Chapter 148 Three Divine Tests

What's going on...I feel like I'm losing consciousness very quickly...

Jiang Yu'an braced himself and looked at the ten-headed blazing sun snake with blurred vision. He was such a loser. She wouldn't want to stay here...

Raising her sword, she decided to give it a last try, otherwise she would not be willing to be reduced to a withered skeleton here.

Her family is still waiting for her to come home, and Jiang Yuning is still waiting for her to save her...

She tightened her grip on the sword in her hand, as if the sword could increase her strength.

With all the soul bones in her body open, whether for defense or attack, she aimed at the head blocking the hole and slashed away, extending her wings back to speed up her sprint.

The ten-headed blazing sun snakes saw through Jiang Yu'an's intentions, and the other nine heads half attacked her and the other half guarded the entrance of the cave.

The chaos in her mind no longer allowed her to think too much, so she tried to fight with her last breath.

Against the attack of the ten snake heads, she seemed to hear some broken sounds, but she seemed to see nothing in front of her.

What is broken?
Is it a sword?Or her?
Are auxiliary soul masters still too useless?Or is she just that useless...

Growing up, she had lived under the protection of her family and Tang San and the others. As expected, she was just a waste...

Same as before...

Jiang Yu'an slowly closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall from mid-air.

The sword was broken...

She can't save Jiang Yuning, now she has to accompany her, her parents...


The sound of falling water was infinitely amplified in her ears. Was it the lava on Hell Road?It seems like there is no pain?
Jiang Yu'an slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes were dark. She seemed to see a little old man.

The little old man was mumbling something in her ear, but she couldn't understand it and couldn't hear it clearly.

But he seemed to know what he was talking about.

He is talking about Shura...

What does it have to do with Shura?Who is Shura?Oh...she remembered, it was the god from the Killing City.

What happened to Shura? turns out that no one else remembers her because of his interference.

Because she separated the male and female protagonists, because she disrupted the path he arranged for Tang San, because Xiao Wu could not fall in love with Tang San and work as Tang San's tool.

He let Tang San escape from his control, what... Hahaha, it turns out that Tang Chen was also a part of this Shura god's plan, even Bo Saixi, otherwise how could Bo Saixi sacrifice so willingly? ah.

These gods are so interesting...

She is an exception, she needs to die here, no one will remember him in the future, and everything will be back on track.

But why...

[Do you know why you are here...]
A distant voice came, hazy and vague...

"Why?" Jiang Yu'an asked in his mind.

[Because the consciousness of the world here is trying to save itself, it wants to get rid of the control of those gods, and I have reached a cooperation with it. You will inherit my throne, kill Shura, kill those sanctimonious gods, and you will be able to Return to the normal track of life, you will have everything you want, this is my promise...]
"What about you? What do you want? Why did you choose me as your heir? Why did you kill Shura? What benefits can you get?"

Jiang Yu'an didn't believe that there would be help for no reason, unless he had a lot of plans. Although it was normal for gods to find successors, this god in her journey was just eager to give her the throne and make her become a god immediately.The voice was silent for only a few seconds, then slowly replied: [Shura plotted against me and got me injured. When I was not prepared, he sealed me in Douluo Continent and used another evil god to suppress me!I want you to inherit my divine status and take me out so that I can be liberated. ]
Jiang Yu'an floated, she didn't respond, she needed to distinguish whether these words were true or false.

But the voice didn't give her a chance to tell.

[Hurry up and cooperate with us. My strength can't last long. I need to leave some strength to take you out. After you go out, world consciousness will gradually help you eliminate the influence of others' forgetfulness on you. ]
Jiang Yu'an quickly went through what the god said in his mind, gritted his teeth, and agreed.

It’s just that she forgot that the city of killing was a divine test. She came here at the request of this god. If it weren’t for this divine test, she wouldn’t have come to this place, and these things wouldn’t have happened.

Something seemed to be peeling off around her body, and the light gradually returned to her eyes. The ten-headed blazing sun snakes had disappeared, and the exit was right in front of her.

Jiang Yuan spread his wings and flew through the white hole.

Nothing happened, she didn't have the so-called killing god realm.

That god said that the Killing God Domain is Shura's screening of heirs. Once they pass the path of hell, it is equivalent to being labeled as Shura. He can also monitor that person through the Killing God Domain.

[Okay, I'm leaving...]
Jiang Yu'an still didn't understand, "Bibi Dong has also gone through hell and has the realm of the God of Death..."

The voice laughed at himself when he heard this, [I had a bad relationship with him back then and now I am like this... Rakshasa is making trouble on top of his head...]
The voice dispersed with the wind, and Jiang Yu'an understood before he finished speaking.

He who only had conflicts back then has been sealed away, but the Rakshasa who made mistakes in his divine examination is still alive and well, and even found an heir, and the heir also has the realm of the God of Death...

How could Shura not know about the existence of Rakshasa, so why are the two gods not on good terms, why is the Wuhun Palace pursuing Tang Hao, and what is the deadly feud between the two families...

I'm afraid Bibi Dong and even Wuhun Palace were originally a springboard. It's really ridiculous that the angel fell, but Shura became the God King.

She suddenly felt that Douluo turned out to be an ironic novel. The world became a hell, the light was swallowed up, and the world became a hall of evil ghosts.

Jiang Yu'an got up from the ground. There was no killing city here. There were flowers outside the exit, and birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Although there were no villages or towns, it was still a beautiful forest.

Hmm...why isn't that ironic?

She said that Bibi Dong was chased by people every day when he was in Qian Daoliu's Shen Kao next door to Angel, but why he was chased by people every day when he came to her place. It seemed that the evil god above who was suppressing her was not up to something.

The consciousness enters the divine seal, and a line of words is displayed on it.

[The third test is completed, the life span of all the soul rings is increased by 5000 years, and God gives one soul ring. 】

Jiang Yu'an took the black and white beads in his hand and played with them, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

It's really a pushover, but everyone gets what they need, that's all. She does need to grow up quickly.

She still has to deal with the evil god, which is really a headache, and she doesn't know how strong she is.

She is still close to becoming Soul Saint, and her soul power is not very stable, but she needs to find a place to practice well.

In another direction, two men in black hoods appeared in a tavern.

"Father...I still want to..."

"You are not at peace..."

"I can't calm down...Dad...I want to find her..."

"Forget it..."

 I seem to have a grudge against that Shura and I can’t write about it without teasing him.

(End of this chapter)

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