Chapter 37
Mucang saw that the flashing light on the chips on their chests was getting darker and darker, and their vitality was gradually running out.

We can’t let everyone’s efforts come to nothing!
Her eyes were hot, she took a deep breath, and fled in the opposite direction with Simian on her back, and her speed continued to increase.

The fresh blood scab on the knee was broken again, and the warm blood trickled out a path.

Xiao Zai ran at the front and suddenly shouted: "Mom, it's the exit!"

Mu Cang followed closely, and saw a familiar sentry box, inside which was a zombie whose head was shot.

"Mom, our car!"

Xiao Zai was familiar with the road, jumped and ran across the potholes, and went to the covered Land Rover.

"Wait a moment!"

Mu Cang stopped him.

The car was still covered with dirty plastic film, which was covered with construction debris due to the explosion.

There was a puddle of blood by the car door, still fresh.

Xiao Zai was so anxious that he jumped on the spot and reminded: "Mom! I'm chasing you!"

When Mu Cang turned his head, he happened to see two tiny robots hugging the zombies that were rushing towards them.The zombie twisted off the head of one robot with its backhand, pulled out the wires inside and threw it away, and then started to smash another small robot.

She lifted off the plastic film and looked in through the damaged driver's window to confirm that there was nothing unusual before pressing the electronic lock.

Xiao Zai took off the little robot on the back, quickly placed it under his feet, and then used both hands to help his mother open the rear door of the car.

"Thank you, Zai Zai."

Mu Cang stuffed Si Mian, who was in a coma, onto the back seat, and Xiao Zai hugged his legs together under him.

It took a lot of effort for the mother and son to completely stuff Simian into the back seat. Xiao Zai also grabbed the small robot on the ground and climbed into the back seat.

Mu Cang stepped into the driver's seat and shouted towards the ruins of the research institute: "Everyone, thank you!"

She flicked the steering wheel and galloped towards the road she came from!They originally thought that if they left safely, the robots would be able to fall asleep and not have to fight hard, but after they opened a hundred meters away, they heard continuous explosions coming from behind them.

Mu Cang looked back - all the robots blew up all the zombies around them into a blood mist by self-destructing, and all died together!

She murmured, "They...they..." She was so shocked that she couldn't say a complete word for a long time.

Xiao Zai hugged the little robot, wiped off the footprints on its forehead, and said, "Mom, let's drive. The blood on Si Mian's body is getting more and more."

Simian was slumped in the back seat, and the newly put on white bandages were quickly turning into layers of scarlet.

Mu Cang stepped on the accelerator, his thoughts were overwhelming, and his mind exploded into a mess, "Zai Zai, can you understand the robot?"

Xiao Zai shook his head, "Mom, the species are different, and the language is different."

Mu Cang choked, and then asked: "How did Zaizai know what they meant just now?"

Xiao Zai raised the little robot in his hand and said seriously: "Miaowu whispered in my ear."

"Meow?" Mu Cang looked at the little robot in the rearview mirror. The facial features outlined by the lines were as if they were sleeping. The five bright red characters "Loading" were still on the screen above his head. Only the small numbers below changed to 0.0009. %.

She forced herself to calm down and asked, "This little intelligent robot is called Meow. My phone is called Little E. Maybe they can make friends."

Xiao Zai pointed at Meow's eyes, which were closed in two straight lines, "Mom, it's asleep."

Mu Cang asked again: "Can you wake up occasionally?"

Xiao Zai nodded, "Well, sometimes it opens a small crack."

Mu Cang understood. It seemed that it was just on standby, not shut down.

Artificial intelligence...

She thought of Xiao Zhi's energy, forgetting to eat and sleep, how the person who was always straight forward actually mailed the chip cache to her in a roundabout way, and set up a program to guide her son to find this artificial intelligence. It was not just to make up for a birthday gift, it was that simple. Bar?

Could this thing be the scientific research core of the entire research institute?

Mu Cang thought of the short-haired woman who was hunted down in the research institute, they seemed to want to find something from her.

The woman's final eyes that could not rest in peace were staring at her.

Mu Cang keenly noticed that the eyes she stared at were filled with resentment.

Mu Cang didn't recognize the short-haired woman at all, and was more impressed by her blue and white overalls than by her delicate little face.

what is the problem?

She was going to burst her head thinking about it.

There was another loud noise, and she trembled all over, her nerves almost weakened from fright.

Xiao Zai poked his head over and asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Mu Cang was confused: "Puncture?"

She was not driving fast, she stepped on the brake the moment she heard the sound, leaned out the window and looked back, the sound just now seemed to be coming from behind.

Xiao Zai asked again: "Want to get out of the car and take a look?"

Mu Cang shook his head and looked at the instrument panel. There was no fault displayed.

She stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the car moved slowly, as if there was no problem.

Mu Cang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "It was a false alarm, maybe it was crushed by something."

The time displayed on the car screen was 17:[-], the dazzling sunlight was shining in from the window, and the temperature was gradually rising.

There was another loud noise. This time, Mucang could clearly hear that it was not the sound coming from behind the car, but the sound coming from inside the car!

"Mom." Xiao Zai hugged the little robot and moved a little closer to the front seat, "It's the sound of the trunk."

Mu Cang also clearly heard the sound coming from the trunk.

She thought of the blood stain beside the car door just now, and thought to herself, could someone be hiding in the trunk.

Xiao Zai was very scared of the trunk. When he was sleeping, he always heard a whirring sound coming from inside, like a wild beast, very scary.

He twisted his little body and tried to lean into the front seat.

Mu Cang stretched out his hand to stop him, "Zai Zai, buckle up your seat belt and sit down, don't move around, protect Brother Si Mian."

There was no glass window in the front seat and the risk was extremely high. She could not let her children sit in the front seat.

Turn right at the bifurcation leading to Chengbei Maternity Hospital, and there is a bad road with potholes. Mu Cang unlocks the electronic lock of the trunk, kicks the accelerator and rushes over. No matter what kind of uninvited guest it is, she will knock it out. !
After Xiao Zai fastened his seat belt, he hugged the little robot tightly.

The trunk was opened by his mother, and the wind poured into the car from the gap, and he could smell the bloody smell from Si Mian's brother, which became stronger and stronger.

The wheezing sound became more manic amidst the strong smell of blood.

Xiao Zai was very uneasy, he kept muttering: "Mom, mom, mom..."

Mu Cang's speed reached 170 miles. On such a muddy road, the car was bumpy like a roller coaster, but she didn't see anything rolling down from the trunk in the rearview mirror.


The trunk was suddenly ejected, and a blast of hot wind filled the car. There was a faint rotten smell in the wind.

Xiao Zai turned around slightly, stretched his neck to look behind him, and screamed in fright: "Ah——"

Mu Cang braked and stopped the car, then heard a muffled sound. This time, she was sure that something was thrown out of the trunk when the car braked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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