The path in front of him was very narrow, and could only be passed by one person. After looking at the surrounding environment, Jiang Yu'an felt that this place was still a bit difficult.

She took out a relatively strong rope and tied it under the armpit of Xiao Ning's front paw, and then tied the other end to her wrist.

After moving herself, the soul power that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly filled her body. She had an indescribable feeling of elation, not to mention her strength, which had increased a lot because of that strange pill bead. Soul power, and now after this journey, the strength has improved by more than a star and a half.

This promotion was a bit too fast. Who could go from Soul Emperor to Soul Saint in just a few months? It was still a question whether anyone who graduated with her would become Soul King. Although she knew that she was a time traveler, she didn't Take it with you!She only started with a medical talent...

The top priority right now is to get over this hell road. Everything has to wait until she gets out. She really has too many lice now and is not itchy.

She walked faster on the not-so-wide path. The temperature in this place was very high and made people irritable. It would have a great impact on people over time.

The road got lower and lower, and sweat had condensed into beads and dripped down her cheeks. Only when her eyes were blurred did she reach out to wipe them.

She clearly felt the loss of physical strength, and had to take out the sword and support it while walking to reduce the consumption of physical strength.

Those soul beasts haven't come out yet, so she can save some soul power.

A large number of bats flew over her head. She definitely couldn't kill them all the way like Tang San. If she could do it easily, things like the Hell Road shouldn't exist anymore. Tang Chen, Tang Hao, Bibi Dong, didn't see the one who bore the brunt. Tang Chen has already been taken away and turned into the king of killing?

Jiang Yu'an put a shield on herself, and black flames surrounded her. She planned to rush out of this place, and since she had wings, she didn't have to just walk and run there.

Xiao Ning stood on Jiang Yu'an's shoulder and bit a bat that was about to attack. The bat struggled for a long time and finally died in Xiao Ning's mouth.

Then Xiao Ning spit out the bat. It stands to reason that one of Xiao Ning's talents is swallowing. It will not let go of anything that comes into its mouth. But if Xiao Ning doesn't eat anything, it seems that the problem is not as big as usual.

Jiang Yu'an raised his sword and cut a path for himself. The bats covered in flames struggled and fell into the magma.

The ground shook and the road beneath his feet began to break. Jiang Yuan spread his wings and flew to the high platform above his head.

Six red circles suddenly lit up behind her, and Xiao Ning looked over Jiang Yu'an's shoulder in that direction and roared.

Jiang Yu'an looked back, startled, and kicked his feet back violently, pulling himself out to a safer position.

In such a hot environment, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

The figure walked out of the darkness silently. It was nearly three times as big as Jiang Yu'an. It was a huge bat with three heads. Is this magma not nuclear wastewater?Why did it mutate into three heads?
Jiang Yu'an felt uncomfortable, as if she couldn't beat him. She wasn't cerebrally paralyzed enough to use a few skills before running, which was tantamount to irritating it.

So she chose to turn around and run away immediately.

The wings flapped slightly, and Jiang Yu'an turned into a stream of light flying in this purgatory.

She hadn't found the exit yet, so she could only block the attacks of those soul beasts while flying, while the dense bats behind her passed by her with their sharp claws.

Surrounded by bats, Jiang Yuan spread her wings, and the sharp feathers glowing with cold light, like iron sheets, pierced the surroundings. Countless bats were chopped into several pieces between the sharp feathers, and the blood bloomed on her side, but was isolated from the shield. outside.

The blood of these bats is also poisonous.

A steady stream of bats came up one after another, which could be cut better than leeks. The wings consumed soul power. Even though she had tried not to waste too much, more than half of her soul power had been consumed now.

Seeing that his little brother had no effect on Jiang Yu'an, the dark gold three-headed bat king waved his wings and went into battle himself.It was what Jiang Yu'an was waiting for. The sixth soul ring lit up and swallowed it!

Red silk threads floated out from her body and wrapped around the dark gold three-headed bat king. Jiang Yu'an kept dodging its attacks while ensuring that the threads did not unravel.

The dark gold three-headed bat king also noticed the loss of vitality in his body, and it struggled even more fiercely.

Jiang Yu'an firmly grasped one of its heads and did not let go even though it was bumping and struggling.

But she didn't let go, and the flesh on the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King was almost ripped off by her.

Jiang Yu'an pulled the rope that was tied to Xiao Ning and put it on the middle head of the dark gold three-headed bat king. Xiao Ning was on top of it and started to nibble on its other two heads.

Even if the dark gold three-headed bat king has regeneration skills, it can't resist Jiang Yu'an's extraction of its life force, not to mention that there is Xiao Ning on top of it who is constantly gnawing at it and devouring its power.

One man and one beast committed an inhumane act against the Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King.

Half an hour later, even though the dark gold three-headed bat king could no longer struggle, Jiang Yuan did not dare to let go until it began to fall rapidly. Jiang Yuan spread her wings and Xiaoning jumped onto her shoulders.

Jiang Yu'an did not let go of the corpse, and put it into the soul guide with a wave of his hand.

I can give Xiao Ning an extra meal when I go out, which is nice.

Jiang Yu'an landed on a platform. When he stood up, he was watching the solid stone ground falling.

She ran forward quickly.

Tang San could obviously see the exit if he walked all the way, so why couldn't she see it when she flew over? Could it be that she could only walk through it?

She didn't like the environment here very much. Countless resentful spirits roared in the magma. Even if they were unconscious, there were even a few people whose souls were fused together. They seemed to be stretching out their hands, not asking for help, but wanting to Drag people to hell together.

She admitted that it would be miserable to die here without being able to free one's soul. She had the ability to help but there was no need to help. Whoever died here had no human life on their hands. They were not pitiful. They died here in a city of killing. Cruelty is also their uselessness. If she dies here, it will also be her uselessness.

Jiang Yu'an couldn't see it. Countless red and black lights floated up from the magma and wrapped around her body, binding her into a cocoon.

She was getting hotter and hotter, and her thoughts were getting blurry. When she raised her head, she saw a bright white hole appearing in front of her, and she felt happy.

Before she could spread her wings, ten tongues emerged from the magma, more than 20 meters high, blocking the light coming from the cave entrance.

Obviously only a little bit...

Jiang Yu'an felt that her emotions were a little out of control. Her irritability and rage made her want to massacre everything around her.

The red and black light on her body is about to completely envelop her in that cocoon...

(End of this chapter)

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