Chapter 130

When talking to smart people, Feng Ran is not prepared to beat around the bush!
"As the saying goes, fallen leaves return to their roots, and no one knows what the future holds. Neither Meng Chuxiao nor I have taken the college entrance examination, so returning to the city is just a waste of time!"

"The two of us are not able to endure hardships, nor can we be angered, and we don't know how long we can stay in the Chu family!"

"So, the room we are living in now is not going to be given out!"

"No difference,"


"The house belongs to Lao Meng's family, why do you say we can't separate it?"

Zhang Qiaolan hid from the old lady and gritted her teeth!

Little bitch, that house is hers, hers!
There are five houses, even if the big one is occupied by Zhang Qiaolan, the remaining three or three rooms are not small, a young couple with a child lived in, just right!
No more!
What should they do!
Continue to squeeze together with your mother-in-law and father-in-law!
In private, they have agreed that the remaining three rooms will be one for their family, and the married sons will be divided into one family. After two days, the house in the backyard will be rebuilt, and a few unmarried people will live there for a while!
Everything was planned just right, the three little daughters-in-law who were going to move out had all their things packed, and they just waited until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, when Feng Ran and the others went out, they could just carry their burdens and live in the big house they had been dreaming of at night!

Feng Ran said no!
What should they do?
After Feng Ran finished speaking, he took a special look at everyone's reactions. When he saw a few new little wives coming in, his eyes turned red with anxiety and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth!
"Three baby daughter-in-law, don't like this!"

"You can also see the situation at home. The houses in the backyard are all adobe houses, and the walls are cracked with seams. You can't keep up with me!"

"Several bigger monkeys can't stand it, let alone these milk babies!"

"Logically speaking, we can't open this door. After all, Sanwa's father provided the money to build the house, and it was Sanwa's son who helped build those rooms later!"

"But, I really can't live at home!"

"Sanwa's daughter-in-law, why don't you wait for Sanwa to come back and let him and your uncle calculate the total?"

"Auntie, what you said, I am confused!"

"I only said that the houses will not be divided, but I didn't say that we won't be allowed to live in them!"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, looking at each other, regardless, how to live?
Let who live?
Who won't be allowed to live there?

At this moment, someone realized that they wanted to occupy the house and not let them live in it?
Just say it?
Sanwa's family is not short of money or tickets, even if they can't stay in the Chu family, they still have money to buy a house in the city!
In other words, Meng Chuxiao was able to prop up the pickle factory, and if he went to the city with the help of the Chu family, he would be in a duck's water!
In other words, those recipes in the pickle factory belong to Sanwa's family. Even if they are not here, what belongs to them cannot be taken away by others!
The current wages paid by the pickle factory are enough for the couple to have enough food and drink. After all, they can't stay in the city anymore!
As for whether they want to stay in this small mountain village for the rest of their lives!
Everyone ha ha!

It's useless to think about it!

Sanwa's family wants to be lazy!
Seeing how clever her two children are, staying in this small place is not delaying them!
"Mother, mother, this can't be done. The house belongs to the Meng family. What she says doesn't count. Mother, please say something!"

This is too urgent, it’s useless!
The land is divided among the team, and the house is built with money from other people. They can divide it however they want!
Ever since Sanwazi set up the stove, he has basically separated from Lao Meng's family!If he hadn't cared about their old couple, Sanwazi probably wouldn't have wanted to stay in the same yard with this shit!
"The house is yours, whether you keep it or share it, it's up to you!"

"Needless to say, you all see the situation at home. If you are willing to help, just help!"

"Don't sit still. It's cold outside. Go back to the house. The fire on the stove is still burning. The meat will be mushy later and you will cry!"

"It's all gone!"


Zhang Qiaolan shouted loudly at the old lady's back on the ground!
The ankle was hot, and her body throbbed in pain!

Feet hurt, heart hurts even more!

(End of this chapter)

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