Chapter 45

Yunxi's movements are so simple and clear that even audiences who don't have the real thing around them feel that they should be able to do it, which is simply amazing.

[Meat Demon King: I succeeded!I really picked it out!Thank you anchor! "]

[The user "Flesh Demon King" rewarded the anchor with 888 star coins. 】

Here comes the money!
Yunxi's eyes lit up the moment he saw the reward from this person, he didn't expect to see the money so soon.

Thinking about it, Yunxi smiled and said, "Thank you for the reward from the Flesh Demon King. If you have any questions about cooking, you can ask me. As long as I know, I will tell you in detail."

[Xinxingrong: Woo hoo hoo, fairy anchor, you must know that these cooking recipes are like secret books. I didn’t expect the anchor to tell us so easily. 】

Yun Xi didn't reply too much to what the audience said, but began to concentrate on cooking.

"Look, I have processed the shrimps and shrimp heads first. The yellow flavor in the shrimp heads is very good, so we can use this flavor to make shrimp head porridge."

As she spoke, she took out her usual pot and put a little oil in it.

"For shrimp head porridge, you don't need to put too much oil in the pot. After all, the porridge should be light. We just need to use a little oil to bring out the taste of the shrimp head." She said, pouring the shrimp head into the already In a hot oil pan.

Everyone heard a clatter, and the shrimp in the oil pan exploded instantly, splashing oil stars, but Yunxi, who was standing behind the pan, was extremely calm.

"If you are afraid that oil stars will splash out, you can turn down the heat like I did." She calmly turned down the heat as she spoke.

I saw that the live broadcast room was instantly filled with laughter and laughter.

[The Flesh Demon King: 66666, this is the first time I have seen a host so calmly trying to make up for himself. 】

[Hee hee hee; cough, cough, although it shouldn't be, but I did see oil splashed on the anchor's hand. 】

[The King of Melon Eaters: It must be very painful, anchor be careful!For this operation of the anchor, I will reward you with my meal expenses tomorrow! 】

[The user "Eating Melon King" rewarded the anchor with 88 star coins. 】

Looking at the audience's words, Yunxi laughed and said, "Everyone rewards rationally and consumes rationally."

Seeing that Yunxi really believed his own nonsense, the King of Melon Eaters said with some embarrassment, "I'm talking nonsense, the anchor continues to cook, ignore me."

Seeing this, Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to take on such a big burden when the show just started.

The viewers in the live broadcast room stared closely at Yunxi's pot, expecting a miracle to happen inside. They saw the shrimp heads gradually turning red in the oil pot, and then a strange aroma of grease emanated from the pot. come out.

[Wine Wine Container: I seem to smell a fragrance that I have never smelled before. 】

[Umbrella: It smells so good. The nutrient solution in my hand suddenly became tasteless. 】

Yunxi was relieved to see that the voice in the live broadcast room gradually became more positive from doubt at the beginning.

"This is the first step, don't be anxious." She added a ladle of water to the pot, covered the pot, and started to stew.

"What we have to do next is to cook out all the flavor of the shrimp, and then... prepare the rice and make porridge."

She took out a casserole, put the washed rice into the casserole, put a little water in the pot, and cooked it in advance. After the shrimp head soup was cooked, she took out the shrimp heads and poured the soup into the boiled pot. In half-cooked rice porridge.

"In this way, the shrimp head porridge is ready. All we have to do is to let the time boil this can of rice soup into a thick porridge."

She slightly opened the lid of the casserole to prevent the pot from being thrown, and the people in the live broadcast room could only find happiness from this opening.

[Hehehe: This porridge is not ready yet. This porridge is so fragrant. In my eyes, it is already full marks. The anchor should open it quickly and let us try it! 】

[User "hee hee hee" tipped the host 500 star coins. 】

"Thank you hehehe, but I am a principled anchor. I will not give you a taste before the taste is mixed well. Hehehe, now everyone can follow me to make shrimp meat."

Yunxi held up the prawns on the plate and said, "Shrimp is a common way to make it, and it is also an ingredient that will not be unpalatable no matter how you cook it. So today I will make garlic prawns for you."

She set up another pot, put oil in the hot pot, and then poured in the processed shrimp. After a few stir-fries, the shrimp meat turned orange-red, and the aroma of the shrimp burst out at this time.

[Round head and round brain: It smells so good, is this a high-end ingredient?Can it be so fragrant simply by making it? 】

Yunxi saw that what this person said seemed to have a bit of yin and yang, but because she couldn't hear this person's tone, she couldn't tell whether she was being funny or emotional, so she could only say from the side, "Of course the freshness of the food is It’s the foundation of a dish, but the chef’s handling is the soul of the dish.”

Yunxi took out the prawns as he spoke, and the person who spoke obviously had no intention of letting Yunxi go.

