Chapter 239
He Jingyao saw her taking a step back, his eyes darkened, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Teacher Sheng, if you need my help if you need anything, just call me. After all, what happened this time is because of me."

Sheng Jiaojiao heard buzzing voices not far away. It must be that today's scenes have been filmed and the staff have packed up and returned.

If they saw her and He Jingyao chatting alone, there would inevitably be some gossip.

"Okay, if I need help, I'll call you for help."

She responded quickly and said,
"Then I'll go back and rest first. You should go back early, bye."

"Teacher Sheng, see you tomorrow."


The filming of "Mountains and Rivers Are Safe" is in full swing. Because she is the heroine, this drama can be regarded as a major female protagonist, so Sheng Jiaojiao has much more roles than Pei Yueze and He Jingyao.

Perhaps the previous three-day vacation had already been overdrawn, and Wang Ce has been able to squeeze her hard for the past half month.

If it weren't for the working hours stipulated in the contract, she felt that he could probably take her from morning to night, and then from night to morning.

The heavy and intense shooting work also gave Sheng Jiaojiao almost no time to talk to Wen Xuyan on the phone.

When she got up, he had already started working; when she left the show, it was time for him to go to bed.Both of them were extremely busy and could only find time to send messages, and the reply they received might be the one the other party sent a few hours ago.

But after thinking about August and September, they will be filming in Hengdian for about half a month.At that time, it will be close to Huating City. If you want to go back, you can drive there for more than three hours. She and Wen Xuyan will also be able to meet often.

"Are you sending a message to Wen Xuyan?"

Pei Yueze suddenly sat down on the rest chair next to her, seemingly asking a casual question.

Sheng Jiaojiao turned off her phone screen.
"No, he's been very busy recently."

"Indeed, I heard a little bit. That case should have a big impact on him."

"you know?"

She was a little surprised. Could it be that Aunt Song's case had been exposed online?Not so fast?

Pei Yueze looked at her expression and seemed to know what she was thinking. He chuckled and shook his head, "Don't worry, there is no news on the Internet yet. I have a friend who is also in their legal field. I heard a little bit. The sound of the wind.”

He continued,

"Because of the misappropriation of charity funds by the deputy director of the welfare home, the higher authorities have also begun to strictly investigate public welfare organizations, and even various companies have become tight-lipped after hearing the news."

Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned.

However, if the pests can be caught this time, it will also be a benefit to China's public welfare undertakings.Let the donations be used where they are really needed, so that those in need can get real help.


He suddenly called her name,
"That friend of mine has some connections. If you need it, I can help you and ask if there is any way..."

When Sheng Jiaojiao heard this, her brows trembled.

"Need not,"

She quietly refused,
"thank you for your kindness."

Pei Yueze was stunned and didn't care, and quickly changed the topic to the script and characters.

"This is Yan Ying's first time acting. In some aspects, she is still too young and immature, and her performance is not good enough."

Not far away, it was Yan Ying who was filming.

Sheng Jiaojiao followed his gaze and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

It was an expression of extreme indifference. Although he was commenting on Yan Ying's performance, his eyes and expression did not fluctuate.If he hadn't known that Yan Ying was his girlfriend, he might have thought that the two of them were strangers who had nothing to do with each other.

"You said it's her first time, so it's normal to have flaws. People need to grow, especially as an actor.

She was able to comprehend the character to this extent in such a short period of time, which was considered to be savvy and aura. "

Sheng Jiaojiao said.

She was not just saying empty words without any basis, but based on her observation of Yan Ying during this period and the process of acting with her.

"You are right, she does have great potential."

Pei Yueze's eyes flashed, and he looked back from a short distance away, landing on Sheng Jiaojiao's face, as if he saw something, "Don't move."

Subconsciously, Sheng Jiaojiao did not dare to move. She was not afraid of anything, only three things.Fear of those with no legs, fear of those with many legs, and fear of ghosts.

But now, when she saw Pei Yueze's suddenly serious expression, she felt like something was crawling on her body.

"What, what's wrong?"

Her voice was trembling a little,

"Are there bugs on me?"

Pei Yueze did not answer her, but turned his body sideways, then stretched out his hand towards her head.


"Yan Ying, what's wrong?"

Wang Ce saw Yan Ying clearly in trouble on the monitor and asked loudly.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted. Director, let's do another one. I'm really sorry."

Yan Ying withdrew her gaze and threw out of her mind the scene of the intimate interaction between Pei Yueze and Sheng Jiaojiao that she had just seen.

"Okay, let's do another one. All departments are ready..."


Sheng Jiaojiao didn't dare to move, her eyes blinked uneasily, and her breathing became much lighter.


He seemed to have taken something from her head, and she looked over cautiously.

"It's just a leaf on your head."

What Pei Yueze was holding with his two fingers was a green leaf, not an insect.


Sheng Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, the leaves on her head should have been stained by rolling on the ground during filming just now.It's good if it's not a bug, otherwise she feels that her head is not clean.

"Then why didn't you say anything? You scared me to death!"

She glared at him, blaming him for his silence.

The leaves fell lightly to the ground. Pei Yueze wiped his hands and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so scared. You blame me."

"No, next time you tell me, I can do it myself."

She smoothed her hair and suppressed the strange feeling in her heart.

The smile on Pei Yueze's face remained unchanged, and he said hello.

Sheng Jiaojiao thought that after she said that, he would be restrained and restrained, but she didn't expect that in the next few days, Pei Yueze's behavior became more and more difficult for her to understand.

He would come to her lounge every now and then, euphemistically calling it a scene or a discussion; from time to time he would invite her to the hotel cafeteria for breakfast (with Yan Ying there, of course); after filming the scene where she was crawling around on the ground, he would She handed her a towel and even tried to wipe it for her a few times.

It was okay if this happened once or twice, but if it happened more often, she felt something was wrong.

Although these behaviors did not seem to cross the line, it can be said that they are exchanges and interactions between colleagues, but it made her feel a little strange.Because although the previous Pei Yueze was hearty and generous, his behaviors were all in a certain range, neither near nor far, which would not make her feel unhappy.

But now, she feels like he is deliberately getting closer to her...

(End of this chapter)

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