tenth year of teaching

Chapter 103 Lesson 1

Chapter 103 Lesson [-]

After three rounds of make-up classes during the holidays, everyone is very different.After only two days of rest, on the 30th, when the first and second grade students returned to school and were still collecting books and cleaning, the first major exam began for the third grade students.

Different from the basic grades, senior high school students have one test per month, monthly test, midterm, final, comprehensive test, first model, second model, third model... As soon as the teacher said it, everyone started to get nervous.

“Each exam must analyze the average score, total score and ranking, individual subjects and rankings, and subject performance trends, and record all performance changes in real time with two-dimensional coordinates. Comparisons between students and students, and comparisons between subjects must be based on radar The chart will be distributed to teachers, students and parents. If it is a district-level unified examination, comparisons between schools will also be conducted..."

Students and parents don't care so much. They only care about whether they can go to college. What score do they need to get into college?
In the first lesson after the monthly exam, Chu Xia looked at the paper in her hand and thought about it before putting it down.Her habit of becoming a class teacher after graduation was to understand the students and do ideological work at any time. She felt that she was almost becoming the second Dr. Zheng.

"I heard that many students want to know what score they need to get into college?" She got off the podium and stood among everyone.

"That's right, teacher, isn't the purpose of fighting for the college entrance examination in the third year of senior high school is to go to university?" Chen Yisi said lazily, propping his head on the table.

"No, teacher, everyone told us that if we want to go to college, we have to get points. If we don't get points, what do we want?" Everyone agreed.

"Scores are indeed important, but what is more important is the competition between people. In fact, what you should really care about is your ranking. The monthly exams look at the school, the mid-term and final exams look at the district level, and the simulations look at the Haidian ranking position."

"Look at the ranking?"

"Yes, in fact, the number of students enrolled in universities in Beijing is basically fixed every year, and the positions are limited to those. For example, the Department of Mathematics of the First Normal University only recruits 30 people this year. Well, all BJ students who want to take this major have applied for it, and everyone will queue up according to their college entrance examination scores. 1-30 people are admitted. Everyone knows this, so you should know that it doesn’t matter whether you take 580 or 590. The key is whether 580 or 590 is among the top 30 applicants.”

Everyone understands.

"The most important thing is that you are not just competing with people from No. [-] Affiliated School, but with people from all over BJ City. Besides us, there is No. [-] Middle School, and there are also urban cow schools. Then you can only surpass others and go to the top if you work harder." The school you want to go to. Apart from the school, the most important thing when choosing a university is your major. Once you choose your major, you will have a fulfilling life in college. If you want to study information engineering, you may not be able to go to BJUST, but you can downgrade. Go to a second- or third-tier college to study this major. If you like it, you can improve it again in college. But the key is that you have to give yourself the opportunity to choose. The college entrance examination is just an opportunity to choose again in your life. " Chu Xia said calmly.

"Teacher, it's not maybe, it's definitely." Chen Yisi said strangely.

Everyone laughed loudly, "Monkey, you are sure, but don't say that we are all like you, I still have to work hard." Xu Yue teased.

"Actually, another point of emphasis on a bachelor's degree is that China lacks everything except people. Think about it. If you don't use a diploma as a stepping stone for job interviews in the future, what can you use to show that you are better than others? What can you use to compare with your future prospects? What if the boss says I'm more worthy of your choice than others?"

"Teacher", Li Hai indicated that he had something to say, and Chu Xia nodded. "You can go online and search for university courses on Baidu. There are many at home and abroad. I took a look at them during my vacation. It's quite interesting. If you find a major you like, when you look back at what you have studied now, you will know what it can be used for."

"Wow, Li Hai knows a lot." The fat man exaggeratedly praised.

"No, no, I just fell in love with mathematics." Li Hai returned to his glib tone.

Zhang Yan looked sideways and realized that Li Hai had indeed changed a lot since he entered the third year of high school. Most of the time, he no longer needed to be forced to study by himself.Their father's temper seems to have improved a lot, and I haven't heard him complain about his father's old-fashionedness much recently?When did it become?I don’t know what this kid is trying to do again.

"I have a classmate who got into the three-level exam when it first started. Her family is in good condition. The tuition fee, which is tens of thousands, was paid out in no time. But when I was in college, I contacted everyone and told everyone that their school was in an empty building in Changping. In the countryside, there is a pig farm in front of the school, and the smell of pig feces is accompanied by classes every day. The professors come by car and finish the class and then go back to the school headquarters immediately. It feels like they are just making money.

I have been living like this for four years, but the best thing is that the school is too far from the city, and there is no place to eat, drink or have fun.When she was bored, she took a second major and graduated with two diplomas.I was quite proud of myself, but when I was a senior, I went to a job fair and came back without even submitting my resume. "

"Why?" Everyone was curious.

"Almost every house has this notice hanging at the door of the recruitment desk." Chu Xia was cautious and stopped to look at everyone's expressions.

"We only need graduate students?" "We will take a break today and come back tomorrow?" "Those with experience will be given priority?" "The pig farm is looking for breeders?" The answers that came out of their minds were all kinds of weird, which made everyone laugh.

Chu Xia smiled, and when everyone calmed down, she gave the answer in a soft voice: "Lianda and Sanben are exempt from interviews." Facing everyone's doubts, she continued: "Just don't submit your resume, and you won't even get an interview."

"Teacher, you still want us to give priority to undergraduates? We won't even get an interview opportunity with three majors, so we might as well take a college entrance examination. My mother said that nursing school is a good way to find a job." Someone continued.

Chu Xia signaled everyone to be quiet, "But the reversal is here. It happened to be that year when Yuyang District was recruiting street workers, the first requirement was to graduate from a bachelor's degree. She came back to take the written test, No. 2, and was directly hired after the interview was successful. Now she earns He had no less than me, plus he had double diplomas, he was active in learning and had a good work attitude, so he was promoted the second year after graduation."

"Wow, that's such an exaggeration? Teacher, do you dare to say that he didn't use the back door?"

"Then I'm not very clear, but no one can fake the hardware conditions and undergraduate diploma. Those who have better grades than her and go to key universities in the city may have better choices. Those who are worse than her, junior college He didn't even have the qualifications to apply after graduation. Do you think he was lucky? After all, he still had his undergraduate diploma. At first, some students had better grades than her, so they didn't choose three majors and went straight to a good junior college. What happened in the end? They may not be as good as her. .”

"What's wrong? Teacher?"

"I have another classmate, a boy. His grades reached the second level and he chose the nursing major at Peking University School of Medicine. It was very popular at the time and he went directly to a top-level hospital in the city after graduation. I contacted him two days ago and complained that undergraduates and graduate students working at the same time can be assigned rooms. What now? Era? It's still in the urban area. Not only can he not be allocated a house, but he will also be evaluated later than he is. He has to work three shifts while studying. It is still early for him to fall in love, and he also has to worry about buying a house and having children." Chu Xia smiled.

"Teacher, you are just trying to persuade us to study hard in disguise. Are those classmates really fake?"

"It's true. Silly boys and girls, if you don't believe me, you can ask your relatives who have graduated in recent years. You will know what they are like."

That's the good thing about youth. You are always blindly optimistic and cannot see the difficulties you will face in a few years or more.

(End of this chapter)

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