Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 116 Ding, hang up position 1

Chapter 116 Ding, on-hook position +1 (please subscribe)

After everyone became sworn brothers, they immediately felt a little closer.

They all discussed their family backgrounds and past experiences. Among them, only Cui Zhifang and Pi Qingxuan came from poor families. They experienced a lot of hardships when they were young, and it was by chance that they became disciples of Quanzhen.

Li Zhichang and Ji Qingxu both came from big families, and had been well clothed and well-fed since childhood.

The world is in chaos, even if it is a famous family, the disciples of the family will be scattered, either to join the army, to engage in politics, or to study Buddhism and Taoism.

In this way, even if there is a disaster, the roots will not be cut off.

Li Zhichang and Ji Qingxu were the disciples of the clan who used their resources to specially send them to Mount Zhongnan to learn Taoism.

As for Miao Daoyi, he was born into a family of generals in the north. Over the years, the north has been ruled by Liao, Jin, and Mongolia. The so-called general family has long been in decline.

In his generation, he was the only one left. Since his grandfather had a relationship with Qiu Chuji, he became a lay disciple of Qiu Chuji.

What Lu Nianchou didn't expect was that Wang Ye turned out to be Li Zhihua's nephew.

"My uncle was originally the minister of the Ministry of War of the Central Government. In the early years, he also hoped to send troops to the Northern Expedition to restore our Han people's country." Wang Ye sighed and said: "It is a pity that the ministers of the Central Government formed cliques for personal gain, excluded dissidents, and did not care about internal and external troubles. They only knew that Struggle for power.”

"His old man only thinks that only by being in a high position can he have enough voice to express his ambitions."

Wang Ye smiled bitterly and said: "But 12 years ago, he offended the person he couldn't offend the most, so he had to resign and go into seclusion. From then on, he became discouraged and became a monk and practiced Taoism..."

Li Zhichang said with some surprise: "I didn't expect that Junior Brother Li Zhihua would have such a past. Who did he offend? He actually gave up a good career in the court and went to Mount Zhongnan to practice Taoism instead."

Wang Ye raised his head and took a sip of wine, sighing: "The only person who can make his old man so frustrated is naturally the powerful prime minister who has sole control of the court."

"This person controls the government and excludes dissidents. Even today, he is nothing more than a puppet."

"My uncle has offended Shi Miyuan. Naturally, no one in the court dared to speak for him."

Ji Qingxu pondered briefly and asked: "Six years ago, the treacherous Prime Minister Shi Miyuan was assassinated. The court only said that he died of illness, and his entire lineage was completely removed from the court."

"Now that the emperor is in power, he is invigorating the imperial court, intending to restore the mountains and rivers, assemble the army and prepare for war, and confront the Mongol army in Xiangyang."

"I wonder if Uncle Li Zhihua intends to re-enter the court?"

Wang Ye waved his hand and said: "This is not something I can know. My uncle saw that I was quite talented in martial arts, so he took me to Zhongnan Mountain to learn martial arts."

"I only have a partial understanding of the affairs of the court."

After everyone said that, they all looked at Lu Nianchou.

They all had admiration and curiosity in their hearts for this young man who was the youngest, had the most powerful martial arts, acted boldly, and had the style of an ancient chivalrous man.

Regardless of the exquisite swordsmanship and sword formation, just the sword formation when facing Guo Jing; when the master shuns the way, he desperately draws his sword and goes down the mountain to chase the murderer; it is already amazing.

But the person who did all this was just a teenager, so everyone was curious about his origins...

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Nianchou's thoughts were changing and he hesitated a little.

Seemingly sensing his embarrassment, Cui Zhifang said warmly: "If there is something difficult to say, there is no need to force it. We are brothers because we have similar interests, but it has nothing to do with our life experience."

Lu Nianchou shook his head and said, "It's not that it's a secret, I just don't want to lie. I was born in Lujiazhuang, Jiaxing, Jiangnan."

