Chapter 219

"Seal all remaining potions, lock the research materials into the database, and thoroughly clean and disinfect all equipment!"

"Everyone who has been exposed to the drug will be quarantined on site for a month. The laboratory will be closed and no one will be allowed to go out!"

"Block all roads within ten miles, only entering, not exiting!"

"Everyone who has been in contact with this incident, once discovered, immediately isolate on the spot!"

Every time the girl uttered a word, the hearts of the people in the laboratory sank little by little!

They knew that the medicine might spread, so they locked that medicine man alone!
This matter is far more serious than they thought!
It is likely to spread over a large area!
Having said that, whether they listen or not is their business, Feng Ran doesn't have the time to clean up the mess for them!
"At your own risk!"

After leaving these four cold words, Feng Ran stood up and held his waist and belly!

The domineering face just now turned into a delicate white flower in an instant!
Feng Ran staggered out of the research room, and the heavy door opened. Outside the door, Meng Chuxiao strode forward and hugged her waist!

"Daughter-in-law, are you tired? Put your arms around my neck and I'll carry you to the lounge!"


Feng Ran stretched out his slender arms, put her white and tender hands around his neck, tilted her head on his solid chest, and slowly closed her eyes!
Hearing that her breathing was gradually becoming calmer, Meng Chuxiao looked dotingly at the person in her arms!
"Ghost girl!"

"Old chief!"

The old man sighed, and his tense nerves slowly relaxed!

"Do as she says!"

Since the girl said that, it meant that she had seen this kind of poison before!

She also wants to tease men. It seems that she can cure this poison!

It's good if he can solve it, the few lying down are all the elites of the imperial capital, and he feels distressed if he loses one!

The order came down and the laboratory was completely sealed off, and no one was allowed to move around at will!

Meng Chuxiao carried Feng Ran into a lounge and put him on the bed. Feng Ran fell to the ground and let out a cry!
Still comfortable in bed!
Seeing that she was fast asleep, Meng Chuxiao pulled the quilt over her and looked at her peaceful sleeping face!

During this period of time, this girl is like a cannonball all day long, it will explode at one o'clock!
Meng Chuxiao knew how difficult her pregnancy was, but if he said hurtful words, he would eventually hurt others!
Leaned over and kissed her delicate red lips!

"cough, cough"

"Comrade Meng, Comrade Meng!"

Outside the door, the old chief's guard coughed in embarrassment!

It’s not that he is ignorant, it’s just that the old chief is eager to find Meng Chuxiao!

Meng Chuxiao stroked the messy hair on Kaifengran's forehead, straightened up, and left the room with a sullen face!

Meng Chuxiao strode towards the laboratory with big strides, and the guard followed behind in embarrassment!

He also didn't want to disturb the young couple's intimacy, but the old chief was so urgent that he dared to delay!

That group of people, too, will die if they don't make a fuss for a day!
Don't even look at how many emperors have fallen in the past few days. Each and every one of them didn't stop and rushed to hit the muzzle!

The old Chief Nian didn't pursue the matter of Lijiawa because of his past friendship, and let them clean up the people themselves!
Fortunately for them, the secret agent's affairs over there haven't been settled yet, and someone has taken advantage of another loophole in the laboratory!
Now that's all right, those people lying inside are all outstanding children selected by each family!

This time, it's all planted!

Meng Chuxiao walked quickly, and when he saw the old chief, he was still discussing with several researchers what to pay attention to next!
Meng Chuxiao pulled up a chair, sat aside, and played with the watch in his hand!
This watch was given to him by Fengran before he came to the imperial capital, and it looks similar to the current watch from the outside!
Meng Chuxiao slid his hand across the screen, the dial lighted up a little bit, Meng Chuxiao dimmed the light, and his finger slid gently on the side of the dial!
(End of this chapter)

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