Chapter 36 The Ultimate Command
She withdrew her gaze and suddenly looked behind her——

The body of the large robot they originally lived in was now in pieces, with its lower limbs still firmly stuck in the rubble, but its upper body was broken into several large pieces with no discernible shape, and fell around them.

Isn't this big robot protected by this metal cover?

A strange feeling appeared in her heart, which was very inexplicable.


Simian, who was in a coma, suddenly groaned in pain.

Mucang leaned over and found that he was not awake, but his brows were furrowed, beads of sweat covered his face, and his lips turned white in pain.

Just the construction residues that flew in from the gaps in the closed circle pierced the big metal robot with holes...

What's more, Si Mian is blocked by flesh and blood.

She used a knife to gently cut open Simian's clothes.

In addition to the marble fragments on the shoulders, there were seven puncture wounds on the back, caused by the fish that slipped through the net that was not caught in the leather backpack that was tied into a hedgehog.

At this moment, Mu Cang was glad that they had gone to all the trouble to carry the bulky bag with them. If the backpack had not been used as a shield, it would have been difficult for Si Mian to save his life.

Xiao Zai had calmed down a bit now. He didn't bother to get up. He kicked off the soft cover of Simian's backpack, rolled his body like a little loach, leaned over, reached out and pulled out the medical kit from the bag and handed it to him. Mu Cang.

"Mom, Brother Si Mian has medicine."

Mu Cang was checking Si Mian's wound, when he heard that he took the medicine box, he told his son, "Lie on your stomach, don't move around, and rest."

Xiao Zai yawned, "Mom, Zai Zai's head is not dizzy anymore, he just wants to sleep."

As he spoke, he put his hands under his chin, closed his eyes, and fell asleep with a flushed face.

Falling asleep quickly...

Mu Cang leaned over, touched his son's forehead, and listened to the rhythm of his breathing, feeling uneasy.

She gently rubbed her son's face, "Zai Zai, are you hungry?"

Xiao Zai opened his eyelids, "Mom, Zai Zai only slept for a while, he didn't sleep well last night, Dad wiped the trunk."

Mu Cang saw that he only looked sleepy, spoke clearly, answered in an orderly manner, and could still recall last night, so his mind should be fine.

While hesitating, the little guy closed his eyelids and fell asleep again.

Mu Cang sighed, turned around, and started treating Si Mian's injuries again.

Several wounds on the back were not deep, and after debridement, the bleeding was stopped and bandaged;
In addition, his arms and legs also had different degrees of cuts, densely packed, as if they had been cut into pieces by thousands of knives, and it was unknown what caused them.

The blood that Mu Cang cleaned up completely stained the floor under their feet.

Without more medical gauze, she had no choice but to take out her clean cotton nightgown, tear it into bandages, and bandage the exposed wounds that had just been medicated bit by bit.

Finally, there is the marble fragment on his shoulder, a sharp triangle shape, deep and wide.

When Mu Cang touched it lightly, Si Mian gasped in pain in a coma.

She waved her hands, and after trying several times, she couldn't find a way to do it. Finally, she gritted her teeth bravely and did it, but she was so tired that she couldn't pull it out.

The fragments seemed to be stuck in the bones.

Mu Cang was so anxious that he was sweating, so he had no choice but to spread the medicine powder around the wound pierced by the fragments.

But even though his shoulders were no longer bleeding, his lips were still as pale as before, his breathing was weak, his brows were tightly knit, and he was completely unconscious.

All she could see were these external injuries, but she couldn't judge the internal injuries caused by the impact of the explosion.

Must go to the hospital!
Just as the experimenters would be trapped in the institute, there must be doctors trapped in the hospitals.

The closest to the institute is a private obstetrics and gynecology hospital in the north of the city. If you drive, you can get there in just 10 minutes.

Mu Cang took out the map in his backpack and began to plan the route. At this time, there was a clicking sound outside the metal tent built by the robot.

Mu Cang looked up, and there were a few gray and black claws protruding in from the gap between the robots, and a zombie head with bared teeth had already protruded into the relatively large gap.

This is, it has been discovered.

One, two, three... more and more zombies are gathering around.

Blood dripped down the nail shells where they protruded.

These zombies must have had a feast in the explosion.

The entire research institute has now been razed to the ground. Among the ruins, only the core of the central exhibition hall smells of living blood.

A large number of zombies poured in, and the robot tent, which was already crumbling because of resisting the bombing, began to creak, and there was a tendency to be crushed.




The mechanical electronic sound came from the body of the big robot that was disintegrated into pieces by Mu Cang's side.

Mucang saw a small red dot flashing on the electronic chip on its chest.

Immediately, all the robots covering the top of the head, regardless of whether they are incomplete or distorted, as long as the chips are not damaged, they all began to flash a faint red light. First, one responded, then the second, third, and fourth , From then on, one after another, to the uniform, sharp mechatronic sound, resounding through the sky in an instant!
All the robots seem to be alive.

Mu Cang was overwhelmed, his brain was in a daze.


Xiao Zai didn't know when he had opened his eyes.

He stood up and slung the small robot on his back again, "Mom, they said this is their last battle, and they can only protect us here."

"It, them?" Mu Cang was taken aback, feeling his hair stand on end.

Immediately, she heard a more familiar, icy-cold voice alarm sounding from all around her: The ultimate command, activate now-shoot, kill, don't care!
A loud bang!
The entire defense cover covering their heads spread out, and those robots of different sizes and shapes started to ruthlessly kill the nearest zombie!

Xiao Zai pointed in the direction of a gap, "Mom, there is a way!"

All the zombies were surrounded and suppressed outside this passage.

Mu Cang had mixed feelings in his heart, "Thank you!"

She had no time to wonder who set the ultimate order, but at this moment, in her eyes, they were no longer a cold lump of metal, they became flesh and blood.

Mu Cang grabbed Si Mian's arm and carried it on her shoulder. She didn't have time to worry about the kid's internal injuries, whether he could move, even if he died, he couldn't fall into the mouth of the zombies.

Xiao Zai wanted to help his mother carry the bag.

Mu Cang stopped him with a shout, "Run! Don't worry about it!"

Xiao Zai was very obedient, with his short legs swaying, he rushed into the passage with the little robot slung across his shoulders.

"Si Mian, hold on!"

Mu Cang gritted his teeth, carried Si Mian, who was like a big bear, on his back, supported by his adrenal glands, dragged his hunchback, and ran towards the end of the passage.

Outside the passage circle, although the robots were not afraid of bites, their bodies were torn to pieces by the zombies, and the lines of different colors were chewed into segments like intestines.

They won't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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