Chapter 62 Arriving at the Planet
The housekeeper turned off the optical brain and looked at Yun Xi, who was still sleeping soundly. He was a little surprised that this girl who looked so weak had so many secrets hidden in her body.

Yunxi only felt that she had slept for a long time, and when she opened her eyes again, the sky outside was already bright.

Feeling that she was still a little tired, she rubbed her forehead.

She didn't expect that just a little pollutant yesterday would make her faint from exhaustion. It seemed that there was some difference between the fresh and active pollutants and the pollutants that had turned into sediment at Blue Star.

Yun Xi laughed at herself, glad that she had confessed everything to the housekeeper at the risk of being captured. Otherwise, after she used other methods to purify the pollutants and then fainted from exhaustion, the suspicion on her would have been cleared. It won't drop.

"Dong dong dong." A knock on the door made Yun Xi come out of his thoughts.

This kind of polite voice means that the housekeeper is coming.

She yelled "Come in" and got off the bed.

"Grandpa the housekeeper."

As expected, it was the butler who came in, with Yunxi's familiar kind smile on his face, as if the butler she saw last night was just a dream of hers, and Yunxi, who had really seen the butler's inner self, was a little less fond of him. Being close makes me more vigilant.

The housekeeper didn't care about Yun Xi's vigilance. He walked into the room with a set of uniforms of the Guards, placed the clothes beside her pillow, then smiled at Yun Xi and said, "You're awake, Are you feeling any discomfort?"

Yunxi shook her head, and kept quiet from the moment she saw the butler bring in the clothes.

She wanted to see what the butler was going to do.

The housekeeper didn't go around in circles with Yunxi, he smiled and said, "After you fainted last night, I received an order from the marshal."

Here, the butler uses the word command.

Yunxi was puzzled, what did Ji Nanzhu's order have to do with him.

"Star thieves are raging. The marshal is going to star G3503 to support the planet this time. However, due to the special circumstances of this mission, the marshal now asks you to come and support it."

The butler's words were extremely polite, but his tone was unquestionably firm.

Yunxi heard the housekeeper's meaning, "You must go."

"Just go." Yunxi has adjusted her position after knowing the shortcoming of future people's mental power, isn't it just a mobile power bank.

"But..." Yunxi's tone was slightly hesitant.

The housekeeper's eyes "swipe" to her, as if if you do something wrong, I will praise you.

Yunxi was not afraid of the housekeeper's threat at all, she smiled slightly and said, "This is another price."

The mentality of Yunxi who got on the spaceship again has changed drastically from before. Although she didn't say anything when she got on the spaceship for the first time, she still had a little bit of confusion about the future in her heart. Clear.

Take money to work.

After she made this request, the butler's face suddenly froze. In less than 10 minutes, the butler transferred 20 star coins to her and sent her on the spaceship.

Yunxi was extremely happy as she held the warm star coins. She said it was a pleasure to work for the marshal. With the speed of giving money, who wouldn't like to cooperate with him.

She knew what her greatest use was, so when she got on the spaceship, the housekeeper put a lot of ingredients on the spacecraft. He specifically told Yun Xi to bring tea so that he could make milk tea for Ji Nanzhu after she got there.

After hearing what the butler said, Yunxi laughed, and she said, no one can resist the temptation of milk tea!
Yunxi, who had slept all morning, should have been full of energy, but the scenery outside the window was too monotonous, and the spacecraft flew extremely steadily without any bumps.

In such a comfortable environment, Yun Xi fell asleep unconsciously.

This time I fell asleep on star G3503.

When Yunxi was woken up by the guards, she was still drowsy. She looked at the cabin door with blurred eyes, and there seemed to be a person standing there.

Before she could see who the person at the door was, a white furry one rushed into her arms.

Surrounded by the familiar warmth, Yunxi's wounded heart on the Blue Star felt a little soothed. She stroked Dabai's fur, and said hello to the person at the door, "Marshal, how can I let you come pick me up in person?" .”

Seeing Yun Xi's heartless and talkative appearance, Ji Nanzhu curled up his lips and said, "If you know you don't deserve it, why don't you come down quickly?"

Unexpectedly, Yunxi, who did not expect Ji Nanzhu to be so impolite, was stunned for a moment, and then ran to the hatch with all his teeth and claws, "You better be careful when you speak, I am a cat quality person!"

Dabai yawned in her arms to show that he would not participate in the fight between the two of them, and amidst the laughter, Yunxi also walked out of the cabin.

The flying sand and stones outside the spaceship are a bit confusing. It is different from the uninhabited Blue Star, and it has a different style from the Capital Star.

She squinted her eyes, and before she could say anything, she felt a weight on her head, and Ji Nanzhu's hand wearing protective goggles pressed down on the little girl's head.

"Put on your glasses, be careful not to be blinded by the wind and sand."

Yunxi put on glasses optional, then followed behind Ji Nanzhu and walked forward.

