Chapter 120 Strange Village 2
"This is……?"

Jiang Yuan looked at the scene outside in surprise. The sky changed in an instant?This is not a situation that Douluo Continent can cause.

If it weren't for the fact that her soul guide could still be used, she would have thought she had traveled through time again.

Jiang Yu'an wanted to continue asking the old man some questions about this scene, but when he turned around, the old man disappeared again.

She was alone in the whole house, with a dim oil lamp.

Jiang Yu'an's body was cold, and she took a small step and stacked it next to the oil lamp. The candle flame was not warm, and she tried hard to suppress the messy thoughts in her mind.

There is a ghost in Douluo Continent, mother... wuwuwu.

After sitting for a while, there were bursts of whimpering sounds outside, as well as the sound of gnawing something.

Jiang Yu'an had goosebumps. She wanted to take a look outside, but she didn't have the courage.

So like a fool, I sat in front of the table all night.

The sky outside doesn't get brighter little by little. In the blink of an eye, it changes from a pitch-black night to a bright, sunny day.

All uncomfortable sounds disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Yu'an rubbed his stiff face, stood up from the bench, and tentatively pushed the door open.

When the fingertips just touched the door, the dilapidated wooden door turned outwards with a creaking sound.

Jiang Yu'an wiped the dust from her fingertips on her skirt. It was calm outside, so she tentatively walked out.

Okay, there was no danger. She took out her big sword and started walking around the village.

Obviously, I met two people yesterday, but after walking around for a long time, I didn't see anyone.

Jiang Yu'an didn't give up and walked around the village a few more times. The village was only so big, and she couldn't find anything interesting after walking around for a long time.

When she turned around, she found an old woman struggling to wash her clothes next to a dry stream.

There wasn't a drop of water on the clothes, but the old woman seemed to be unable to see it, and still scrubbed them carefully.

There was no exit in the village, so she walked around in circles several times, but she didn't care that there was no one there. She wanted to go out, but ended up going around in circles and then back into the village.

She scratched her hair a little irritably. There was nothing familiar to her in this unknown place, which made her extremely nervous.

After standing there for a while, she walked towards the old woman doing laundry.

"Hello, excuse me, how to get out of here."

Jiang Yu'an stood next to her while the aunt washed her clothes and ignored her.

So she could only ask again loudly.

The old lady still didn't move. Jiang Yu'an squatted down. She wanted to see what it was.

He was still a human being, and there was no scene like she had imagined with a face of terror that scared her half to death.

After squatting down, she heard what the old lady had been mumbling.

Jiang Yu'an leaned over and listened carefully.

"Eat well... drink well..."

This was the only thing he said over and over again. Seeing that he couldn't find anything else, Jiang Yu'an stood up and prepared to look elsewhere.

She stood up a little hastily, and her vision suddenly went dark. She stood there for a while before the light gradually returned.The vague feeling of hunger in her stomach made her realize that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

Finding a place to take out some food from the soul guide, Jiang Yu'an ate while thinking about what might happen to her now.

Maybe she fell into some illusion, whether it was good or bad, she didn't know.

Unknowingly, she had finished the food in her hand. She touched her belly and found that she didn't feel full. This was undoubtedly a bad thing.

But she didn't have any clue now, and she knew she couldn't drag it out any longer.

Jiang Yu'an got up and started looking for traces in these houses.

Douluo Continent only has a soul master academy, not a civilian academy. Ordinary people who can't become soul masters don't even have the chance to learn how to read.

This made it even more difficult for her to find clues.

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that the village was more dilapidated than when she came yesterday.

If she hadn't left before the village was completely ruined, she wouldn't have rotted here with the village.

And this hunger will delay her progress.

A sense of urgency arose spontaneously, and she began to rummage through various houses, leaving no gaps untouched.

Finally, I found some traces in a house that looked better than others.

This house looks better than other houses. It should have been considered a relatively wealthy family. Someone in the family was literate, leaving some traces.

Jiang Yu'an took out a dusty notebook from a drawer. The paper was already glowing. You had to be very careful to see what the words on it were.

[That son of a bitch Lin Zhi is deducting food... he is about to starve to death... he is not allowed to go out... he deserves to die...]
Most of the words on the paper could not be read clearly, but she got a message from this paper that the people of this village were imprisoned here, and their food was withheld.

Jiang Yu'an rummaged through the room carefully and finally found a ledger under the bed.

Each year's harvest is recorded in the book, and a subsequent year when there is almost no income is marked with a (famine year, drought).

Jiang Yuan was stunned, are there such natural disasters in Douluo Continent?It wouldn't be a big deal if he had a water soul master.

Looking back further, the account book was gone, and someone wrote a few words angrily on the last few pages: Bullshit soul master!No matter whether the people live or die!
So there was a drought here, there was no income for a year, and there was a guy named Lin Zhi who was deducting food, but they were not allowed to go out?
Lin Zhi...

Jiang Yu'an held his chin and thought about it carefully. The name seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Before she could remember who it was, the sky outside suddenly turned dark, and Jiang Yuan quickly stood up and closed the door.

Another oil lamp lit up inexplicably on the table, illuminating a corner in the dark room, like a rare ray of light in a dark world.

At this time, Jiang Yu'an finally remembered who Lin Zhi was. He was the city lord of Yeerji City. This city was not that far away from Tiandou City. He should have actually walked near this city at that time.

The sound of gnawing something was heard outside the door again, as well as sad whimpering.

Jiang Yuan lay on the gap in the door and looked outside.

There was a rare moon tonight, and she could barely see outside clearly.

There were a few familiar faces lying on the ground. They were the old woman she saw on the first day, the old man who asked her to come in at night, and the old lady who ignored her today and insisted on washing clothes by the dry stream.

The scene was so bloody that Jiang Yuan was stunned on the spot for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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