Two days later, Jiang Yuan stood at the door, her eyes sore from the long-lost sunshine.

"Are you okay?" Qingxuan stood at Jiang Yuan's door worriedly. He failed to protect Jiang Yuning, and he couldn't take care of her sister either.

Jiang Yu'an shook his head, "I have nothing to do."

She doesn't have the habit of messing with weird people. Jiang Yuning has no obligations to Qingxuan, let alone taking care of her sister.

"You should go and rest too..."

Jiang Yu'an looked at Qingxuan. He didn't look as if he had nothing to do with the sky falling at the beginning. He also lost his unruly demeanor. His face was full of exhaustion and depression.

Qingxuan was silent and shook his head slightly, "When can you be given the title of Douluo?"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yuxin's head tightened, and he had another bad premonition.

"To a certain extent, I am a sacrifice to your god. Your ninth ring needs my sacrifice."

Qingxuan stared at Jiang Yu'an, that face was exactly the same, but it was a pity that he could no longer touch it.

That person... suddenly appeared in his life, causing ripples in his uneventful time for hundreds of years, and then dissipated in a very short time.

He knew it from the beginning, he thought he would be able to do it in time...

Maybe it was a mistake from the beginning. If he fell in love with her at first sight, he would not take her back and let her go through that... But it was too late, everything came too late.

"Excuse me...I think your sister needs me to accompany her."

Jiang Yu'an wriggled his lips, "Yan Qi said my sister can still be saved..."

"I don't believe in him." Qingxuan interrupted her with a sharp tone. Although he was born as Yan Qi's sacrifice, he had never believed in him, and even... was a little disgusted.

"Don't trust him too much."

"I know." Jiang Yu'an felt a dense pain in her chest. How long can she keep all this...

"I will work hard." Jiang Yu'an smiled at Qingxuan, went to meet everyone and continued to practice.

Why hasn't Tang San come back yet? Why has it taken so long? It didn't take her so long. Could it be that Yan Qi did something?

Jiang Yu'an frowned and sank his consciousness into the divine seal.

No response...

Tsk... She was now extremely convinced that Tang San had been plotted. She didn't know what they were plotting against Tang San, but... she thought of the person next to Yan Qi again. She remembered that he was an evil god, and he also arranged their trial. of.

It was a good thing that Tang San could have a new god, but she didn't really hope for that evil god. If it was that evil god, she felt it would be better for Tang San to inherit the god of sea and asura.

"I am not inheriting Qian Yao's throne, you can rest assured."

The sound of being beaten rang in his ears, and Jiang Yuan was shocked.

"When does he come back?"

"Well... I don't know. It depends on his own understanding."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yu'an frowned, what do these two people want to do?

Yan Qi chuckled lightly, "Don't look like that. You are my heir and a partner no matter how bad you are. How could I cheat you? Qian Yao has passed on his magical power to him. What can he comprehend and to what extent?" It depends on him, but for now, he looks pretty good."

As he spoke, Yan Qi smiled strangely, "The person who snatched it from Shura's hand... was really happy."

Jiang Yu'an felt a little relieved. Yan Qi was crazy and she had no interest in listening anymore, so she decisively withdrew her consciousness.

Practice, practice!

Cultivation in the morning and actual combat training in the afternoon, from Dugu Bo to Tang Hao, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo, she was able to do it all over again.

After returning to the room, the divine seal on his chest was slightly hot again. Could it be that Tang San was coming back?

Jiang Yu'an sank into consciousness and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ah... I suddenly thought of a gadget for you."

"What?" A question mark popped up in Jiang Yu'an's mind.

A black bell lay there quietly in the divine seal space, exuding a dark red light.

"what is this?"

"Ah, the weapons I used back then." Yan Qi said in a nonchalant voice, "They should be those artifacts that gods pretend to give away."

Jiang Yuan: ...What the hell are you talking about? How many peanuts did you drink last night?

Jiang Yu'an twisted it up and took a closer look. She was quite dirty.

"Where did you come from?" Do you care so little about your own weapons? She suspected that Yan Qi was here to trick her.

"I don't know. I was exhausted yesterday when I asked Qian Yao to dig it out." Yan Qi yawned, his voice also drowsy.

Jiang Yuan:? ah?

Why are you so sleepy after being dug up by Qian Yao?

"I won't tell you anymore. You can play with it yourself. I'm going to bed."

Jiang Yu'an twisted the bell with a complicated mood and wondered why there was such a big gap between her and others in the divine test.


The piercing sound of the bell vibrated in the ears, causing the birds and beasts in the entire academy to scatter.

Jiang Yu'an covered his ears and the bell fell to the ground, turning into an ordinary bell.

"I'm scared to death, what is this..."

"An'an, what's going on?" Liu Erlong rushed in with his people.

"It's okay, it's just that Yan Qi gave me an artifact and asked me to study it myself..."

Poseidon also pays attention to taking a divine test...

This left her to do her own research. What could she research?

"As long as there's nothing wrong, you can study it and we'll leave first."

Although what I have researched is my own... It is true to say that, but without any foundation, isn't this asking a newborn baby to learn advanced mathematics?

So in the entire Lanba Academy, whenever a certain point in time is reached, a bell will ring in the academy.

It didn't take long for them to find that their mental power had improved a lot, so many of them began to practice while waiting for Jiang Yu'an to study the bell.

Half a year later, she finally reached level 98, and she also had some understanding of the Soul-Returning Bell. She got the name herself. Yan Qi didn't tell her what the bell was called. Perhaps she had planned to make this artifact complete from the beginning. It belongs to her, rather than something inherited from him that belongs to him.

"An'an! An'an!"

There was a lot of noise outside the house, but she had calmed down a lot since practicing the Soul-Returning Bell. Being impatient would not bring her anything, nor would it solve any problems. Only by looking at everything calmly and objectively could she find a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation. .

"An'an! Tang San is back."

Jiang Yu'an threw away the things in his hands and ran out without even having time to put on his shoes.

As for what she was thinking just now, just pretend that she didn't think about it just now.

That man was standing there, much more mature than before. He just stood there and smiled softly at her. Jiang Yu'an knew that he had successfully come back to see him.

"Tang San."

"An'an, long time no see."

"Hmm... I miss you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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