Chapter 46 Fried Shredded Potatoes
"Grandpa Butler, thank you for your hard work." Yunxi's mouth was very sweet, which made the butler feel much better. He took a bite of the porridge brought by Yunxi, nodded, and then took a bite of garlic shrimp.

The housekeeper felt that his eating speed had never been so fast. Although he also ate the food cooked by Chef Lin before, the taste was not as good as Yunxi's.

After eating, the housekeeper nodded to Ji Nanzhu and left the restaurant. Yun Xi wanted to discuss things with Ji Nanzhu, so she didn't leave in a hurry. She looked at the expression on Ji Nanzhu's face after drinking the porridge. It was obviously much more soothing.

Yunxi sat opposite Ji Nanzhu, quietly waiting for Ji Nanzhu to finish his meal, and then said with a smile, "Boss, how does it taste?"

Ji Nanzhu was silent, how many names had she given herself?
However, he was already used to Yunxi's nonsense, so he filled another bowl of porridge, put it in front of him, took a sip of the porridge slowly, and then looked at Yunxi.

"What's the matter, just say it."

Looking at Ji Nanzhu's appearance, it is obvious that he doesn't intend to bother with himself about his live broadcast. Does that mean he doesn't care about other things?
Yunxi considered what he wanted to say, and said carefully, "Marshal, it's like this, I started a live broadcast today, and I earned this amount!"

Yun Xi compared a number, and the expression on his face was indescribably happy.

"I never thought that live broadcasting turned out to be so profitable, so I plan to take this as my career and stick to it..." She glanced at Ji Nanzhu carefully, seeing that he didn't respond, she gritted her teeth and said.

"Since I borrowed your place, I don't use it in vain. I will give you... 3% of the income I earn every day! Okay!"

Ji Nanzhu took a leisurely sip of the soup, raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Xi without saying anything.

Seeing Ji Nanzhu's silence, Yunxi felt a little uneasy, is he dissatisfied with the profit he gave him, but he only has so much money, if he earns more, he will give more, saying I'm still at a disadvantage...

Yun Xi's head was about to smoke. Ji Nanzhu hadn't spoken yet. Looking at Yun Xi's look, he couldn't help but want to laugh. What could be happier than watching a miser lose his money?

Since you are not satisfied with three points... Yunxi gritted his teeth and said, "You are four and I am six! No more!"

Since Ji Nanzhu didn't speak, he raised his eyes and wrote seriously, "That's it?"

Yunxi was so stimulated by Ji Nanzhu that she didn't know what to say. She lowered her head and looked at her earnings today. Today's earnings alone already amounted to 1.2. After sharing with the platform, only There is less than 1 left, and then I have to divide it with Ji Nanzhu...

Then the money I got today is less than five thousand...

Seeing Yunxi counting with his fingers, Ji Nanzhu chuckled, "Don't forget, I just promised that my food can be eaten as you like, but it's not for you to give away at will. I heard you just now There’s still a lottery.”

Ji Nanzhu's words gave Yun Xi a wake-up call, yes!I also use other people’s ingredients to win prizes as gifts!
Thinking of this, she just wanted to slap her own mouth, why did she just promise so happily.

Ji Nanzhu looked at Yunxi's wrinkled face and wanted to laugh but couldn't. When her mood stabilized, she pretended to be serious and said, "I dare not say anything else, but some ingredients you can use. You can buy them on the star network. No, some special ingredients are only available here, so it’s not too much for you to give me 5% of your daily income?"

Yunxi was almost successfully brainwashed, she hesitated for a while and said, "No! I'm cooking for you! Although I gave some, but in the end the food still entered your stomach, how can you put this Does this kind of thing count as welfare!?"

Seeing Yunxi finally came to his senses, Ji Nanzhu didn't intend to tease her anymore, he coughed lightly and said, "Then according to what you said, if I suffer a little loss, I will suffer a little loss, and it will be [-]% or [-]% of it." , so you can feel better."

Yunxi always felt that something was wrong there, but since Ji Nanzhu said so, the problem shouldn't be too big... right?

At night, Yunxi, who was sleeping on the bed and thinking about it, finally realized that something was wrong. The good guy Ji Nanzhu is here to play empty-handed white wolf with her!I got 20% of my income without paying anything. If my income is high and I pay him more, then my monthly salary of [-] yuan will not be enough, and I will pay myself a salary!
Good guy, Zhou Paipi didn't even make sense to you.

Therefore, the next day, Yunxi came out to work with a dark face. She worked for half a day, and she still had to pay the rent!

Ji Nanzhu couldn't help laughing when he saw Yun Xi's reaction.

