously feel that Tang San and Xiao Wu shouldn't be together.

Jiang Yu'an's head choked up, and his voice became louder: "No!"

After saying that, they felt a little sad. So in their memories, were Tang San and Xiao Wu together?

Is she forgotten because she is redundant or because she does not exist in the first place?So does she exist now or not?
Jiang Yu'an felt like her head was a little dizzy.

The three of them talked some more. Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan remembered everything and put it in a position where they would believe it and remember it immediately.

"I really have another thing to ask you. I'm going to go away soon, so please take care of my family. Don't refuse in a hurry. This is what you promised Uncle Tang."

"I didn't say I wanted to refuse." Dugu Bo glanced at Jiang Yu'an speechlessly and sent her and Dugu Yan out together.

He still needs to deal with the current situation now.

Back at the academy, Jiang Yuan, Liu Erlong and Chu Yan also explained the situation.

On the first day of complete forgetfulness, everyone seemed to start to notice something was wrong. Their memories were different from their own environment.

Jiang Yuan suddenly discovered that a few of them were very strange.

Everyone else has new memories, but Chu Yan seems to have simply forgotten her, and Director Ye and Chu Nianting have also just forgotten her, unlike Liu Erlong and Dugu Bo who appeared out of thin air. Come out with new memories.

Liu Erlong was actually the first to react, because Chu Yan didn't feel any different from his usual.

When she woke up in the morning, the first thing that appeared in her memory was to go to Yu Xiaogang, but her instinct made her feel sick. She didn't seem to like Yu Xiaogang as much as she remembered.

Then she discovered a lot of strange things. She saw the diary she had written, and it was not similar to what she remembered.

In the diary, she lived a carefree and happy life, but in the memory, she looked like a resentful woman, and she even frowned when she looked at it.

Are these memories really real?

Yes, she would rather believe that her memory is false than believe that all of this is false. She feels that her body's instinct cannot deceive her.

Jiang Yu'an walked some more places, and she found that people who didn't know her were living their lives as usual, and there was nothing wrong with them.

So, she's really the variable.

But she still had to wait until the next day to see the real situation.

Early the next morning, after greeting his family, Jiang Yuan went out and went straight to the college.

Liu Erlong sat at his desk, read his letter and diary, and then wrote another diary entry.

She said in her diary that these were her children, so she should not forget any of her children.

As for people like Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai who didn't exist in the first place, just let them go. Thinking about this kind of thing, she felt ridiculous. How could she let those nobles enroll in school?

As soon as she walked downstairs, she saw an unknown little girl sitting downstairs. She looked at it for a long time and compared it with the description in the diary. She thought this must be the Jiang Yu'an.

Liu Erlong walked over quickly, touched her head, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I don't remember you when I woke up this morning."

Jiang Yu'an is a little lost and forgets her every day. Maybe after a long time, no one will really remember her existence anymore.

"Don't worry, the dean's mother will read and write in the diary every day. She will never forget you."

Liu Erlong looked at Jiang Yu'an distressedly. It must be terrible to be forgotten by everyone he once knew.

However, it seems that this person can't do much. He can only tamper with one person's memory, but cannot change the world.

But I'm afraid that as time goes by, people will gradually get used to it while forgetting it, and it will overlap with the memory that appears in their minds, and finally live their lives as they are in this memory.

"Well..." Jiang Yu'an reached out and hugged Liu Erlong, his whole body buried in her arms.

If someone is willing to try hard to remember her again and again, that is also a blessing for her.

Jiang Yuan said goodbye to Liu Erlong, went to buy some things, and went to Dugubo to get some medicine. When they got home, the family had a simple dinner. Jiang Yuan huddled under Jiang Yuning's quilt, occupying her bed.

She didn't know how long she would be away this time, and she didn't know when she would come back. She explained in detail who to ask for help if something happened to Jiang Yuning, what to say, and she also left some simple hidden weapons for her.

She prepared some poisons and antidotes, including medicines for illnesses, etc. She packed them in jade boxes, labeled them and put them in Jiang Yuning's cabinet.

Jiang Yu kept the prize money awarded in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition safely at home for emergencies.

Jiang Yu'an left Tiandou City early the next morning.

She stood in a deserted wilderness for a long time, and no one approached her, or even came.

It seemed that the person who was chasing her had also forgotten about her.

Jiang Yu'an didn't know whether to be happy or sad, but it was a good thing to be able to relieve himself. At least his family was not in danger.

You can't even forget her, remember her family.

After leaving the house, she actually didn't know where to go to find out the truth. Jiang Yuning's support probably just wanted her to go out for a walk and relax. She had nowhere to go. Then...then it wouldn't be a problem for her to go to the Star Dou Forest to find Xiao Wu. Big right?
Jiang Yu'an walked slowly and leisurely, and occasionally met a few acquaintances. Even if he was mentally prepared, he was still a little disappointed that these people didn't recognize him at all.

The road from Tiandou City to the Star Dou Forest is not very long. Jiang Yuan wore a small hat and looked at the scenery.

Maybe she should be grateful that others just forgot about her instead of ignoring her existence?

In fact, Jiang Yu'an couldn't understand where the memories of those people that were different from hers came from. She knew very well that the dean and the others were still them, but it seemed that a memory without her had been implanted in their minds, but those memories seemed to It's not fabricated out of thin air, but it actually existed.

People who don't know her have no problem with their memories, only those who know her have errors in their memories.

