Perhaps there is no need for a hug or too many words. The two standing opposite each other gave them enough courage to continue on.

Jiang Yuan's tears that had been accumulated for a long time fell uncontrollably. She had been holding on to all this for too long. She did not dare to express her cowardice. She, the only successor to the throne of God, began to shrink away. She did not dare to think about it. The people behind her are terrified of what the future will hold.

Fortunately, Tang San came back in time and didn't keep her waiting too long.

"Okay, how long are you two going to stand there stupidly?"

Meng Yiran looked at the two people standing motionless with disgust, and asked her to tell her that the two people should hug each other directly, then have a shocking kiss, and then hold them in a circle on this sunny day. , to welcome this reunion that finally comes.

She was really anxious to death and crying. She wished she could go up to them, press their heads and kiss them.

Jiang Yu'an burst into laughter and wiped away his tears. He was holding back so many tears that he couldn't stop them for a while.

Tang San hurriedly stepped forward, pinched his sleeves and carefully wiped her tears.

"I'm back, and we will be together forever."

"Well..." Jiang Yu'an nodded heavily.

Jiang Yu'an could feel that Tang San's divine power was very weak, but it was somewhat different from hers.

It's like, what he owns belongs to Tang San, and has the feeling of being completely consistent with Tang San.

That's great... Jiang Yu'an smiled happily, so that he would have more choices in the future, and it would be the one that suits him best.

Everyone waited for Tang San to finish washing, and then they talked about the recent situation while waiting for him to eat.

"Is Wuhun Palace crazy?" Tang San couldn't understand Wuhun Palace's operations at all, and he didn't want to understand either. He had too many things to do, and he could no longer stick to this place.

"However, I discovered one thing. There is no such thing as a divine test." Tang San rubbed his head, not sure whether it was good or bad.

Jiang Yu'an analyzed it based on his own understanding, "Without a god to take care of me, it would be slower to upgrade. However, becoming a god in this way is undoubtedly the most suitable and powerful."

Yan Qi would not have done this kind of thing twice if there were no special benefits. That artifact, and Tang San's current artifact, she found out by herself and it really fit her well. Once she got familiar with it, she could get started quickly and could combine it. Develop various functions according to your own needs.

"I think so too."

"Eh... I feel like I can't keep up with your rhythm anymore... I can hardly understand what you are talking about..." Meng Yiran lay on the table with some loss.

Obviously everyone was pretty much the same before, and they also took jelly grass, but in just a few years, these two people had reached a point beyond their reach.

"Touch your head~" Jiang Yu'an touched Meng Yiran's head with his paws and said softly: "Actually, the height of this world is only so high, and we will meet sooner or later."

"Before this, you just need to work hard and keep believing."

"I know, nugget An'an."

Jiang Yu'an pushed Meng Yiran's head away, "I know, don't bother me yet, let me say something first."

"Now that Tang San is back, let's all work hard to practice together from now on! If we don't work hard now, how can we go together in the future? Are you still waiting here when you know that there is a god?" "The most important thing is ! Let’s all be together from now on, okay?”

"Okay!" Meng Yiran slapped the table and subconsciously looked to the side. Xiao Wu had been praising her before, but now she was the only one left to sing a one-man show, and she was not used to it.

"Some time ago, I was so impatient that I didn't notice everyone... Sigh..." Jiang Yu'an sighed. Too much time was spent together, and she really couldn't handle everything under such circumstances.

"We all know that, so don't take everything on yourself."

Meng Yiran hugged Jiang Yu'an. Although she was not very young, she still felt that she had to carry everything by herself. If she encountered these things, she would have collapsed.

Jiang Yu'an held Meng Yiran's hand back, and the warmth between them made her feel a lot more secure.

But she still had one very important thing to do, which was to reach Titled Douluo, kill the so-called sacrifice, and get back her sister's soul.

It doesn't matter if it's mixed with other people's souls. She will slowly clear out those souls bit by bit until she finds her sister's.

"I have set up a soul gathering array where I live, and then everyone will practice together."

"Life really means nothing but cultivation..." Meng Yiran lowered his head dejectedly, while Jiangzhu covered her mouth and snickered beside her.

"Okay, let me, the teacher, use my residual energy to supervise you." Liu Erlong put his hands on his hips and glanced around the children in front of him. Everyone has grown up. Fortunately, everyone is still there.

"Next, I will prepare daily necessities for you every day. If you have any needs, please tell me directly. I will collect and collect outside information and tell you once in three days. No one can disturb your cultivation."

"Well... Dean, it doesn't matter... It's not mandatory for everyone to practice. It's just that those who are willing to come together can do it together. After all, everyone's choices and pursuits are different, just like Huang Yuan... When did you and Is your girlfriend getting married?"

Jiang Yu'an approached them with a gossipy face. These two people had really been together for many years. It would be impolite not to give them a status.

"Ah ha ha ha ha..." Huang Yuan scratched his head, "I would like to get married, but she doesn't seem to be willing."

"Huh?" Meng still didn't understand. The relationship between the two seemed to be very good. Huang Yuan didn't do anything to regret her, and he was even a little afraid of her.

Huang Yuan felt a little sad when talking about this, "She said that I am already a Soul Sage, and she is still just a Soul Sect. She feels that she is not worthy of me. You think she is... what on earth is going on in her mind?" ...I have been beating her for so many years, and she will no longer be responsible if she says she is irresponsible... wu wu wu... scumbag..."

"Huang! Yuan! I heard it~!" Liu Yingyin stared dangerously at Huang Yuan, who was hugging his head and crying on the ground.

The moment he heard Liu Yingyin's voice, Huang Yuan's body instantly stiffened, "Ah... Yingyin... I, I didn't say anything..."

"I won't beat you for three days, but I'll give you a good look for two days. You won't know who you are anymore!" Liu Yingyin raised a mace and bumped it in her hand, which made Huang Yuan's heart beat with fear.

Jiang Yu'an and the others retreated several meters away simultaneously, fearing that the blood would splash on them if the battle became too fierce.

"No! Yingyin, please listen to my cunning...explanation! Ouch!!"

(End of this chapter)

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