Chapter 108

Er Gouzi’s wedding was a lively one!
Li Dayou directly set up the big stove on the threshing floor and invited the villagers to have a big pot meal together!
The heavy snow fell all night, until the next morning, it gradually became smaller. Seeing that the snow had stopped, the villagers spontaneously came out to clean up the snow!
This time the snow was even heavier than last time, the door of the room was sealed, Meng Chuxiao kicked it a few times, the doorknob almost flew off!

"You bastard, no matter what you kick, the wall will be cracked by you. You want to be buried alive or whatever!"

"You don't have a long mouth, do you? You don't know how to shout! If you want to die outside, don't harm others!"

Mr. Meng walked over slowly leaning on an iron lift, shoveling the snow at the door one after another, without stopping his mouth!
Meng Chuxiao touched his nose. He had really forgotten about this!

Houses in the countryside are built with mud bricks, and there is no cement at all. With his current strength, he can really kick a hole in the wall!
The wife and children are all in the house, it really collapsed, he will cry there!
"Daughter-in-law, get up. I'm outside. The door will open later. I see it's inappropriate!"

Feng Ran rubbed her eyes and stood up. Meng Chuxiao took a cotton-padded jacket and put it on for her.

Put on your pants, put on your cotton slippers, get under the kang, brush your teeth and wash your face!
After finishing all this, the door opened, Feng Ran and Meng Chuxiao welcomed the old man into the house, and called the old man to sit on the kang outside!

The door of Meng Daya's room hadn't been opened yet, so she didn't come to make breakfast!

Meng Chuxiao lit the fire, Feng Ran washed the pot, washed rice, added water to cook porridge, and heated steamed buns!

The old man watched the young couple busy with each other. Although their movements were clumsy, they finally put the rice into the pot!

The old woman still has sharp eyes and can see people accurately. The good nature of Sanwa's family is good, but this housework is really not good!

It's really hard for this young couple to have no one to help them, so they have to go back and choose one of the girls who can work quickly!
Thinking of his eldest granddaughter, Mr. Meng sighed, that girl is also suffering, with such a mess on the stall!
"Master, why don't you sigh well, come on, I bought a bottle of good wine in the town yesterday, let your granddaughter-in-law prepare two dishes, let's have a drink!"


Can she tear that shit apart?

"Sister-in-law, get up, let me come!"

"Grandpa is here too!"

"Well, big girl is here!"

"The snow outside has sealed the door, brother just shoveled the snow outside the door!"

"Sir, are you and Third Brother planning to have a drink? I'll give you two appetizers!"

"Okay, the two are solid, Sanwazi has a lot of good things here, so I will try it too!"

"Okay, Grandpa,"

"My third daughter-in-law is pregnant, so don't keep busy!"

"It's okay, master, I'll watch the fire for you, I won't be tired!"

"Grandpa, try it!"

Meng Chuxiao took out a few oil paper bags from the kang cabinet, a bag of fried golden broad beans, put them in his mouth and bit them, they were crunchy, the more you chewed, the more delicious they became!

One and two packages, one is fried peanuts, and the other package, when you open the oiled paper package, the old man's eyes are straightened!
"This smell is too fragrant, what kind of meat is it made of, it's so fragrant!"

Meng Chuxiao!
He knows what meat to make!

My wife gave it to me, saying that I had run out of some superpower, so it would make up for it quickly!
He saw that the old man was getting older and his body was not strong anymore, or he wouldn't last a few days, so he followed him!

Thinking that this thing is so good, give the old man a couple of mouthfuls to nourish his body!

He had previously thought about bringing it to the main house for him and letting the two of them chew a piece when they were free. Thinking of a big family with so many mouths, the two of them would never hide and eat alone!
Based on his understanding of his wife, she probably doesn't have much of this stuff, or else she wouldn't only give him this little!
He doesn't want to take advantage of such a precious thing!

Don't think that if he doesn't say anything, he just doesn't care about it. It's just that he doesn't want the old man and the old lady feel uncomfortable, so he tries his best to endure it!

Anyway, he can't stay in Lijiawa for the rest of his life. The sky is high and the water is far away from now on, and he won't see him a few times in his life, so why bother to break up with him!
(End of this chapter)

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