Chapter 83 Sunny Day Doll
A coffin board is not light. It disappeared so quietly?

Mu Cang was puzzled: "You two didn't hear anything?"

The two shook their heads.

Xiao Zai added: "Mom, ghosts are spiritual bodies. How can they make sounds? They are not zombies."

Mu Cang rolled his eyes and said, "Ghost, ghost, ghost, you two are having trouble getting along with ghosts. Come, follow me back to the car and sleep. We'll talk about everything after dawn."

Xiao Zai wanted to say something else, but Si Mian pressed his shoulder. He pursed his lips in frustration and walked back with his mother with his head hanging down without saying a word.

When Si Mian passed by the driver's seat of the funeral car, he looked inside with his face close to his face.

The car window was covered with film, and even if he got closer, he could only see his own face.

He looked through the front windshield again and found that there was only one driver's seat in the car.

The passenger seat was dismantled, and a paper man with only a head and no limbs was suspended. The face of the paper man had no facial features. With the wind blowing in from the open rear compartment, the round piece of paper pierced his face and was bumping against each other. The front windshield is getting closer and harder every time.


A crisp chestnut hit the back of Si Mian's head.

Mu Cang had already walked to the door of the car, but found that there was one person missing, so he went back to check, and saw that this kid looked like a pervert, peeping through the front windshield of someone else's house.

She urged: "Let's go! Such a big and tall man is afraid of ghosts?"

Si Mian pointed to the paper figurine, "Sister, look, isn't it weird that the passenger seat was removed to hang a paper figurine half the height of a person?"

He gestured to his neck and said, "The hanging rope was strangled around the paper man's neck."

Mu Cang glanced at it and said, "Have you never seen a Sunny Day doll? It's called a Sunny Day doll in Japanese. It's a kind of puppet that prays for sunny weather. This is just a giant Sunny Day doll. Besides, it's not a hanging ghost. A special rope, that’s just a pearl necklace. If the necklace isn’t hung around your neck, where should it be hung?”

"But the other end of it is hanging on the roof of the car!"

"A sunny doll made of paper. It's so light and fluffy. It can't be hung without hanging. It will run away when the wind blows. Besides, it's not a car roof, it's just a sunglasses case. Who doesn't have any decorations in the car? If you can hang amulets and Buddhist beads, why can't you hang a sunny doll?"

"But sister..."

"Get in the car, stop moaning, close your eyes and sleep!"

"Hey, good."

Simian jumped into the car obediently.

Xiao Zai had closed his eyes, lying in the safety seat that was tilted at about twenty degrees, sleeping soundly.

Mu Cang glanced behind him and heard a loud bang, as if something strange had happened to the funeral car that stopped just now.

Simian poked her head out vigilantly, and asked, "Sister, there is something strange!"

Mu Cang nodded, "Sleep. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others."

Si Mian muttered, "What if it's a ghost?"

Mu Cang pointed to the gleaming dagger on his waist and asked, "Young man came here bathed in blood, are you still afraid of ghosts?"

Simian shut up, retreated into the carriage, and lay quietly on his seat and bed.

Mu Cang jumped into the car and locked the door.

The seats in the rear compartment can be folded and extended. After pulling down the hidden part of the backrest, there is a small bed that is [-] centimeters wide and [-] meters long.

Si Mian's position was close to the car window, and he needed to turn sideways to lie down.

Mu Cang slept in the middle, next to Xiao Zai's cradle-style safety seat.

But she is also usually used to sleeping on her side, facing her son.

Si Mian turned her face towards Mu Cang, and could only see her scorched, shredded natural curly hair, a small knot in the middle of the top of her skull, and loose wild hair around her.

It was like a disheveled bird's nest, with a dark bird's egg lying in the middle.

Si Mian quietly reached out to touch her soft curly hair, then sniffed the familiar scent on her body, and fell asleep peacefully.

After Mu Cang had a child, he slept very lightly. Whenever there was a disturbance, he would wake up immediately and touch his son's body.

But tonight, because the sound of the rain in Perak Bala is like a hypnotic ditty, and because the small and cramped space is full of security, she actually slept very deeply. She didn't have any weird dreams. When she woke up at dawn, she had the best sleep quality. once.

It was not just her who felt the same way, but also Simian and Xiao Zai.

Early in the morning, Xiao Zai sighed: "Mom, the funeral home is really suitable for sleeping."

Mu Cang flicked his head, "Bah, bah, crow's mouth! There is no need to sleep for a long time when you are alive, you must sleep forever after death. You are young, and it is not yet time to lament the goodness of the funeral home."

Xiao Zai curled his lips, pressed down the window, and looked outside.

The morning wind was very cool, and the temperature was more than twenty degrees lower than yesterday.

Mu Cang was rummaging through his luggage for his autumn and winter coat, when he was stimulated by the cool wind from Xiao Zai's sudden opening of the window, he sneezed several times in a row.

She hurriedly put on a smoky gray fleece sweater, and put a thick denim jacket on her son.

There weren't many clothes in Simian's luggage, and the only thing suitable for the temperature was a mid-length windbreaker that was also smoky gray.

She opened the back door and shouted to Si Mian who was patrolling the surroundings not far away: "Si Mian, come back and add some clothes. In such a cold day, you wear a vest for a walk, do you want to use luxury?"

Among the luxury goods in the apocalypse, medicines are the first to be affected.

Simian rolled up his trouser legs and the sneakers on his feet were wet. He took the windbreaker from Mu Cang and sighed sincerely: "It's good to have a sister."

Mu Cang took advantage of the fact that he was taller in the car and patted his head proudly, "Your cheap brother is not bad at all."

Si Mian let out a chuckle, and put the windbreaker over the black basketball vest, looking nondescript, with such a good figure in vain.

Mu Cang blinked and suggested, "You should zip it up."

"Well, okay, sister." Simian obediently zipped the zipper tightly.

Seeing this, Xiao Zai buttoned up his denim jacket tightly.

There was no way to pick up duck eggs to eat this morning, so Mu Cang mixed half a pot of water with the leftover crayfish soup from yesterday, then tore the vacuum-compressed naan bread into pieces, threw them in and boiled them into a pot of steamed bun soup for breakfast , simply satisfy your hunger.

It was gloomy outside and the rain was still falling.

Compared with yesterday, the rain was lighter and the hail stopped, but there were still lightning and thunder from time to time, and the dark clouds covered the entire sky, and it didn't look like it would clear up in a short time.

While drinking the soup, Mu Cang wondered if he should pick up some paper money and hang it in a sunny doll cart, praying for a sunny day.

This funeral parlor is not small in scale. In front of it is a yard the size of a football field. One-third of the space is designated as a parking lot and has a simple roof that is not afraid of hail; the other two-thirds are empty.

There is a three-story building on the east side of the courtyard, connected to the two-story buildings on the west and south sides, showing a semi-encircled convex shape. The overall tone is dark black, white and gray, which looks solemn and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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