Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 117: When they meet again, one sword will bring peace to the world

Chapter 117: When they meet again in the next year, they will level the world with one sword (please subscribe)

Lu Nianchou quickly opened the system interface.

Host: Lu Nianchou
Internal strength: the four levels of Tongqiao
Qualification: Elementary (220 points/h)

Perception: Intermediate (total score 405)

Hang up 1: Sparrow Catching Skill, Level 4, 80 points/h
Hang-up 2: Jade Maid Skill, Level 4, 80 points/h
Hang up 3: Jade Girl Swordsmanship, Level 4, 60 points/h
Hang up 4: empty
Hang up 5: Not activated

Hang up 6: Not activated

Hang up 7: Not activated

Martial arts column (22 points/h) (total score 405)

Unique skills (score 243): Level 1 of the Great Shift of the Universe, Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation, and Level [-] Flame Knife

Top martial arts (score 81): Yinshan Holy Fire Kung Fu residual chapter, Quanzhen Sword Technique level 4, Quanzhen Heart Technique level 4,


Nowadays, Lu Nianchou's martial arts panel is luxurious. He possesses unique skills and top-notch martial arts, and he has practiced both internal and external skills. Except for the few skills he just acquired, all the skills have been practiced to the level of Xiaocheng or above.

Even if there is no secret book of magical skills, it only takes a period of hard training to successfully penetrate the Twelve Meridians, develop true energy, and become a martial arts master who is not inferior to Li Mochou.

However, his eyes did not pay attention to those martial arts, but looked at the extra AFK slots in disbelief.

You must know that there are only six idle positions, which correspond to the six realms of martial arts in this world. Only one idle position can be activated for each realm.

Although the six realms of martial arts are just divisions of the system itself, and people in the world don't call them that, for Lu Nianchou, he can understand his own progress more clearly and intuitively.

He is in the six realms of martial arts such as foundation building, qi nourishing, aperture opening, Zhoutian, Xiantian, and Tianren. He is in the realm of opening up the twelve main meridians. Logically speaking, he should have only activated three hang-up positions.

But at this time, a fourth idle slot was added, and the total number of idle slots became seven.

"Analyzing special classics can actually increase the number of idle slots??"

A look of ecstasy flashed across Lu Nianchou's face. The increase in AFK slots would not only give him one more AFK slot in advance, but also increase his martial arts qualifications, thus increasing the speed of his martial arts training.

It can be said that the extra idle slot will greatly increase his practice speed.

"More importantly, the system prompts that the potential of analyzing special scriptures has increased."

"We must know that the on-camera position corresponds to the six realms of martial arts. Could it be that there is a more advanced realm above the six realms of martial arts?"

Lu Nianchou's heart was filled with confusion. The sudden increase in AFK slots made him think a lot.

"If this is really the case, I should have found a way to collect various Buddhist and Taoist classics. I can also try the classics of Confucianism and other schools. It is impossible to add more idle slots."

"I can't imagine how unbelievable it would be to be able to have more realms beyond the six realms of martial arts?"

"Could it be that Taoism means becoming an immortal, and Buddhism means becoming a Buddha immediately?"

Thoughts were surging in his mind, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"I must find a way to try this as soon as possible. It may bring unprecedented changes to my martial arts path."

When his mind finally calmed down, he placed the unique flame knife on the fourth idle position without hesitation.

The Great Shift of the Universe and the Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation are both special skills that cannot provide experience. Only the normal secret skill of the Flame Sword is the best choice.

"The Flaming Knife was originally supposed to be the Nyingma sect of Tubo Esotericism and the supreme secret of Dalun Temple in Snow Mountain. I wonder who the three Tibetan monks are? Are they monks from Dalun Temple?"

A thought flashed through Lu Nianchou's mind, and he soon stopped caring. No matter who the enemy was, since they were dead now, they were not much of a threat.

If someone really comes to take revenge, it will be nothing more than soldiers coming to block it and water coming to cover it up.

As long as he is allowed to practice hard for a while, there will not be many people in the world that he can fear.

At this time, Li Zhichang and others were talking loudly, mentioning the deeds of senior martial arts masters, especially Quanzhen Seventh Son, Guo Jing, Huashan Wujue and others.

In the past, few people knew about these secrets of the world. Even Cui Zhifang only heard about them.

At this time, listening to Li Zhichang's words, I felt so breathless and admirable.

The Seven Quanzhen Sons preached in various places;

Qiu Chuji assassinated Wanyan Honglie, beheaded corrupt officials, and made an 18-year agreement with the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan;

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan traveled to the desert for more than ten years with a promise of a thousand pieces of gold;
Wujue Huashan discusses swordsmanship and competes for the best in the world;

The hero Guo Jing falsely conveyed the imperial edict in Xiangyang and used Wu Mu's unique military skills to repel 20 Mongolian cavalry;

"Senior masters have left endless legends in the world of martial arts and martial arts. Some are loyal, chivalrous and courageous. They have a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, they have unrivaled knowledge, they have great righteousness for their family and country, and so on."

Ji Qingxu sighed: "Today is an eye-opener for me, and I realize what a frog in the well I was in the past."

"He prides himself on being from a well-known and upright family. He believes that he has outstanding talents and is considered outstanding among the younger generation."

"Compared with those senior masters, there is such a huge difference between me and them. It's shameful!"

Lu Nianchou heard the words at this time and said: "Senior masters have certainly left behind various legends, which makes us yearn for them."

"But the master is worse than the master. The disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher. We, the younger generation, may not be able to compete with those senior masters, or even surpass them."

He raised his sword-shaped eyebrows, and there was an indescribable confidence and pride in his eyebrows.

