Jiang Yu'an watched them gradually stop struggling despite their serious injuries. The two of them covered their heads with their hands to block their faces, but the frightened expressions on their men's faces were still seen by others.

The man named Brother Quan has fought 53 games in the Hell Killing Fields. This does not only mean that he has fought 53 games, but that he has won 53 games and survived the lifeless attacks of 477 people. But now he is in They died in front of them at the hands of a little girl who looked upon humans and animals as harmless.

Jiang Yu'an is also used to turning everyone who tries to cause trouble into her rent.

In this way, she spent one game after another in the killing field of hell. After more than 50 games, no one dared to mess with her anymore. They even gave her a nickname, called Angel Demon, and everyone passed by her every day. There were countless lives lost, but she never left a trace of murderous intent on her body after she killed them. Sometimes she even lamented about life and prayed for those people's salvation.

There are also people who have just come in and refuse to listen to the advice and insist on committing suicide, just to let others witness her cruelty.

Later, no one came to the Hell Killing Fields where she was, but she was a sixth grader, so she had to disguise herself every time before coming to register so that no one would notice her existence.

Jiang Yu'an took out a lollipop from the soul guide. Her rent was about to expire, and no one was entering the inner city during this period. She was going to touch the porcelain man.

She wandered aimlessly on several streets. The smell of resentful spirits in this place was so strong that she really didn't understand how someone could create such a place as a place for her divine test, to compete with her divine being.

She has been very resistant to purifying these resentful spirits, but this divine seal has different opinions from her. Every time she sleeps or practices, she does things secretly. Sometimes she feels pain in her dreams, and later she wakes up and finds, Damn it, it turned out not to be a dream.

But she can also clearly feel that her physical fitness is improving, and her soul power must have also improved, but she doesn't know how much.

Today I originally went to find a few bullies, but I didn't meet any of them. Instead, I met an acquaintance - Hu Liena.

She had been here for a month or two, and she knew that Hu Liena would come, but she didn't know why she would come. Now when she saw her, she felt like she was in jail and saw an acquaintance who she once knew coming in.

Hu Liena also saw her, and the two looked at each other and then looked away.

From Hu Liena's eyes, Jiang Yu'an could see that no one outside still thought of her.

"Did that just come in?" Hu Liena looked at the direction Jiang Yu'an was leaving. The girl looked like an elf that accidentally broke into hell. It was so strange.

The Killing Messenger glanced at Jiang Yuan's leaving figure indifferently and said, "No, it's better not to have contact with her unless you have nothing to do."

She has also heard about this "angel and demon". In her opinion, Jiang Yu'an is more terrifying than the bad and pure people here. She is not aware of her own terror.

And this time, this girl was sent here by a God of Death who had already left here. The person who got the title of God of Death would not disable his soul power when he returned to the Capital of Killing. In order for the God of Death not to cause trouble, she had to deal with the person in front of her. The little ancestor looked more pleasant.

Hu Liena occasionally goes to watch Jiang Yuan's games. She is very interested in her because she heard that she will soon have sixty games. It is really surprising. It is no wonder that the killing messenger keeps himself away from her.

Angels and demons?It's indeed somewhat appropriate.

As usual, Jiang Yu'an went to Pengci to pay his rent after the game, and also went to the market to see what delicious dishes were available today.


Hu Liena blocked her path with her enchanting figure while shaking a glass of Bloody Mary.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang Yu'an looked at Hu Liena and frowned. This woman looked so different from when she first came here, which was really surprising.

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious about why you don't need to drink this." Hu Liena held up the cup, her lips were red, and there was a slight blush at the end of her eyes. There was an occasional charm in her eyes, her golden hair moved slightly, and she stretched out her slender His fingers pulled back those disobedient hairs, and his every move was seductive.

Jiang Yu'an admitted that she was beautiful and very tempting, but did she hook up with the wrong gender? She didn't have the tools to commit the crime. Wouldn't it be difficult for her to cause trouble in front of her?
He swallowed secretly and withdrew his gaze. Although the beauty was so beautiful, he couldn't look at her too much. "Why should I tell you?" Jiang Yu'an raised his eyebrows slightly, with obvious alienation in his tone.

"Isn't it possible?" Hu Liena leaned forward slightly, her eyes met with Jiang Yu'an's, and the two of them were two fists away.

Hu Liena's fox-like eyes are innocent and charming, and her playful eyelashes tremble as if inviting someone.

Jiang Yu'an pushed the person away, "My gender is wrong, sisters."

"How can I?" Hu Liena straightened up aggrievedly, still somewhat confused as to why Jiang Yu'an was so cruel to her.

If he hadn't seen the way this woman beat her, Jiang Yu'an would have really believed her lies.

Jiang Yu'an rubbed the goosebumps on his body in disgust. This woman kills people without blinking an eye. Who has never seen anyone fight? She died like this.

"The thing you drank is poisonous. Okay, let's go."

While walking, Jiang Yu'an didn't forget to rub her goosebumps, hoping that Hu Liena wouldn't go crazy when she thought about it in the future.

It's really rude to stop someone after a fight. She still has to go home to work and train.

Jiang Yu'an later started to avoid Hu Liena. This woman was so good at convulsions. She didn't want to make Wuhun Palace a mortal enemy, so naturally she couldn't kill Hu Liena.

Faced with Hu Liena's relentless pursuit, Jiang Yu'an gritted his teeth and simply beat her twice a day and practiced hard at night.

"Good boy, Xiao Ning, we'll be out soon." Jiang Yu'an leaned on the bed tiredly and buried his head in the cat's soft belly.

Soul power cannot be used here, and the same applies to soul beasts. Xiao Ning feels very insecure here.

Xiao Ning licked Jiang Yu'an's hair, licking it messily, and her hair was covered with saliva. Jiang Yu'an was too lazy to move, so he just let it lick him and fell asleep.

She was so exhausted from playing two games a day that she fell asleep so hard. Hu Liena had been knocking on the door for a long time and she had no intention of waking up.

Two games a day, and after more than half a month, she finally finished playing [-] games and was about to leave this place.

She couldn't bear the fact that she was competing below, while Hu Liena looked at her with a resentful look from above.

Bibi Dong should have told Hu Liena that Hu Liena did not come on the day the Hell Road opened.

She knew that these people would all die, but she still felt horrified when this scene actually appeared in front of her.

Countless people were blown into a bloody mist in an instant. They scrambled to run outside, but no one could escape from here.

Blood flowed to her from all directions along the lines under her feet, and finally pooled at her feet.

The ground beneath her feet began to collapse, and below was an endless lake composed of Bloody Mary. She hugged Xiao Ning tightly and spread her wings as she was about to land. (End of chapter)

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