Chapter 131

Everyone has dispersed, and the yard is empty.

She was the only one left in the huge yard!

Zhang Qiaolan looked around. Everyone was gone. No one asked her if she was hurt!
No one came to help her!
The third rot of the family, a slut without a conscience.

Those wives before were rushing to fawn over her!
You bitch who can't afford to be early without any profit!

Think that bitch is what he says?
After she leaves, the house is still hers!
There are five rooms in a row, and the group of sluts don't even want to live in one!
This damn old woman, who usually looks ruthless, turns out to be a coward. She can't even handle a granddaughter-in-law who doesn't have a natal family!I couldn't even open my mouth after being retorted with a few words!
Zhang Qiaolan scolded the Meng family all over in her heart!

The north wind howled, and the sharp wind blade wrapped the floating dirt on the ground and smashed it on the face!The wind blade slid across like a knife, and there were bursts of stinging pain on the red and swollen cheeks!

Zhang Qiaolan twisted her numb body a few times,
My ankles, back, neck, cheeks, every part of my body hurts!
Damn bitch!
I'm not going to take off that face of yours today!
In three years, the people living in Lijiawa, a pickle factory, have managed to get by!

When you are full and have some food left over, you don’t have to lie down on the kang hungry anymore!
The last batch of goods was delivered yesterday, and Meng Jiasheng took people to check the accounts and tidy up the factory!

In three years, the pickle factory has been expanding, from the original three rooms to the current three buildings, plus four large warehouses!

There are also more than 500 workers at the beginning, and now there are more than [-] people. Among these people, except for a dozen people arranged by the town and the county, the rest are Lijiawa and the villagers of Xiaoli Village!

The pickle factory opened its doors today, and the villagers spontaneously took brooms and shovels to sweep and wipe, making the ground as flat as it should be and shoveled as needed!
A group of old men are talking nasty words, teasing each other, and their subordinates are constantly moving!
Meng Jiasheng looked at the numbers on the account, crossed his fingers, and checked them over and over again, five digits!
The first one is nine!

One, two, three, four, ... seven, eight, nine!

"Dayou, is this nine?"

Li Dayou,
ask him,

He knows that word, but they are not familiar with him!

Li Dayou pushed Li Changqing aside. Qingwazi has finished junior high school, so he should understand!

Li Changqing took the account book and counted it again!
"Ninety-five thousand three hundred and eighty-five yuan and three cents!"

"so much?"

"That's right, isn't it?"

Throw the old man's pen on the table, get up and leave!


He is a mathematics professor, how can he make such calculations wrong?
Too lazy to talk to a group of illiterate people, I put the old man's hands behind his back, hummed a tune, and went home!

Today is New Year's Eve. The boy from the Meng family went into the mountains with a group of people early in the morning. He has to go back and prepare his things and wait for his good disciple to send the rabbit!

Speaking of that little bastard, I agreed to help him keep the accounts, and then slipped away after a while, and said something about going home to see my sister, and coming in a while!
The bills are all settled, and the little bastard is not even a shadow, he must be coaxing the children at home again!
So is his mother, I have never seen such a stupid one!Even a milk doll can't do it!

The old man hummed a ditty, walked to the outside of Meng's yard, pushed open the windshield door, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face!

"Grandpa, you're back!"

When Yi An heard the voice, he moved his eyes away from the book, looked up at the door, and saw that it was his grandfather who said hello, put on his shoes and got off the kang!

Lift the lid of the pot, steamed buns, steamed buns, and a pot of fried golden fish and shrimps!
"Sent from Dabao!"

"No, Dabao didn't come, it was brought by the fourth sister!"


No wonder I didn’t see any wine!

Seeing his grandpa's face drooping, Yi An raised his eyebrows. That little brat Dabao has been keeping the old man in his mouth for the past two years!
Yi An took out the small iron pot that he usually used to boil wine, scalded it with hot water, and put it on the Kang table!

old man!
This bastard, there is no point in bringing out a pot if you don’t have any wine!
The old man squeezed a small fish and chewed it in his mouth. It was delicious, but there was no wine, so it was a bit tasteless!

"Grandpa, you didn't wash your hands again!"


Be fussy!
When he was starving, he could pick up the scum that fell on the ground and stuff it in his mouth!

Wash your ass hands!
(End of this chapter)

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