Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 125 Wooden House in the Rain 3

Chapter 125 Wooden House in the Rain 3
Jiang Yu'an looked at the woman in silence, her hand tightly held in hers, as if he was grasping the last straw.

She pulled her hand out of the woman's hand little by little. The disparity in power between soul masters and ordinary people was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

After listening to the story, Jiang Yuan found that this group of people did not deserve sympathy, including the woman in front of him who was currently the last one.

People can understand for themselves, but why do they trick girls one after another to come here, train them inhumanely, and finally force them to kill people.

She still sympathized with this girl at first. If she was asked to help solve the trouble here, she would try her best to help, but she wanted to let her stay here to replace her, and then find another person to replace her after she left. Own.

Although this girl expressed regret for her actions and did not want to kill anyone, she did not deny that her thoughts had been assimilated.

"People can have many ways, why do you have to choose the stupidest one?" Jiang Yu looked at the woman calmly, looking directly into her eyes that kept dodging.

"You clearly know that I am a soul master, don't you?"

The woman looked at Jiang Yuan's sharp eyes. She felt a little guilty, but then she became confident again, "Since you are a soul master, shouldn't it be natural for you to help ordinary people like us? Besides, how could this place be ruined? Those stinking men are already here. We should kill them all and destroy this place. What should we do to the sisters who are in need later? They can only endure such painful days."

Jiang Yu'an felt ridiculous listening to her words, "Why do you think others are willing to come to a place where you want to escape?"

She felt like she was going to laugh out loud, "I have been asking about bizarre folk rumors along the way, and I have never heard a single rumor about this place, which means that this rumor will only spread to the ears of those in need, even everything that happened to you. Tragedies may be man-made arrangements. All you know is that you can trick people into replacing you and you will be free. Have you ever thought about where those people who went out went and why they are still delivering food to you? This can only prove that they We ended up going to the same place, and you people were specially trained by them."

Jiang Yu'an said a lot in one breath, and she was really going to shrink from this woman's stupid and ignorant cerebellum.

"Impossible...impossible! They all said that as long as they go out, they can do whatever they want, have endless money, have good looks, and no one will bully them..."

The woman covered her ears and shook her head wildly, unwilling to accept the truth.

The mask fell off as she swung, revealing her bony face.

Except for some flesh around the eye sockets, the flesh on the cheeks had been dug cleanly, exposing the bones and teeth, and the rest of the place was also covered in pits and scratches.

The woman picked up the mask in horror and put it on her face.

Jiang Yu'an couldn't help but feel nauseous looking at that face. What kind of salvation was there? There was only an endless abyss where those girls could be completely tamed.

She didn't know what these girls would be used for in the end, but for now, the methods were not ordinary cruel.

"Look at me, look at my face, please save me. As long as you stay here for me, I can restore my face."

Jiang Yu'an shook her head. As a healing soul master, she knew that it would be fine if it was just a scar, but how could it recover well if the flesh on her face was gone?

"How can you be okay with your face like this? Do you believe this? Let's stop here..."

"That's it? You want me to stay here all my life? Impossible! How can I stay here all my life? Why should I stay here all my life! You are so kind and you stay here for me!" The woman's eyes were crazy and killing. With a sharp intention, she rushed forward and strangled Jiang Yu'an's neck, preparing to force her to stay here.Jiang Yu'an raised his foot and kicked her out, "I'll give you two choices. I'll detoxify you and let you out. As for what, you can take care of yourself, or you can fight me now and make sure you let me stay here. I will kill you." You allowed yourself to be reduced to ashes along with this place.”

"I..." A look of hesitation flashed in the woman's eyes, and Jiang Yu'an felt a little colder. Did he still need to hesitate between these two choices?Doesn't she want to be free?She gave her real freedom but still hesitated.

"I choose the first one." The woman fell to the floor, lowered her head, her voice was soft and weak, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jiang Yu'an couldn't guess people's hearts, and he didn't want to. He grabbed the woman's hand and took out a knife and slashed it between her. He caught a few drops of blood, spread it on his fingertips and sniffed it.

Okay, I can't smell anything, and I don't know what Tang San is smelling every time.

It was impossible to let her taste it by herself, so she might as well kill this woman instead of causing trouble for herself.

So she decided to use the simplest method, put the woman's blood in a small bottle and dilute it with water, and then scrape a little bit of the various detoxification pills Tang San prepared for her into the bottle. If the blood in that bottle was normal, she would eat it. Which.

Finally, Jiang Yuan took out one of the five detoxifying pills and threw it to the woman, "Eat it and leave."

The woman looked at Jiang Yu'an, hesitantly put the medicine into her mouth, then quickly got up and ran away from the house.

Jiang Yu'an watched her disappear, closed the door and locked it, then connected his consciousness with the divine seal and began to clear the resentful spirit field.

She appeared in the black space again, and everything that had happened here was shown in front of her, not only the tragic deaths of those men, but also the cruel torture and injuries suffered by these women in their so-called redemption. The men who came here It's not just because of lust, there are also ordinary people who are passing by who don't know the situation, or... who are simply deceived.

Under the guise of revenge, he kills and then cultivates the poison.

Not all the girls who came here survived. Only by choosing to accept them and integrate with them did they have such a glimmer of hope.

After the scene was played, Jiang Yu'an quickly lay down, and countless white lights rushed into her body. She bit her lower lip, and the veins on her forehead bulged from the pain.

Maybe she was mentally prepared, but she actually felt that this time was much better than last time. Maybe it was because she was becoming more and more resistant to pain?

After wiping the sweat off her forehead, a piece of soul bone slowly fell in front of her. Jiang Yu'an reached out to catch it, and the soul bone turned into flowing light and entered her body.

At the same time, Jiang Yu'an woke up with a strong feeling of falling.

She fell on the sofa, and Xiao Ning meowed anxiously next to her, occasionally nudging her with his little head.

Jiang Yu'an stroked Xiao Ning's furry little head lovingly. She originally thought that Xiao Ning would forget about her the next day like others, but she didn't expect that it would remember her. This made her extremely happy. There was a cutie beside her who was still thinking about her all the time. My own existence is really quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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