"My parents died four years ago. It was my uncle who raised me."

"As for other things, it involves an elder's own secrets, but it is inconvenient to say more."

"Jiaxing, Jiangnan?" Li Zhichang said with a smile: "Jiaxing has a world-famous hero named Ke Zhen'e. He is the leader of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan and is known as the Flying Bat."

"This man is upright and selfless, heroic and generous, and hates evil as much as he hates evil. Everyone in the world says that he is one of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan and will always keep his word." "The hero Guo Jing who broke our Beidou Formation alone is this man's disciple. .”

"I wonder if seventh brother has ever interacted with that Great Hero Ke?"

Lu Nianchou thought about the time when Li Mochou went to Lujiazhuang to kill people and silence him. Ke Zhene obviously had nothing to do with Lujiazhuang, but just because it happened to happen, he stepped forward without hesitation, without any concern for his own life.

It can be said that this person is his benefactor and a rare knight in this world.

Back in Lujiazhuang, in addition to Ke Zhen'e, Wu Santong and his wife also helped.

But he and Li Mochou asked for the Ice Soul Silver Needle antidote and saved their lives. From then on, there was only hatred and no kindness left.

"My parents' graves were dug up and their bodies were stolen. Such a deep hatred must be avenged..."

A fierce murderous intention flashed in Lu Nianchou's eyes, but he quickly came back to his senses, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said: "Daxia Ke once saved my life. He has a strong character and hates evil as much as he hates evil. He is really He is a rare hero in the world."

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely find a way to repay that person for saving my life."

Li Zhichang said it casually, trying to change the subject, but he didn't expect that his newly sworn brother would actually interact with Ke Zhen E.

"Speaking of this Great Hero Ke, he once had some disputes with my master Qiu Zhenren..."

Li Zhichang was Qiu Chuji's disciple. He had also heard about the bet between Qiu Chuji and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, as well as the subsequent incident between Yang Kang and Guo Jing, so he started talking about it.

Everyone listened attentively when they heard the stories and good stories of the senior masters, especially those involving their own sect master and the world-famous hero Guo Jing.

Lu Nianchou knew more about Guo Jing's past than anyone present. When he saw everyone listening to Li Zhichang talk about what happened back then, his mind moved and he opened the system interface.

Ding, the system prompts that you have obtained the unique palm skill Flame Knife.

Ding, the system prompts that you have obtained the special classic "Diamond Sutra". Do you want to analyze the classic?

The first system prompt was already expected by Lu Nianchou, but the second system prompt was something he had never seen before.

"Special classics? Analytical classics?"

Lu Nianchou secretly wondered, "Isn't this Diamond Sutra a martial arts secret book?"

With a thought in his mind, he chose to analyze, and then there was no movement in the system.

Lu Nianchou studied it again, but found that there were no other changes in the system, so he could only put it down for the time being and focus on the flame knife.

Martial Arts Name: Flame Knife
Quality: unique skills

Hang up experience: 20 points/h
Characteristics: The flaming knife is actually a palm technique, which is to condense the inner force on the edge of the palm, and then send it out with the inner force, using the ethereal virtual strength to hurt people within three feet. When the practice is perfect, the flaming knife can kill in the air, can cut gold and break jade, and has an infinite edge. match.

"This flame sword is actually similar to the Six Meridians Divine Sword, but the Six Meridians Divine Sword is more agile and faster, while the flame sword has the magic of burning the body with fire. Each has its own merits."

"It just depends on how well each person uses their internal strength when facing the enemy. The higher the level of internal strength, the more powerful the martial arts will be."

"The beauty of using it is all in one mind!"

Lu Nianchou was carefully appreciating the mysteries of this martial art, when suddenly his expression was slightly startled, and his pupils revealed a look of disbelief.

Ding, the system prompts that the analysis of the special classic "Diamond Sutra" has been completed, and your martial arts potential has increased.

Ding, the system prompts that due to your increased potential, the idle position will be +1. Please check the details yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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