Chapter 102 BC
The first round of make-up classes is over, with two days of rest in between.

It has passed the beginning of autumn, and in the dark evening, the heat is still lingering.Dad Li sat shirtless and cross-legged in the living room, humming anti-war songs to the TV.He advocates hardship and simplicity. In summer, you must sweat. If you don't sweat, you will shed tears. This is his famous aphorism.

No one in the family could resist the old man. The fan in the bedroom had been turned on to the third gear, and the sound of the whistling wind mixed with the cries of cicadas outside the window made people restless.

Li Hai hung a towel around his neck and was lying on the table working on a thick book of math problems.He kept drawing circles on the question stems, proving that the circles on the two words were almost through the back of the paper, but the answer area was still blank.

A loud voice in the living room said: "Ah~~, pick up the gun!" He trembled with fright.Li Hai suddenly stood up, slammed the bedroom door, took out the remote control from the drawer, and turned on the air conditioner.Close the windows, lock the door, and turn off the fan, all in one go, and the room instantly becomes quiet.The air conditioner blew out cool breezes and the temperature slowly dropped.

Li Hai threw away the towel around his neck, leaned hard on the back of the swivel chair, and frowned.In the living room, Father Li swallowed.I endured it again and again, but didn't kick the door open as usual.Mother Li heard the sound and came out to take a look. She was quite surprised when she saw that he was not having sex with her son again. She raised her eyebrows high and looked at the man sitting on the sofa and turned down the sound of the TV.

"The sun comes out from the west?" Mother Li asked softly.

Dad Li glared at her and said nothing. He turned around and continued watching TV, but did not dare to make any more noise.

"Now that everyone can play the piano, our family will live a good life." Mother Li continued to be sarcastic.

Li Hai didn't notice the huge changes in his father. Now he was thinking about what to do?He kept scratching his hair, and his skull, which had not learned much in more than ten years, was rusty and rusty, and he just couldn't think of a good way.

A week ago, he looked at the text message and said to himself, I must pass the exam, I must pass the exam.A week later, after this week of hard work, he almost collapsed. The fighting spirit inspired by the praise in early summer in the second semester of high school quickly disappeared, leaving only a pitiful crumbling foundation that Zhang Yansheng had dragged Lei through.

I don’t understand many things in class, and I don’t know where to start after class?He can still read and understand Chinese, but the rest is almost like a bible to him, not to mention that he can't speak English at all.

It was extremely cool in the room, but he seemed even more irritable.Li Hai stared at the computer on the table, which had not been opened for more than a week. Li Hai's father was quite pleased that his son, who was in his senior year of high school, was completely transformed, so he was relieved and did not take away the network cable directly.He turned on the computer, clicked on Baidu, and entered 'study in the United States'.

There was a dense amount of information in the browser, many of which were advertisements. He browsed through them one by one, hoping to find his own life-saving straw.

I don’t know when it became quiet outside, but my parents had already gone back to the house to sleep early.The only sound left at home was the click of his mouse, flipping through the pages, and Li Hai struggled to search for all the information.

When the sky gradually turned white, Li Hai's red and swollen rabbit-like eyes were focused on the computer screen. The various free online open university courses in OpenLearning gave him an unprecedented shock. After quickly browsing some professional courses, he became extremely curious about accounting and statistics courses.Because he discovered that mathematics, which was originally very boring, was the basis of many interesting subjects, the thick sweat-stained mathematics problem book at hand suddenly no longer looked so disgusting.

Li Hai withdrew his gaze from the computer and fell into deep thought.His mind began to become clearer. In the past, he only focused on playing games and never realized that there were so many fun things on the Internet.In the video open classes, professors from Chinese and foreign universities conduct experiments in the classroom. Students take the initiative to ask questions and are directly demonstrated by the professor in class to prove the results.

It turns out that university is not a paradise for eating, drinking and having fun as I imagined.

It turns out that the college entrance examination is not just for sending people to college.

It turns out that there are still so many novelties in life worth exploring.

It turns out that I can still develop a desire to explore subjects.

So many stimulations, for Li Hai, are like opening Pandora's box, with colorful novelties waving to him.

This world is not only about language, mathematics, English, physics, physics, history, geography, and politics. It turns out that it can appear in front of me in a completely new way, including psychology, anthropology, programming methodology, game theory, literature and art, philosophy and history...

And he could actually sit in front of a professor who was talking about numbers for half an hour without losing his mind?Such a magical and beautiful world of knowledge is unprecedented.

Li Hai was not interested in all the content. Some courses were listenable, while others were not interesting at all.He probably has a new understanding of himself. As long as I go to the right major in college, I can also hope to learn better?Or would it be easier to apply from university?
He added one more task to himself every day, and when he couldn't continue studying, he browsed the Internet for university courses that interested him.Because all of them were in English and Chinese subtitles, when the extra lessons were over and he was getting ready to start school, Li Hai felt that after listening to the bible-like English, he could actually capture some familiar vocabulary.He opened the dictionary and looked it up one by one according to the original questions, and found that the meanings he guessed were almost the same.

Oh my God!Has God seen my efforts and come to help?In fact, what he didn't know was that during the previous ten years of study, his parents and teachers only told him to work hard and get into college.As for what he was doing in college, he didn't know, and no one told him.To him, university is just a vague place where he can relax and have fun, so everything is a mirage to him. He cannot see a clear goal and naturally lacks strong motivation.

Now, under Lulu's stimulation, he tried to find the goal of learning for the first time, but was surprised to discover the meaning of learning.The world of the university is becoming clearer and clearer. It turns out that the boring algebra on the blackboard is the advanced programming logic that he deeply believes in. It turns out that artificial intelligence is mathematics, psychology is also mathematics, including financial economics, electronic engineering, and construction engineering.

The basic knowledge he needs to learn now is not only for the college entrance examination, but also so that he can study the subjects he is interested in in college, and also so that he can engage in his favorite career in the next few decades.

In the past, teachers and parents kept nagging in our ears: "Going to college is the most important thing. Don't embarrass us by leaving home. We must go to college. Once we go to college, we will have a guaranteed job." It's still annoying.

Now he understands that studying is actually to do what you like after the college entrance examination, to pursue the people you like, to study the majors you are interested in, and to have more choices.

As a result, the college entrance examination turned out to be the most worthwhile thing for him to strive for.

Li Hai's sudden enlightenment was like a sudden awakening, opening up the eight extraordinary meridians and causing a violent chemical reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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