Chapter 102

In her sleep, Changqing Niang heard a "squeak", she threw off the quilt in fright, hurriedly put on the padded coat and belt, before buttoning the coat, she went to open the door with her bare feet and shoes on!
"Get up, get up, come here, I'll cook!"

"Long, long, green, you,"

"Mom, breakfast is ready, bring it in!"


Looking at her son who walked out the door, the corners of Chang Qingniang's eyes wet!

her son!

He stayed well in the army, it was that bitch who killed him!

The old lady will come to her senses now, that bitch was taken away yesterday!

Ha ha!
He yelled all day to send his old lady in, but now he will squat in by himself!

Chang Qingniang was barefoot in the winter, and scolded at the door for a long time, venting all the fuss she had suffered these days!

"Mother, the girl next door was taken away yesterday, why did I hear her swearing!"

The old lady next door gave her stupid daughter-in-law a blank look,
"I've been worrying about it all day long, whether the rice is cooked or not, your man has been going to town with you for a few days, and he hasn't come back yet!"

"My man hasn't come back for a few days. I don't see you being interested, but I'm concerned about other people's affairs!"

"Mother, why don't I worry about my man, didn't the comrades who came up two days ago not let the villagers go out casually?"

"You're right!"

"Everyone left yesterday. After dinner, go out and find out what's going on!"

"They just sent people there, why don't they let them come back!"

"Understood, mother!"

Li Changqing came out of the house and went straight to the pickle factory!

When you meet villagers on the road, you just say hello!
Seeing his dark face, the people who wanted to ask him if he had any news about the village chief didn't dare to ask!
After breakfast, several old men in the village gathered at Meng's house one after another!
In the main room, old man Meng knocked down the cigarette pot, put shredded tobacco on it, struck a match and lit it, and spit out a puff of smoke!
"This shredded tobacco is not bad. It was sent by Sanwazi's master. Try it!"

"I said, brother, when is it? It's been a few days, and the kids don't even have a letter?"

"Why don't you believe me? They haven't committed any crimes. Can you still keep them in the town for the New Year?"

Master Meng clicked two more cigarette pouches and pots, and passed the shredded tobacco to the old man next to him!

"Didn't they take someone away yesterday, maybe this person is on the way!"

"Smoke a couple of sips, go back and ask someone to burn the kang for the children, prepare something, and let them go back to sleep after they are full!"

"It's freezing cold. In that damn place, I didn't eat or drink. I didn't bring two extra quilts when I left. What a sin!"

"Hey, yes, I don't know that heartless person used such a vicious method to harm a little girl!"

Damn it!

The reason why the people in Lijiawa stayed in the town and didn't come back was because the boss named Zhu injured his head and fell into a coma!
As for those people, they don't need to be interrogated, and they will scramble to explain everything when they arrive at the bureau!

However, they met Boss Zhu while they were drinking in the town, and he called him over!
As for the woman Boss Zhu was talking about, they didn't know who it was?
Boss Zhu just mentioned it to them when he was bragging!
Now that Boss Zhu is in a coma, it is impossible to confirm who this woman is and whether there is such a person!

After everyone finished recording their statements, the people in Lijiawa were interrogated one by one, and then they were arranged to live in a guest house!

I took a bite of the savory meat buns, the meat picked by the master chef is good, and the noodles are also tender!

After Meng Chuxiao ate one, he grabbed another. Gululu drank half a bowl of soy milk, burped, and then gnawed on the buns in his hand!

"Comrade Meng, is that person really in your village?"


"You really sent that thing back to Elder Chu?"



Meng Chuxiao raised her head, and her deep black eyes scanned the other party!

Do you really want to discuss this here?
The man looked around, it was really not suitable to talk about it here, he closed his mouth embarrassingly, picked up a meat bun and took a bite!
"Not to mention, the craftsmanship of the master chefs here is good, no worse than that of the master chefs in the Jingli State-owned Hotel!"


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(End of this chapter)

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