Chapter 101

This incident caused a great deal of trouble and bad influence, causing quite a stir in Qingshan Town!
In the morning, the town sent people down to interrogate everyone in Lijiawa one by one!
Even the milk babies in the village asked all the questions they could!
The people in Lijiawa have seen this kind of battle, they know it themselves, and they heard it from others outside, so they can say it or not, as long as they think about it, they will say it!
The interrogators spent three days investigating in Lijiawa, and everyone questioned them one by one. Among them, several key suspects were questioned several times. Before leaving, they took away more than a dozen women in the village!
Li Changqing has been busy at the pickle factory for the past two days, the village head and the brigade are not here, Lin Wenhua is also not there, he is the only one left in the pickle factory who can manage things!
The supply and marketing cooperative in the county ordered a batch of pickles, and the demand was urgent, and the people in the pickle factory were busy until midnight before returning home!

The people above also went to the pickle factory, and asked some things related to that night, focusing on asking if anyone in the pickle factory had a holiday with Feng Meiyu!

Apart from that woman, who else has a problem with Feng Meiyu?
Li Changqing returned home with heavy steps, opened the door, the yard was pitch black, and at a glance, it was cold and lonely!

The door of the main room was closed, Li Changqing turned on the lamp on the door, with the help of the dim light, through the newspaper pasted on the window, he could vaguely see the thin figure on the kang!
his mother!

The woman who gave birth to him and raised him, and suffered all her life!
With a sullen face, Li Changqing went to the kitchen, added some firewood to the stove, closed the kitchen door, and went back to the room!

Turning on the light, the room was empty, without the figure of that woman!
Li Changqing wrapped the quilt on the kang, clothes, and everything that belonged to that woman with sheets, and threw them into the woodshed!

I went to the water tank and fetched a bucket of water, and washed the kang, kang cabinet, tables and chairs, the floor, and all the places that the woman touched with water!
Everything that woman touched was disgusting to him!

Wrapping himself in it!
The icy cold water slid over every inch of skin, and the muscles trembled instinctively!
Li Changqing bit his lip and poured cold water on his body. The tiny ice fragments scratched the dark skin and oozed traces of blood!
The cold touch stimulated the brain, and Li Changqing's thoughts became clearer!

That woman did this on the mountain!

He only thought that the woman liked to mess around, but he didn't expect her to be so vicious!
She just had a fight with someone and suffered a small loss, but she could find seven or eight second-rate men to harm their little girl!

That's right, she could rely on him in such nasty ways, and she could even send his mother in to force him back!
What can such a person not do?
Li Changqing finished cleaning himself, put on his clothes, and started to clean the kitchen and the yard!

He wants to clean up all the breath of that woman!
Li Changqing was busy all night. He didn't stop until the rooster crowed, played the Huijun Quan, and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast!

Rice, noodles, and eggs were all taken out of the kang cabinet by him last night. Ever since that woman came in, these things have been controlled by that woman!

She herself had rice, steamed buns, and eggs all day long, and only gave them gruel and steamed buns for their mother and son!

It's okay for him to be a big man, but his mother's family conditions have improved a bit in the past few years, and the food is more refined, which is a bit unbearable!
He also used to cook a small stove for his mother alone, and the woman saw that he flipped the table and clamored to go to the town to report that they abused her, so that his mother could continue to squat inside.

Li Changqing sneered!
As a man, all his years of hard work were ruined by such a woman!
Looking at the flames burning in the stove, Li Changqing couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and dropped his fist on the stove!

"Mom, it's breakfast!"

(End of this chapter)

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