Chapter 104

The roads in the village are narrow and large trucks cannot enter.

Meng Chuxiao told everyone else to disperse!

Meng Jiasheng wanted to follow, but was stopped by Meng Chuxiao!
It is not suitable for too many people to know about this matter!
Meng Chuxiao took Lu Hengyuan and the others to the clinic directly!

After Meng Jiasheng returned home, he took off his shoes and got on the kang. When the quilt was covered, he shrank into a ball!

Neither he nor Meng Chuxiao can come back!

Those people repeatedly questioned and brought the topic to them, obviously trying to blame them for this matter!

He knew almost everyone in the town, but this time he was interrogating them with a few unfamiliar faces!

The Meng family has never offended anyone in the town, so no one should deliberately mess with them!
Chu family!

These people are here for the Chu family, for Meng Chuxiao!
Lin Wenhua carried Feng Meiyu and Meng Jiasheng back to the Meng family!

See Feng Ran, Feng Meiyu

He threw himself into her arms!
Those people are so terrible!Ask the same questions over and over again!
They asked if someone instructed her to lure comrades Lin Xiaoran and Li Mengyao to the mountain!
Who helped her find those people?

When Comrade Li Mengyao was assaulted, was she there to help?
She said no!

Those people said that she would not save her, and her ideological consciousness was low!
Feng Meiyu is scared!

I'm really scared!

She was a victim, and those people were planning to harm her!

What are these people trying to do?
Feng Meiyu cried and told Feng Ran what happened in the town!

Feng Ran sneered!

What do they want to do?
It's just a conflict of interests, trying to open a gap from Feng Meiyu, and draw Meng Chuxiao and Meng Jiasheng out!

It seems that the Chu family has no say in the city before!


"I almost couldn't come back?"

"Aren't you back now?"

"Well, sister, you know, Professor Lu is so majestic!"

"In the morning, those people are only planning to release the villagers back. They want to keep me, my brother-in-law, Uncle Meng, and Brother Wenhua here!"

"As soon as Professor Lu's people showed their IDs, those people were stunned!"

"Hey, Professor Lu invited us to have breakfast at the state-run restaurant!"

Feng Ran!

The little girl was crying so hard just now, now she has become Professor Lu’s little crush again!
Lin Wenhua lovingly rubbed the top of Feng Meiyu's head, and sat next to her on the kang!
"When you said you were entering the research institute earlier, did you want us to follow Professor Lu?"

"Follow him?"

"You want to study medicine?"

Lin Wenhua shook his head. He has only been in high school for two years, and Meiyu is still in junior high school. People who can follow Professor Lu as a medical expert are either graduate students or special recruits!

I'm afraid they won't be able to get up there!

"Then there's no need to follow him!"

"Sister, didn't you say you wanted us to enter the research institute?"

Feng Meiyu was anxious. Didn't he insist on sending her away that day? Why didn't he keep his word again?
Feng Ran looked at the little girl who was so anxious that she almost slapped the table in front of her!
The corners of his mouth were raised, and the sarcasm in his eyes was obvious!

Feng Meiyu sat back embarrassingly, her face flushed with embarrassment!

"Feng Ran, is she your sister?"

"younger sister,"

"Lin Wenhua, I don't care for such a younger sister!"

After saying a word, both of them blushed!
Feng Ran didn't bother to talk to them anymore. As for sisters, if they get along, they should be closer. If they don't get along, they should stay far away!
Just a spoiled little girl!
Feng Ran put the book he had prepared in advance from the kang cabinet on the kang table and motioned to Lin Wenhua to open it!

Lin Wenhua opened the pages of the book and opened his mouth wide in shock. This is...

"The Encyclopedia of Mechanics,"

What Feng Ran gave him was an ordinary introductory book on machinery for later generations, which listed the production and use of thousands of types of machinery!
Even though it is an introductory book, in this era when science and technology have just started, if this book is taken out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world of books!
"Take the book back and read it!"

"Go back, pack up, and return to Beijing with that professor!"


Feng Ran took out two modified watches and asked them to wear them!After talking about the purpose and method of use, I sent the two of them back to pack up my things!
After the two left, Feng Ran was in a good mood, warmed himself a cup of milk, and sipped it leisurely!

Hey, it's time to have a cup of coffee!

(End of this chapter)

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