Human imagination has always been endless. Jiang Yuan felt that the current situation...could it be that she did not exist in this world to begin with?And this world should have its own development?Everything in this world has been written... If so, this world is not real in the first place?
She admitted that her idea was ridiculous and scary, but it was difficult to explain the source of other people's memories.


If she doesn't belong to this world, where does she come from?
She clearly has a father, mother and sister in this world...

She obviously grew up here, everything is so real and familiar.Feeling a little dizzy?

Jiang Yu'an shook his head, the dizziness in his head getting worse and worse.

She blinked, her vision blurred, and she fell down before her brain had time to react.


elder brother……

I don’t want treatment anymore…

I want to go home, mom...

I wish I didn't exist...

When Jiang Yu'an opened his eyes, the top of his head was in ruins. The thatched roof made the house look a little shaky.

The two memories in Jiang Yu'an's mind were mixed together, making it difficult for her to distinguish between reality and illusion, and whether she was dreaming now.

After a while, she struggled to sit up after digesting the memory. She finally understood why it was so strange.

It turns out that she is really not from this world. Their memories are the memories generated by their original development path. She is a book traveler. Her father, mother and sister have no characters in the original work. It was she who disrupted those story lines. .

So, is it now time for a revision of the world’s will?This correction is a bit too careless.

"Nier? Are you awake?"

After being a soul master for a long time, you will always be told how to be vigilant. Jiang Yuan looked at the old woman walking in at the door. Even though she was dressed like a peasant woman, her whole body still felt tense.

The old woman in front of her was holding a bowl of dark juice and looking at her with a kind expression.

"Where am I?" Jiang Yu'an coughed to make himself look calmer so as not to scare ordinary people.

"We are in a rock village. Little girl, you fainted on that road. My son carried you back."

The old woman handed the black juice in her hand to Jiang Yu'an, "Drink it while it's hot. It'll be fine after you drink it."

Jiang Yu'an frowned and resisted. As a half-doctor, she would never take the medicine of unknown origin. However, she had just saved her life, so it was not good to refuse the medicine that she was kindly given to her.

"I have nothing to worry about you." Jiang Yu'an apologized and declined the kindness.

"Ah... I've been through this for a long time, old lady, and it cost me three copper soul coins."


Jiang Yu'an felt the things on his body and made sure that everything was still there before taking out a bag of gold soul coins from the soul guide and throwing it into the old woman's hand.

The old woman picked it up, opened it, took a look at it, and stuffed it into her sleeve without any sign of joy about making a fortune.

He is obviously someone who cares about three copper soul coins.

"Thank you, but I have to leave first."

Jiang Yu'an got off the bed and swayed twice before he stood still.

She lowered her head and looked a little strangely. It was obviously a flat ground, but she just felt like she was stepping on some bumps.

"Little girl, I think you should get some more rest."

"No, no, thank you."

Jiang Yu'an looked around calmly. The more he looked, the stranger it became. There was also a rotten and desolate smell.

But there are still people living here, and a village shouldn't smell like this.

She had been a little uncontrollably vigilant from the beginning, there must be something wrong here.

Jiang Yu'an pushed the door open, and the pungent smell hit her face. She raised her hands to cover her mouth and nose.

It was obvious that they were not far away from Tiandou City. When had there been such a village near Tiandou City? They had traveled all around Tiandou City.

Looking into the distance, I didn't see any familiar place.

This aunt's son really ran quite far to pick her up.

"Auntie... Where can I rent a car in this village..."

Jiang Yuan looked back at the direction he came out from. The door was open, so there was no aunt anywhere.

Such a strange scene sent shivers down her back.

Are there such things as ghosts in Douluo Continent?

Although it is a fantasy sewer, it is still a fantasy, right?Why are there still supernatural events?

Jiang Yu'an, who had just remembered what happened in time travel, was already thinking in an active mind, and now he almost had to go through all the supernatural events in his previous life in his mind.

Possessed by her martial spirit, she is always ready for battle.

Only when I started to use it did I realize that the martial spirit was completely unusable.

The actual situation made her feel numb. Where did she faint?To be honest, she was a little confused at the back and didn't know where she went. She could only make sure that she didn't go very far.

"Xiao Ni'er, what are you doing standing there? It's getting dark, so you'd better go inside and hide."

The old man's coughing sound frightened Jiang Yuan's scalp. She turned her neck stiffly and looked at the place where the sound came from.

An old man in his seventies or eighties stood at the door with a cane and said a few words as if his lungs were about to come out.

Jiang Yu'an raised his head and looked at the sky. It didn't look like it was getting dark at all.

The old man at the door waved to her anxiously when he saw that she hadn't moved.

After much hesitation, Jiang Yu'an still walked towards the old man. She had watched Douluo Dalu. Although she could only remember a plot now, she probably didn't remember anything supernatural.

She is a soul master after all, so she can't be so cowardly!
The sword Tang San gave her is still in the soul guide, and the soul guide can still be used, so don't be afraid.

After comforting himself, Jiang Yuan quickly walked towards the old man's house.

The room was very clean, but Jiang Yuan always felt dusty, so she resisted the urge to sneeze.

The old man quickly closed the door after she came in. Jiang Yu'an turned around sharply. Through the gap, the sky outside was not as bright as when she first entered.

Night enveloped the entire village, without a trace of moonlight, and there was only a kerosene lamp in the house that barely illuminated an area.

 I'm convinced, I seem to be writing a supernatural copy in Douluo Continent
(End of this chapter)

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