Chapter 220

"Comrade Meng Chuxiao, do you still need to add something?"


he needs?
Of course it is!
This group of people don't take his wife seriously, they just don't take him seriously!

Are they slapping the Chu family in the face?
"You are all experts in the medical field, I am a layman so I won't point fingers!"

Hearing this, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief!

Whatever happens!

If you really let them listen to the instructions of a furry kid who doesn't even have any fur, I'm afraid they won't have to go out anymore!

How could it be possible that Meng Chuxiao didn't know what these old guys were paying attention to!

He is afraid of his wife!

"I have no control over laboratory matters, and I can't control them. It's up to you what you want, but..."

"I personally handed over the instruments and medicine to Wei Yong'an. I can't find your fault for this matter. I'll look for him!"

"I trusted him when I handed it over to him. Now that something happens, he has to be responsible!"

He is in charge!

He is responsible, how is he responsible?

They just checked, and there really is such a person!

At that time, the man did go back to the city with the instrument, but after returning to the city, the man only stayed in the laboratory for two days before falling back to his original unit!

Let alone entering the laboratory, that person probably doesn't even know where the door of the laboratory is!
Make your family responsible?
Responsible for what?
They didn't even touch the edge, so let them be responsible!

When something like this happens, it's their problem. They don't have the shamelessness to let an unrelated person take the blame for them!

"Comrade Feng, this matter is our negligence and has nothing to do with that comrade!"

"Yes, this matter has nothing to do with others, he has never even entered the laboratory! Old Chief,..."

What old age!
Call him useful!

This group of people were all focused on research, and there was this kid's opponent, and they almost cried when they were bluffed by this kid's few words!
"Okay, do as this kid said, get Wei Yongan and take over the laboratory!"

Take over the lab!
After getting a satisfactory answer, Meng Chuxiao walked out of the laboratory contentedly!
The sky was blue, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Meng Chuxiao was in a good mood, humming a little song, and walked towards the kitchen of the research institute!
The daughter-in-law wants to eat dumplings!

I don't know if there is any meat in the kitchen now!

The guard followed behind, twitching at the corner of his mouth!

This broken voice!
Roar so loud!
Don't be afraid of being sacked at night!

The supply of the laboratory is still relatively sufficient, rice, white flour, pork, vermicelli,...

With plenty of ingredients and free time, Meng Chuxiao did it himself, adjusted the stuffing, kneaded the noodles, and worked until the sun was setting, and a pot of fat and white dumplings came out smoothly!
Meng Chuxiao picked out the best-looking ones, filled two bowls of them, and put them on the tray!
A dish of black vinegar, a dish of bean paste, a dish of pickled cucumbers, and two white steamed buns!

Meng Chuxiao walked in and Feng Ran twitched the corner of his mouth!
This person won't overturn other people's kitchen!

"Daughter-in-law, wake up, come, eat dumplings!"

Feng Ran!

You call those round things dumplings!

Does the dumpling promise?

This is the level of the research institute's cooks!

"We are locked up here with Li Changnian. There is only a little girl named Da Ni at home. I'm afraid it's a little unsafe. Otherwise, let's bring her in too!"

Feng Ran really didn't want to wrong her stomach!
If she eats these all day long, she will have to consider whether to stay here any longer!

I originally wanted to torment those old guys for a few more days, but forget it!She didn't want to get herself involved just to vent her anger!

Feng Ran took a look at the so-called dumplings in the bowl, picked up a steamed bun decisively, and sandwiched a piece of green pickled cucumber!

Feng Ran!

"Daughter-in-law, have a quick drink of dumpling soup and rinse it off!"

Meng Chuxiao brought the bowl full of dumplings to Feng Ran's mouth!


(End of this chapter)

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