Chapter 63 Old Xi
Yun Xi also knew what he was here to do, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Where is the kitchen? How many people are there tonight? How much food should be prepared? I don't have to pay so much attention to the large portion, okay?"

"I'll send someone to take you there. There will be about 100 people. I'll make food for 200 people. People with abilities will eat more. You don't have to be particular about it, as long as it's delicious."

Yun Xi nodded with satisfaction after receiving the answer. It's funny. For you ignorant Federation people, you will find the food delicious no matter what I make.

Yunxi left the office in a blink of an eye, leaving Captain Li and Ji Nanzhu staring wide-eyed.

"Wait, isn't she your girlfriend?"

Ji Nanzhu said helplessly, "When did I introduce her as my girlfriend?"

"Then she is?" Captain Li continued to disconnect.

"He is the chef I invited to cheer everyone up."

"What? Just this little girl??? This little girl is so skinny that I can kill ten of them with one punch. You tell me that if you want her to cook meals for 200 people, can he handle the pot? Are you afraid that's what you said? Come make me laugh!"

Ji Nanzhu had just thought about this issue, but when he thought that he had spent 20 star coins to invite her to work, he felt confident again.

All difficulties are to be solved by the chef, he only needs to pay for it.

Captain Li looked at Ji Nanzhu's calm and calm look and became angry.

"I will starve to death today. Even if I jump from here, I won't even eat a bite of her cooking!" Captain Li stiffened his neck and stood firm. Ji Nanzhu looked at him with a complex expression, and finally Nothing was said.

Yunxi followed the soldiers waiting at the door to the small kitchen that Ji Nanzhu had temporarily built for her. The construction here was extremely simple, except for the pot used for cooking, which looked surprisingly large.

"I'll ask you to help me carry the ingredients I brought." Yun Xi ordered with the mentality that someone doesn't have to be a fool.

But seeing that the soldier had no doubts, he nodded and turned out of the kitchen.

Looking at the soldier's appearance, Yunxi knew that Ji Nanzhu had already ordered him, so he began to prepare what he had to do with confidence.

It was a meal for so many people, and there was no shortage of meals and dishes to be prepared. The soldier came back with a few people carrying things in a short while.

Box after box of rice and vegetables were moved into the kitchen. Yun Xi took the pot next to him that was almost as tall as his own. After a moment of silence, he put it on the fire. He washed the whole box of rice and poured it into the bucket. Then add water, cover, and stuff it all.

Regardless of whether there is enough food today, there must be enough rice.

Yunxi thought about Ji Nanzhu's posture today, and knew that it was useless to play with those fancy things, as long as it was simple enough to eat.

She ordered the dishes brought over, and finally decided to make a big mess.

Ji Nanzhu assigned three soldiers to her. Yunxi looked at the three young soldiers in front of her and showed a "nuclear and kind" smile.

"May I ask what your spiritual abilities are?"

That night, Yunxi, who had seen the magical ability of the guards, suddenly opened up a new way of thinking about cooking. Who said that you must use your "hands" to cook?
When Ji Nanzhu came over to inspect the work, what he saw was Yunxi sitting on a small bench beside him preparing the seasonings, and the three little soldiers he sent over had pale faces at the moment... Peeling?chop vegetables?

Ji Nanzhu took a closer look and saw that they were not doing simple physical work. They were clearly doing fine mental movements.

Seeing Soldier No. [-] holding up three carrots, staring at them for a few moments, he peeled off the skin of the carrots, and the carrots went directly to the next person's work process without stopping. Cut into pieces.

Yunxi's cooking requirements are relatively high, and the cut pieces must not be too uneven in size, so Soldier No. [-] can't work as he likes, he still has to pay attention to the size of the carrot pieces, and then chop them off in one go.

Just such a simple process has already allowed the two of them to drink two bottles of nutrient solution.

As for Soldier Three, he was even worse, because he had the best mental control and was assigned to the position of cutting meat. Although cutting meat is a skilled job, meat is much more uncontrollable than vegetables.

He could only cook the thin and even thickness required by Yunxi on a quick basis.

With just a few pieces of meat, he had already done so that he wanted to live and die.

This kind of work, which required so much more work than it seemed, made them so nervous that they didn't even notice Ji Nanzhu's arrival. It was Soldier [-] who inadvertently raised his eyes after peeling the skin and saw Ji Nan who had arrived long ago. bamboo.

"Marshal!" He stood up in a jerk, and even soldiers No. [-] and No. [-] hurriedly stood up.

"It's okay, just keep doing it."

Ji Nanzhu looked at them thoughtfully.

The three soldiers fell into despair after seeing that Ji Nanzhu didn't look like he was coming to rescue them.

"Your training method is good. I will call a detachment from the First Corps to come over and try it out later. They are the elite among the elite, and their speed may reach a level that you are satisfied with."

