Chapter 103

Meng Chuxiao looked calm, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

Feng Ran really got it right, these people arrived in town only two days apart!

Fortunately, he was not lazy that night and delivered the things to Uncle Wei in the dark!It’s just that his wife didn’t go, so I don’t know if Uncle Wei figured it out or not!

Thinking of the message he received that night, Meng Chuxiao was glad that these people came in time!

I didn't expect that someone was really dealing with the Chu family!

Those people actually wanted to put this incident on him and the uncle!
I can't wait to kill them!
In the book, the uncle's accident occurred a few days later than this time. The book begins with the uncle's accident, and then the uncle and grandma died one after another!

Now his father was forced to change jobs, and his mother also resigned from her position. The elder brother and the second sister are in the secrecy unit, but they are not implicated!

Then the Chu family collapsed, and my grandparents also left without holding on for long!
Chu Hao!

He glanced at the fat-mouthed idiot at the next table, he got into a fight with someone in his previous life and got limped in one leg!

this life!
Let's protect it!

If it was really like what was written in the book, after returning to the city, this guy would drag his legs and follow behind him when he walked there.
"Comrade Meng, can we go?"

Before Meng Chuxiao picked up the fifth meat bun, the previous man couldn't bear it anymore. With such a big bun, he could eat just one bun, but this one ate four!
Meng Chuxiao didn't want to talk to this cheapskate, but he thought that he and his uncle had been saved at least once!
Seeing how respectful the other people are towards him, this guy's identity should be very useful, he can enjoy the shade under the big tree, and he is still very knowledgeable about current affairs!

"Comrade Lu, I'm sorry, rural people do manual labor and eat a lot, so you're laughing!"

eat a lot!
Lu Hengyuan was so choked that he lost his temper, and waited patiently for him to finish eating the fifth bun, and asked someone to wrap the remaining few in newspaper for him to eat slowly on the way!
"Uncle, are you done eating? Let's go!"

"Come here, the ox cart is hitched, let's go!"

Those who followed Lu Hengyuan breathed a sigh of relief!

Professor Lu has a violent temper and a big temper, and is not easy to serve. I'm afraid that the kid will piss him off, and it won't end well!

Behind the three ox carts was a black car and two military trucks, all the way from Qingshan Town to Lijiawa!
A bonfire was burning at the entrance of the village, and a group of people stood guard around the fire. When they saw the ox cart, they just wanted to surround it. When they saw a car and two large trucks behind the ox cart!

The timid ones trembled in fright, and could vaguely hear the sound of drawers!
This matter is troublesome, giving it away is causing trouble!

They couldn't see clearly who was sitting in the car, but on the truck, there was a green military uniform with a gun on his hand!
Is this going to kill everyone in Lijiawa?

"Quick, go back and inform Uncle Meng that something has happened!"


A boy who joined in the fun responded and ran into the village with his feet loose, shouting as he ran,

"Something went wrong, here comes the snatcher!"

"Something happened, the higher ups are here to arrest someone!"

When the group arrived at the entrance of Lijiawa Village, they saw men, women, and children carrying iron shovels, hoes, sledges, brooms, and wooden sticks to welcome their arrival!

Seeing this scene, Meng Jiasheng broke out in a cold sweat!

The ones who can get him and Meng Chuxiao out of those people's hands with one sentence are those muddy legs who can mess with them!

"What are you doing? If you don't go to work, you will get work points and food to fill your stomachs!"

"Go and loosen the soil for the wheat!"

"Yes, yes, the snow has just melted, and now it's the right time to loosen the soil. In the coming year, we will harvest two handfuls of grain!"

Li Dayou reacted, walked in front of the villagers, raised his hands and drove them into the fields!
"Do you want to loosen the soil for the wheat after it snows?"

The person sitting next to him nodded quickly!
"Yes, the ground is stiff after it rains, and loosening the soil will make it easier for plants to take root!"


Listening to his boss telling lies in a serious manner, the person sitting on the other side of Lu Hengyuan couldn't help laughing!

Lu Hengyuan!
(End of this chapter)

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