"I was suitable for joking with you yesterday, please don't be angry?" Yunxi looked at Ji Nanzhu, the man's face was full of sincerity, and he couldn't see the way he teased Yunxi yesterday.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going to give you 4% of your income? Thinking about it this way, I feel like I'm paying myself a salary."

"Cough." Ji Nanzhu coughed lightly, firmly refusing to admit that he was teasing a child, he smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I won't charge you for the venue fee, it's okay, you just cook for me normally and don't be hungry Just follow me, okay?"

Yunxi was soothed by Ji Nanzhu's words, she snorted and said, "For the sake of your attitude, I won't argue with you, but I still can't owe you the venue and food. Do you think it's okay to give you [-]% of my income?"

A polite smile appeared on Ji Nanzhu's face, "Of course, but can you put the knife down first, and then we can talk?"

"Oh, okay!" Yunxi smiled slightly, and made a trick with the knife in his hand, and then said to him, "I'm just here to help you cut the meat into strips for you to eat."

Ji Nanzhu smiled, "Haha, is that so? Do I still have to say thank you?"...

Yunxi's live broadcast at night is still on normally. With yesterday's foreshadowing, she has attracted the attention of many viewers as soon as she went online today.

[Clouds made of rain: Young lady is here!Miss Sister is here! 】

[The Meat Demon King: Xixi, Fanfan, hungry! 】

[Fuhai Building: In order to be able to eat the meals that the anchor ate today, I also bought ingredients. I don't know if I can make them so delicious. 】

[Umbrella: Upstairs +1, I can't buy expensive high-end ingredients, but I can still buy some potatoes. 】

Yunxi watched the live broadcast room which was very lively when the broadcast started, and waved happily at the camera.

"Hello everyone, I haven't seen you for a day and I don't know if you miss me. At the end of yesterday's live broadcast, I told you in advance what the dishes are going to be for today. I don't know if you have prepared the raw materials."

Yesterday, Yunxi discovered that there is no strange smell in the ingredients of the Federation, except for sour and spicy. It may be because these two tastes are offensive and they don’t know if there are any adverse effects, so the Chefs Association is very conservative and did not give it. Edible recommendations.

But Yunxi, who has seen these things, naturally misses these tastes very much. Fortunately, she can get these things on Blue Star, and now how to return to Blue Star has become her biggest thought.

Closer to home.

Yun Xi raised the potato in his hand and said, "Potatoes are a good thing. They are delicious no matter how you eat them. You can grate them into shredded potatoes, cut them into pieces for stew, and press them into puree to make mashed potatoes. Different seasonings are put into each form, which makes its taste unique.”

As she spoke, she peeled the potatoes.

"The most difficult thing about potato shreds is not frying, but cutting. Knife skills are very important. How to make potatoes crisp is the key point is how to make potato shreds even and thin. Of course, if you have the ability to cut If you have a wire tool, you can use the tool directly, and I will show you how I shred it now."

She took out a basin of water and put it aside, then took out a peeled potato and cut it in half.

In order to take care of most of the audience, she put all the movements in her hands and carefully taught everyone how to cut the knife and how to make the potato shreds thin and even.

[Hehehe: Looking at the host’s appearance, I think I can do it. 】

[The knife makes people old: No, upstairs, you can't, I also watched the anchor's movements and felt that this seemed very simple, but when it was my turn, I felt that my hands seemed to be out of order. 】

[My brain tells me that I can do it. My hands and my brain say, come on, come on, you can do it! 】

[Yes, yes, it turns out that everyone feels this way, so I feel relieved. I thought it was just me. 】

[Forget it, I’ll just listen to the anchor and use a wiping tool. 】


[The anchor just wants to show off his skills, can't he take care of us ordinary people! 】

[That’s right, the food from the Chefs Association is still delicious. I feel like the anchor is just trying to impress people. 】

[She's not very fast either. I don't know why she's so proud! 】

Yunxi glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room. There were only more than 1600 people when the broadcast was off yesterday, but 1 people came as soon as it was broadcast today, which means that there should be some tap water and then promote it for herself. She is here If there are too many people, there will inevitably be some sunspots and people who don't like themselves.

Yunxi saw that the live broadcast room, which was originally full of joy, was almost going off track because of these people. He was busy explaining and said, "Now that everyone knows what to do in the first step, I will speed up."

In order to match the audience, she didn't cut vegetables too fast. Since these little black guys said they wanted to show off their skills, she told them what it means to show off their skills.

The viewers watching the live broadcast suddenly realized that the speed of Yunxi and potato shreds had suddenly doubled, and there was no other sound in the entire live broadcast room, all they could hear was the crisp sound of Yunxi's kitchen knife falling, and the whole potato made her fly , the little blackies who originally wanted to laugh at her for slow vegetable chopping fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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