Distress: Nilong Changming Knife is Invisible

Chapter 722 721 Japan’s 4 gods once had 5

Chapter 722 721. There used to be five of the four Japanese gods

A long time ago, Japan only had tribes that lived by slash-and-burn farming or fishing and hunting.

On the spiritual mountain that people could not climb, light like the scorching sun suddenly bloomed.

That was not the birth of the artifact, but the spirituality of the artifact, finally condensed into spiritual consciousness.

In Yu Jian Lei Shen's memory, when he had consciousness, he was in a wilderness, that is, Gao Tianyuan.

At that time, the Divine Sword, Divine Mirror, Magatama, and Wine Gourd were all conscious and were watching him.

He himself was also a sword. Of course, at that time, he did not know that he was a sword. Although the spirit of the artifact was naturally spiritual, it had no language and only had the most direct communication of consciousness.

They lived aimlessly with the native animals of Takamagahara for an unknown number of years until one day, a human entered this secret realm.

At that time, Japan had just become a unified country, introduced Chinese characters, and had its own cultural system.

That human being was a knowledgeable monk. He traveled through Japan and accidentally discovered a mountain full of spiritual energy. He climbed the mountain and explored it, and finally passed through the fog and entered Gaotianyuan.

The unfamiliar aura immediately attracted the attention of the artifacts, and the artifacts gathered around them.

But when it came within a hundred feet of a human being, the divine power naturally emitted by the artifact annihilated the human being.

However, there are still remnants of human beings, and the information contained therein allows the artifact spirits to see a whole new world.

The enlightened artifact spirits all wanted to explore the outside world, so they left Gaotianyuan together.

And they also knew that their power was very strong and humans could not bear it, so they referred to the scribes' practice methods, gradually controlled their power, and transformed into human shapes.

They quickly became familiar with human society and were influenced by human nature. They developed emotions, personalities, and names for themselves.

The first divine sword called itself Ixie, the divine mirror called itself Amaterasu, the magatama called Tsukuyomi, the wine gourd called Susana, and the last divine sword that gave birth to consciousness called itself Takemirai.

Ixie learned about human oppression and destruction, Amaterasu learned about power and control, Tsukuyomi learned about possessiveness and greed, Susana learned about dissoluteness and irritability, and Takemirai was the weakest, learning about obedience and dependence.

They each controlled a piece of Japanese land. Ixie launched war wantonly on his land, causing killing and destruction. Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi cooperated to establish a powerful country. Susana was wandering around everywhere, and Takemikazui surrendered. Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.

The spirits of the artifact lived according to their own wishes, until Yi Xie's territory turned into a hell on earth. Not only were humans almost wiped out, but even the demons and ghosts inspired by Yi Xie were almost exhausted in killing each other.

Ixie's desire could no longer be satisfied, so she turned her attention to Amaterasu's territory.

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi naturally couldn't allow it, but Ixie no longer had the friendship between the artifact spirits and directly went to war with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.

Yu Jianlei joined Amaterasu's side, while Susana still went his own way, watching the excitement without taking it too seriously, and even sometimes ended up causing trouble for both parties.

The two sides fought a protracted war, which turned Japan upside down. The sun and the moon were dim, the mountains and rivers were destroyed, and the human race was almost extinct.

And the battle between the artifacts has turned into an endless duel.

In the end, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Yu Jianlei defeated Ixie at the cost of serious injuries. Amaterasu and Ixie almost died together, but because the relationship between the divine sword and the divine mirror is like a spear and a shield, in the final collision, The divine power merged, Amaterasu swallowed the spirit of Ixie, and the divine sword and mirror merged into one.

And this is also the reason why Susan failed to take advantage of the fire. Amaterasu merged with Ixie's divine power and recovered a lot of strength, severely injuring Susan who sneaked up on him. Amaterasu did not kill Susana in the end, he was still seriously injured, but forced Susana to surrender to him.

Susan also agreed happily. If the opponent was stronger than him, he would give in. If the opponent was not stronger than him, he would bite back.

The four seriously injured gods all returned to Gao Tianyuan for treatment, but they only recovered from dormancy and the speed was very slow.

Nearly a hundred years later, humans in Japan have regained their vitality. At this time, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi also devised a method of rapid recovery based on the human wisdom collected when they ruled humans.

The two gods discovered at that time that human will can sense the heaven and earth. When humans gather, the energy of heaven and earth can be gathered. The more people gather, the richer the energy of heaven and earth. In their country, the energy of heaven and earth is very huge.

It's just that they were stronger at that time and looked down upon this power.

But now, they are very weak and need this kind of power.

So Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi arranged a plan to send the spirits that had been enlightened in the human world to the human world again. They found that human beings are really tenacious and have rapidly multiplied and multiplied in just a hundred years.

The spirits established temples and yin-yang families in the human world, promoted the myth system, and looked for people who could unify Japan.

The serious injury to the artifact's body made the four gods feel the fear of death for the first time, and they would no longer die personally.

They let the power established by the spirits in the human world give support to the chosen one, and eventually help him unify Japan and create a ruling system that will last forever.

Then Amaterasu discovered that the energy of heaven and earth gathered by mankind was all concentrated on this chosen person, the Emperor of Japan, and could not be used by him. He wanted to plunder by force, but felt that doing so was very dangerous and would have very bad consequences. things happen.

Later, he learned from what the Japanese people saw in China that the Chinese people called this energy of heaven and earth dragon energy, or dynasty luck. Here in Japan, it should be called national luck, which reflects the rise and fall of a dynasty and a country.

In other words, one must become the emperor in order to take advantage of Japan's national destiny.

So there is another legend that the emperor is the son of the gods and the person sent by the gods to protect Japan.

Then, the next generation of emperors will truly have the blood of God.

The power of Tsukuyomi, the magical power of magatama, is to transform life. He can inject vitality into a living body, heal its injuries or extend its life, or enhance its life potential, or promote its evolution.

Tsukuyomi injected his own divine power into the embryo of the emperor's heir, giving birth to the first divine person. However, this person still has no destiny connection with Tsukuyomi, and Tsukuyomi still cannot absorb the destiny of the country through this divine person. .

He continued to adjust until he injected the source of his divine power, that is, directly injected the artifact, and used the artifact as the core of the living body to create a person with divine legacy. Only then can he be truly involved in the fate of the country and absorb the fate of the country.

So there were two sacred clans, the Emperor and Kaminoyama, as well as the first generation of the sacred emperor, and his three guardians.

After that, there were many generations of emperors, and one generation would basically change every twenty or thirty years. The guardians of the emperor were only the third generation, three people each from the first and second generations, and Kannazuki from the third generation.

This is because the four gods of Japan still don’t know the power of the national destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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