Ji Nanzhu expressed great satisfaction with the new training method invented by Yunxi.

Yunxi nodded noncommittally, it doesn't matter who comes, as long as he can help him finish the work quickly.

"As for the three of you, let's work first before I bring people here."

The smiles on the faces of the three people froze. The three people who thought that a team of people could rush to rescue them fell silent at Ji Nanzhu's words.

"Tired, this world will be destroyed."

When the three of them were desperate, Ji Nanzhu ran over with a team.

Seeing Ji Nanzhu's positive appearance, Yunxi just silently took out more ingredients.

"Originally, with the staff just now, I could only make something simple for everyone, but now I feel that I can let everyone eat delicious food." Yunxi's expression was very sincere, but Ji Nanzhu knew that she was running on him .

"Hey, these soldiers are handed over to you. The purpose is to let them exercise... Do something for you, understand?"

Ji Nanzhu can understand the little Jiujiu Yunxi in his heart, hmph, helping is fake, but exercising is real!
Although she was complaining, the movements in her hands and the order to go down were not slow.

"You two go and help me wash these dishes, and then tear them into pieces like this. Remember, you have to use the torn ones." Yunxi demonstrated, then looked at them, with the transferred four Bing Xin looked at her reluctantly, as if she didn't want to move at all.

Yunxi smiled, "No, no, can you two not even be able to do such a simple manipulation of mental power? Look at Soldier No. [-] and No. [-], they can do such a fine manipulation of mental power, the two of you How did you get mixed up in the first team!?"

Yunxi's voice was loud, and the two people were just a little unconvinced and wanted to deal with Yunxi's vigor, but they didn't want Yunxi to directly become angry.

The two of them were so angry at Yun Xi's words that their faces turned red. What made them even more angry was the even more ruthless ridicule from their teammates.

"It's unbearable! What's so difficult about this!" One of them used his mental power to pick up the cabbage in front of him, brushed it twice and tore it into pieces of suitable size. Yun Xi looked at it and secretly marveled. , it is indeed torn very well.

But he said mercilessly, "Oh, this seems to be the case, but I don't know if you can keep the quality of such large boxes of cabbage."

"Hmph! Just wait!" These two soldiers were so excited. As soon as Yun Xi's words came out, they picked up the cabbage and walked out, insisting on proving their strength to Yun Xi.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, Yunxi didn't take it seriously, and gave orders to the other group with a calm expression.

"There is a batch of meat here, you clean it like this..."

"This is a fish, you..."

Group after group of people were clearly arranged by Yunxi. Under the leadership of the two thorns at the beginning, group after group of people were as honest as Japanese melons.

When there was not enough room in the house, these people were sent outside by Yunxi to work.

I thought that Yunxi would not get used to it, and that these tricksters would be disobedient, so Ji Nanzhu stayed here for a while, trying to help her suppress these tricksters, but he didn't expect that their cooperation was not bad.

Seeing that Yunxi didn't feel any pressure here, Ji Nanzhu turned around and left with peace of mind, leaving the rest of the matter out of his hands.

The first three soldiers had already cut some vegetables and meat, she took out the cauldron and walked to the middle of the yard, in order to let her work to the fullest, Ji Nanzhu also set up a stove for Yunxi in the yard. This heat made Yunxi a little dissatisfied.

Looking at the people working enthusiastically around him, Yun Xi randomly picked a soldier who was washing vegetables and asked, "Is there anyone in your regiment who knows how to set fire?"

Her question was too ambiguous, the soldier looked at her with complicated eyes, and then said in a low voice, "If you want to punish them, don't be in a hurry, there will be more opportunities in the future..."

Yunxi didn't understand what this person meant, she frowned and said, "What are you talking about, I just want to find someone who can help me light the fire."

"Okay, okay, I understand." The man nodded, and said to the two who were tearing vegetable leaves under Yunxi's incomprehensible gaze, "Old Xi, come to live!"

Yun Xi didn't expect such a coincidence. No wonder this person looked dissatisfied just now. He turned out to be a person with special skills.

I saw the livid-faced Lao Xi. His expression turned even uglier after hearing the soldier call him. He looked at Yun Xi as if he saw her former boss who wanted to strangle him but couldn't. Well...I I'm really not looking for trouble.

She saw the man named Lao Xi walking towards her in annoyance and wanted to say something to ease the not-so-pretty atmosphere between the two. She thought about it and chose to call them the same name.

"Old Xi." Yunxi opened his mouth, and everyone eavesdropping on the side almost choked to death with saliva, and there was a coughing sound of "cough cough" in an instant.

Yun Xi didn't know why this group of people suddenly started coughing, and Lao Xi in front of him seemed to be in a worse mood.

Anyone who is bossed around by a little girl whose thighs are no thicker than his arms would not be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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