Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 126 Xiao Ning’s Evolution

Chapter 126 Xiao Ning’s Evolution

After gaining two more levels in vain, Jiang Yu'an's next journey will be suspended again. She has to find a place to consolidate her soul power. It's so fast that she has risen to level 6 in just a few months. It's scary.

After resting for a while and looking at the extent of blood penetration on the ceiling, she decided to go upstairs and take a look.

There were no stairs leading directly to the top, so she could not imagine how those girls dragged the body up.

A ladder was moved from the side. The attic was extremely dark and the whole picture could not be seen clearly. Jiang Yuan took out an illuminated soul guide from the soul guide, and the entire attic was instantly bright and clear.

The attic was not only a slaughterhouse, but also had four dogs in cages. The dogs couldn't bark. Even when Jiang Yu'an came up, they just stared at her, as if they would break out of the cage and pounce on her in the next second. Broken pieces.

There are various bone and meat scraps next to the dog cage. The dark color on the cage is blood without even thinking about it.

There was indeed a thick layer of blood on the ground just as the woman said. There was a table next to the dog cage with uncut bones on it. No wonder the woman didn't hear the sound of rain.

She did not continue to look deeply and carefully. There was not even a complete person on it. Jiang Yuan climbed down from the ladder.

After checking every room to make sure there was nothing, Jiang Yu'an took out a bucket of oil from the kitchen and poured it into the house, threw a firecracker into the house and left without looking back.

The existence of this house really doesn't mean much. If there really is that kind of girl, spending money to buy a soul master to kill people is more reliable than this thing.

This is not a place with any laws to begin with. As long as no one sees you, who dares to say that you have killed someone? If you see it, it doesn't matter, just kill one more person.

At best, this kind of thing can only deceive ordinary ignorant poor people, but it can't be deceived by anyone with a little money.

Although the rain had stopped, the road was still not that easy to walk. There were mud and potholes everywhere. Jiang Yuan could only keep walking forward with the mentality of scrapping a pair of shoes.

"Meow meow……"

A weak cry came from her arms, and Jiang Yu'an realized that Xiao Ning had been quiet for too long.

The kitten was languid in her arms, without any energy, and its little paws were struggling to pull at her chest.

Jiang Yuan's head tightened. Could it be that he had a fever due to the rain yesterday?
She quickly gave the kitten a treatment, but the effect was minimal.

She has never treated ordinary small animals, and she doesn't know whether these soul skills are effective for these small animals. Although she knows some medical skills, she is not a veterinarian. Now she is sweating profusely but has no idea what to do. .

Looking at the house burning with fire, Jiang Yu'an suddenly wanted to apply for a one-click withdrawal.

Sure enough, setting fires randomly will lead to retribution.

She rummaged through the soul guide, trying to dig out some useful things among her useless groceries.

It's a pity that there is nothing. She did pile up a pile of waste in the soul guide.

After breaking off a piece of high-grade Ganoderma lucidum into small pieces and stuffing it into the cat's mouth, Jiang Yu'an used his soul power to rush towards the nearest city.

By the way, are there any veterinarians in Douluo Continent?Why do you feel like you don't remember it?
It's not that she doesn't remember it, it's that there really isn't such a thing.

Jiang Yu'an went to several medical clinics with the kitten in her arms. In addition to being kicked out because she was sick, others suggested that she have a look at her brain.

In this place where soul masters are busy cultivating and people are busy trying to survive, she really looks like she is sick while holding an ordinary kitten everywhere seeking medical treatment.In ordinary homes, kittens are kept either to catch mice or to be eaten when they grow up.

Jiang Yu'an was a little frustrated and smoothed the fur of the kitten in his arms, "It seems that our fate only lasts for a few months. It's not that my sister won't save you, it's that my sister really has no choice. If you are stronger, you have to do it yourself." Get over it."

What can she do? In this era where human life is not valued, it is just a pet. Rich people don't need to wait for them to get sick before they are tired of it. No one will go out of their way to treat their pets.

After finding a hotel, Jiang Yuan put the cat on the bed and went to wash up.

She is now covered in mud, as dirty as she wants. It's not surprising that she went to the hospital to have her brain checked.

The cat on the bed shimmered yellow, and its messy hair became shiny and smooth, as if there had been some change but not at all.

When the dim light dissipated, the cat opened its eyes on the bed, but did not see Jiang Yu'an barking anxiously.

Jiang Yu'an heard the cat meow and ran out quickly.

"Sister's sweet baby, you are awesome." Jiang Yu'an picked up the cat from the bed in surprise and kissed its white gloves.

She felt like she was addicted to cats. She was rubbing the kitten's belly crazily, back and forth, in fancy spiral patterns.

"That's not right. Why do I feel soul power fluctuations from you?" Jiang Yu'an held up the kitten and saw the cat's tail from the cat's ears. Finally, after Xiao Ning kicked her, the cat's shameful inspection ended.

"Why did he suddenly become a soul beast..."

She could still raise ordinary animal cubs, but she had never raised a spirit beast cub before and didn't know how to deal with it.

Why don't you catch a soul beast and ask?Then we have to capture the 10-year-old soul beast, right?Forget it, just let your child develop.

I heard that soul beasts can gain each other's years of cultivation by devouring each other?How about she try it too?

Jiang Yu'an held the cat in her arms, and she decided to find a place with beautiful scenery and low-level soul beasts. While consolidating her training, she would catch the soul beasts for Xiao Ning to eat.

Now, she was going to sleep, so sleepy.

The next morning, Jiang Yu'an hugged Xiao Ning and bought some things for cats and some daily necessities. She felt that just preparing food was not enough. She also bought two sets of pots, pans, seasonings and the like. I know if it will be used that day.

After getting ready, she prepared to set off for the Star Dou Forest. The main reason was that the Sunset Forest was a bit far away, so she was too lazy to go there. Although Liu Erlong said that she had a conflict with the Star Dou Forest, she felt that the first two times were just pure accidents.

The small town outside the Star Forest was still lively. Jiang Yu'an looked left and right but she just didn't want to buy. Buying things in a place like this is either too expensive or too stupid.

Entering the Star Forest, Jiang Yu'an wandered around the low-life soul beast area. There were really too many people coming and going here, and there was no place with beautiful scenery anymore.

Jiang Yu'an wandered around the century-old soul beast area again, and finally picked a treasure land, took out her big sword, and killed all the soul beasts in the surrounding area. She didn't even let go of the plant-type soul beasts growing on the ground. Sprinkle a circle of powder to dispel spirit beasts.

She took out her small tent and fixed it, set up a fire rack and began to deal with the soul beast corpses. She did not throw away the plant soul beasts she pulled out, but picked a few non-toxic ones and added the soul beast meat to make a pot of soup.

He served a large bowl to Xiao Ning, and he served a small bowl and drank happily.

 As I write this, I always feel that the composition of this book is a bit complicated, maybe because the books I have read recently are too complicated.
(End of this chapter)

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