"Do you know why I called you here this time?" Ji Nanzhu was just looking for something to say, but Yun Xi behaved very naturally.

"I know, isn't it the chef of the restaurant! Don't worry, I will feed you all fat and fat these days."

Yunxi patted his chest and sounded confident as if he was a professional pig farmer.

Ji Nanzhu smiled and said, "Haha, you'd better be."

When the two arrived at the federal temporary garrison, the people who greeted Ji Nanzhu had been waiting for a long time.

"Marshal." The sentry who greeted them saluted and led the two of them into the garrison without looking back.

The head of the Federal Star Cluster, who had been temporarily stationed and had headaches for several days, saw Ji Nanzhu, who said he would think of a way, so leisurely and leisurely, bringing a little girl to a military important place, his temper was already very hot. He was even more furious now.

"Marshal, what are you doing? If you really can't deal with the matter of two days, I, Lao Li, will risk my life to destroy those star robbers, but you can't openly bring one when everyone's morale is low. The little girl came to stroll in such a place! This is not a place for you to play around."

The indignant and passionate words of the leader of the First Star Group caught Yunxi off guard. She secretly glanced at Ji Nanzhu's face. As far as she knew, the marshal's temper was not as gentle as he appeared.

Captain Li is not young. He was originally Ji Nanzhu's father's old subordinate. After experiencing what happened to Ji Nanzhu's father, he would pretend not to care about Ji Nanzhu's every battle and rushed to the front Help Ji Nanzhu.

This time, he heard that Ji Nanzhu would personally take action during the Star Thief Rebellion. He, who was several galaxies away, jumped into black holes several times to come to support him. He thought he would see Ji Nanzhu planning intensively for a few days when he came here. Things happened, but I didn't expect him to be bored in his room for a day without any news being revealed.

Lao Li, who had been nervous all day because of him, could only worry outside. He had just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ji Nanzhu come out of the room, but in a blink of an eye he saw him bring a little girl to an important military site.

Thinking about the various infighting within the federation and Ji Nanzhu's current situation, Lao Li felt that he couldn't get up and down. He had no status to accuse the superior, so he could only vent his anger in this way.

Ji Nanzhu, who should have looked ugly at this moment, could not see any impatience. He nodded, giving the group leader some face.He knew that Captain Li had a bad temper, and it was not easy for him to say such a long and heartfelt speech for him, but it was precisely because he knew that Captain Li had no bad intentions, and the two of them had such a relationship, Ji Nanzhu That's why he was so tolerant of Captain Li.

"Captain Li, I don't want to hear the same words again." Ji Nanzhu glanced at the soldiers standing guard on the scene, and then said.

"Every soldier here, now, and in the future is a precious member of our federation, so I don't want you and them to go into battle with the mentality of never returning."

"As a marshal, I will naturally do my best to protect each of you. Please trust me more."

Ji Nanzhu's expression was sincere, and after seeing the expressions of the surrounding soldiers, Captain Li also realized that he had said something inappropriate impulsively. He regretted what he just said, and at the same time stuck his neck and refused to apologize.

Ji Nanzhu also knew his temperament. After making sure that no one around him had other ideas, he said, "Captain Li, come with me to my office. Let's discuss the attack strategy for the day after tomorrow."

After saying this, he said to the people on the side, "Tell the other teams that tonight we will suspend training for one night and have a dinner together."

The soldier's eyes lit up as he had not expected such a good thing, and then he went to report the good news to the rear according to Ji Nanzhu's instructions. Since it was a dinner party, the food must not be unpalatable nutrient solution.

Captain Li frowned when he heard Ji Nanzhu's words from the front. At this time, it would be too late to hold a celebration banquet if he really won, not to talk about exercising and having a dinner party.

His expression changed several times, but he still didn't say the words of complaint in the end.

The three of them walked back to Ji Nanzhu's office together. After returning to the office, Ji Nanzhu relieved himself and sat helplessly in the chair.

"Uncle Li, did someone say something to you again? You are really impulsive today."

Captain Li moved his mouth, and then acquiesced to Ji Nanzhu's words with a guilty conscience.

"Uncle Li, I know you're doing it for my own good, but you really have to be careful, you can't always make people use you like this."

Captain Li waved his hands impatiently after listening to Ji Nanzhu's words, "Ah, okay, okay, I understand. Stop talking. I'll pay attention next time. Who asked you to bring a little girl over for no reason? Then I But aren’t you just worried?”

"Yes, yes. This is my fault."

Yun Xi was surprised by Ji Nanzhu's good temper. He didn't expect that he would treat his elders like this in private.

Ji Nanzhu looked helpless at Captain Li's unconvinced expression. Ever since his father passed away, Captain Li was like a frightened bird. A slight movement of his own could make him nervous, no matter how he proved himself to him. Already able to be on his own, he still treats himself like a child.

"Okay, don't watch the excitement, go to work." Ji Nanzhu has one attitude towards Captain Li, but another attitude towards Yunxi.

(End of this chapter)

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