[Round head and round brain: Is the anchor's dish out of the pot now?It doesn’t seem to have any technical content, and the taste seems to be the same. If you ask me, it’s still not as good as the food in the boutique restaurant. The XXX live broadcast room is now showing the food of the boutique restaurant. 】

The round-headed and round-brained rhythm is good, and many people who don't know the truth are really taken away by her. Seeing the number of people in the live broadcast room decrease, Yunxi is not in a hurry. people blacked out.

"I'm sorry, the anchor has a bad temper, and if he speaks in a strange way or comes to pull people, I will directly block him."

[Meat Demon King: This is how it should be. The anchor is still too good-tempered. You should block him when he says the first sentence. So are the garlic prawns ready? 】

Seeing that the audience focused on eating, Yun Xi's somewhat bad mood improved a lot. She smiled and said, "Not yet. The main reason for putting the shrimps out is so that they can be stir-fried later."

As she said, she directly filled the oil-bottomed pot with chopped garlic in advance, and when the garlic was put into the pot, the aroma came out.

[Umbrella: Is this still the pungent garlic?smell good!I declare that from today on I will be a loyal garlic party. 】

People continued to cater to them, and more and more people offered rewards.

[Thriving: Hurry up and take the next step, the host, tears are already streaming from the corners of my mouth, I'm going to die if I don't eat any more garlic prawns. 】

Seeing that the minced garlic was almost cooked, Yunxi poured the already filled shrimps in, then held the shovel in one hand, and supported the pot that looked bigger than her with the other. Holding the pot with one hand and holding the shovel with the other, he showed off like this.

The 666 in the live broadcast room instantly flashed, and even the housekeeper who was watching looked at Yunxi in surprise.

He knew how heavy the pot in her hand was, but he didn't expect that this little girl could really turn the pot upside down so easily. She is highly skilled.

Seeing that the shrimp meat was almost tasty, Yunxi put down the frying pan and picked some salt and soy sauce into it.

[Fuhai Building: Can the anchor tell us how many grams of salt you put in? ] Following the audience's questioning, more questions were asked in the live broadcast room.

This embarrasses Yunxi, how should I put it...

"You are really questioning me when you ask this. It's not that I won't tell you this. This requires daily accumulation. Just like I usually don't need to weigh, I can tell how much salt to put in just by looking at the size of the dish."

Yunxi was obviously not talking nonsense, her actions just now were really very casual, so the audience in the live broadcast room easily let her go, and there were a few discordant voices that were suppressed by other tap water viewers.

[You said that the anchor is unwilling to tell us, so tell me how many grams of salt the anchor just picked out? 】

Yunxi put the prawns on a plate, and the porridge with shrimp heads on the other side was boiled until it became soft. She opened the lid of the casserole, and the porridge inside was bubbling with thick bubbles. The light yellow porridge smelled It was very fragrant. Yunxi put a small amount of salt in it, then took it out and put it into a small bowl.

Seeing that Yunxi's food was finally finished, the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help themselves anymore. They opened up their sense of taste and inhaled wildly at Yunxi's delicious dishes.

[Flesh Demon King: It's so fragrant, so delicious. I never thought that I could eat such a delicious dish in the live broadcast room in my lifetime. The boiled prawns in my hand suddenly became tasteless. 】

[Sour plum soup: I'm sour after the Versailles appraisal upstairs, and another: It's really delicious, doesn't the anchor consider drawing a prize to give away some? 】

Yun Xi really didn't expect that she could draw a lottery and give away food. The food she cooked today was only enough for three people at most. If she gave it away, it would definitely not be enough for herself.

"Today's cooking is a bit small, and it's not enough for me to send it out. Tomorrow, I'm going to make potato shreds. I can make more. Then live broadcast the lucky draw and give a random viewer a copy."

After receiving cheers from the live broadcast room, Yunxi smiled and said to the live broadcast room.

"That's the end of today's live broadcast. Goodbye everyone!" Yunxi waved at the camera, and the butler pressed the button to close it in due course.

The entire live broadcast room went dark, and Yunxi smiled happily when he saw the number of people at the end of the live broadcast room.

"At the end of the live broadcast, there were already 1500 people watching, and the number of people watching the live broadcast tomorrow will only increase. Hehehe, I am such a little genius."

Ji Nanzhu watched from the side and showed up after Yunxi's live broadcast ended. He coughed lightly and Yunxi saw Ji Nanzhu's presence. "Sir, you are here!"

When she thought that the person in front of her was not only her sponsor, but also her food supplier, Yun Xi's attitude towards Ji Nanzhu suddenly became flattering.

"My lord, this is the dinner I made for you, please have a look."

She served Ji Nanzhu a bowl of porridge, then divided the garlic prawns into two, and brought one part to him, and the other part to the housekeeper who had worked hard all afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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