Chapter 109

The old man picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. It was tender and smooth, and it could be chewed with a light bite. It didn't take much effort to chew, it wasn't greasy, and it had a fresh fragrance!
"Hmm! It smells good. I made it there. I can buy more next time I meet!"

"That's right, the craftsmanship of the state-owned chef in the county is unmistakable!"

"Grandpa, come, let's have a drink together!"

"It's just you, a cunning kid, who can talk to anyone, or if you think about it that way, they will be willing to sell it to you!"

Mr. Li said, raised the coarse porcelain bowl, touched it with Meng Chuxiao, lowered his head and took a sip!

"Tsk, you have encountered all the good things, and this wine is also delicious!"

"Da Ya, bring a bowl over here. Give your father and the others a taste of the good wine your third brother brought back!"

Meng Chuxiao!
There is less than one catty in the bottle, not to mention pouring out a bowl, even if half a bowl is poured, there is only the bottom of the bottle left!
"Okay, it's a cold day, give uncle and the others a drink to warm them up!"

"This bottle is bouncing, and there is another bottle inside. It is sitting on the table. My wife is going to take it out. My uncle is clearing the snow in the yard. You stand at the door and call him!"


Shit, there's another bottle!
Feng Ran stood up from the low stool, got up and went inside to get a bottle of wine. When he walked to the door, he saw Uncle Meng's family shoveling snow inside!


Uncle Meng turned around when he heard the shouting and saw that it was from Sanwa's family. When he saw the wine bottle she raised, he secretly thought that the old man still felt sorry for them!
That little brat Sanwazi, that stingy guy, has some good things to keep for himself, so he’s the only one who’s willing to take them out!

"Three baby daughter-in-law, just stand there and don't move, I'll go get it!"

The road is slippery in this snowy weather. Although a path has been shoveled, the ground is still frozen and there is ice on it, so if you fall!

Sanwa's daughter-in-law is so weak that she will fall down when the wind blows, but she dare not let her come over!

"Uncle, here it is!"

Meng Jiasheng didn't dare to take it, and the seal on the big-bellied glass bottle was not opened. The old man said it was okay to take it out for them to taste, but if the whole bottle was divided among them, it would be unreasonable!
These days, food is precious, and if there is surplus food, it can be used to make wine. Now tobacco and alcohol are in limited supply. The bottle of Sanwazi looks weird, not like the supply and marketing cooperatives!
Someone should have kept this wine in private, and it must be a few years old!

A vintage wine!
Meng Jiasheng squirmed his lower lip, swallowing the words of refusal in a daze!
"My third daughter-in-law, the seal of this wine has not been opened. How about I get a bowl and pour some more!"

"No, there are still some in the house. Meng Chuxiao bought a few bottles last time, which was enough to cause him trouble. This bottle is not missing!"

"A few, a few bottles,"

Meng Jiasheng's words are not easy to talk about. If others get a bottle or two, they will ask for this, look for that, run away, and they may not be able to get it!


Feng Ran's hand is sour!

Uncle Meng was still in a daze, and the other party was an elder, so she couldn't just give it to him!
I can only throw it to Meng Daya's brother who came over, it should be her brother, he looks very similar to Uncle Meng!

Meng Jiaxing didn't expect to come to see the excitement and encounter such a good thing. His nephew-in-law had a good look in his eyes, and she knew that he had a cheerful temperament, unlike his eldest brother who was so annoying!
"Niece-in-law, thank you. Uncle Wu, I won't be polite to you anymore!"

Feng Ran!


Meng Jiaxing ran to the kitchen with the wine bottle in his arms. He wanted to find a big bowl and pour more!

"Fifth, stand still, you have to divide according to the head!"

Looking at the scene of chickens flying around in the yard, Feng Ran pulled the corners of his mouth!
It can only be blamed because there are so many Meng family members, and it was born by the same parents!
She couldn't tell who was who, that's normal!
Feng Ran leaned against the door frame, smiling at this rare excitement!

In later generations, high-rise buildings blocked blood and family ties.
(End of this chapter)

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