"well said!"

When Pi Qingxuan heard Lu Nianchou's words, he couldn't help but high-five him in praise. He even sat directly next to him, arms around his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Seventh brother, if anyone else says this, I will treat him as bragging."

"But if you say that, I have no doubt that if you become a big shot in the world in the future, don't forget me, your sixth brother."

"If you are rich and noble, don't forget each other...haha!"

Li Zhichang couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Boy, seeing how promising you are, can't you stand up for yourself?"

Pi Qingxuan said confidently: "I can have such a capable brother, that is also my ability, otherwise why wouldn't it be the turn of other people on the mountain?" Li Zhichang was speechless by what he said, and could only laugh and scold helplessly, " You kid, you will fall for your own mouth one day."

At this time, the sky has darkened, and the bright moon rises slowly. The moonlight shines on the surging river, stirring up silver waves, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

And under the bright moon, on the bank of the river, there was a bonfire burning.

The seven Quanzhen disciples were drinking and having fun, talking loudly, laughing and cursing, unaware of the passage of time.

By midnight, everyone was getting tired.

It was quiet all around, except for the sound of the river, which was rushing and rushing. Occasionally, the water waves would rise and fall again.

The burning bonfire reflected on their faces and in their pupils, giving these young people an unprecedented look in their eyes.

Cui Zhifang looked up at the bright moon and murmured: "Seventh brother is right. Disciples don't have to be inferior to their masters, and we may not be able to make a name for ourselves."

"Now the world is in turmoil. The north has been invaded and invaded by the barbarians several times. Although the south has natural dangers from the Yellow River, the Mongols are still approaching the city and attacking Xiangyang."

"The world is in turmoil, the court is constantly in turmoil, and there are many capable people in the world."

"Although we become monks and practice Taoism, our predecessors and sages have said that people who practice Taoism should close their doors and recite sutras in times of peace, but in times of trouble, they can go down the mountain and encounter demons."

He poured the wine, which was so pungent that it was difficult to swallow, down his throat, letting the burning taste rage in his throat and chest, and finally rolled into his stomach.

For a moment, blood surged in his heart. He, who had always been calm and rational, seemed to have fire burning in his eyes.

"Now that the world is in turmoil, we as Taoists cannot recite sutras behind closed doors. Instead, we should go down to the mountains to help the world, so that we can live up to what we have learned."

"I have always been unwilling to go against my master's wishes, so I have been practicing martial arts and reciting Taoist scriptures all year round."

"Now that you have disobeyed the teacher, you will definitely be punished when you return to the mountain gate."

Cui Zhifang said in a sonorous tone: "I have made up my mind. After returning to the mountain, I will apply to the sect to travel around, accumulate merit, and eliminate sins and mistakes."

"Even if you cannot change the world, you must use the sword in your hand to eradicate evil, help the world and save the people, and do your part in this troubled world."

Li Zhichang was silent for a moment, and then in a rare depressed tone, he sighed and said, "I also long for my second brother to be so free and easy, but it's a pity that I can't and can't do it."

"I can tell you that my master Qiu Zhenren is the protector of the sect and needs to carry out killings in secret."

"Although Master has many disciples, I am the only one who has inherited the duty of protecting the Tao."

"Even if this does not happen, I still need to follow Master to meet with the Mongolian Han Wokuotai and find ways to improve the living conditions of the Han people in the North."

"This is not only for the inheritance of our Quanzhen Sect, but also for the people of this Northland."

His voice was not loud, but he was extremely firm, "With the sword in my hand, no matter how many corrupt officials I kill, it won't be able to change the world, and it won't be able to save many people."

"Only by influencing Mongolia's top leaders and making them have kind thoughts can we save more people in the North."

"Therefore, even if you are called a traitor, even if you are accused by thousands of people."

"Where the Tao is, although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

After the words fell, no one spoke for a long time, everyone was shocked by his ambition.

After a while, Miao Daoyi looked at the south with his burly body and said in a deep voice: "I have made up my mind to go to the Song Dynasty to join the army. On the one hand, I will revitalize my family business. On the other hand, Mongolia and the Song Dynasty are currently fighting fiercely in Xiangyang. I I want to do my part.”

Ji Qingxu sighed: "I have been born into wealth since I was a child. I have no interest in world affairs or the rise and fall of the imperial court."

"My brothers don't have any ambitions. They just want to recite scriptures behind closed doors and study martial arts, so that one day they can become a master who is not inferior to the Chongyang Patriarch."

Wang Ye said speechlessly: "You want to be as good as the Chongyang Patriarch, but you still say you have no ambition?"

"How is it like me, who just wants to eat and wait to die!"

"Hahaha!" Pi Qingxuan said with a smile: "Then you and I are in the same boat. I only think about having endless wealth of money in this life. I'm afraid I will wake up laughing even in my dreams."

Lu Nianchou listened to everyone's ambitions, looked at the sparks exploding in the bonfire, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and listened to the sound of rushing water in his ears.

Thinking of his past and present lives, and his own AFK system, his heart was filled with unprecedented pride.

"I want to use the sword in my hand to set the rules for this world."

"Any martial artist must not harm civilians."

"In any case, officials of the imperial court must not bully the people."

"Emperors, generals and ministers must not plunder the world to enrich themselves."

"Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed!!!"

Lu Nianchou stood up, his black hair fluttering in the wind, his eyes sparkling with light, holding the tall sword in his hands, and said in a sonorous tone: "Whether you are in a high-rise compound, deep in the mountains and old forests, Or in the palace."

"Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be killed!"

"I will use the sword in my hand to bring peace to the world!"

"From now on, no matter whether it is the martial arts world, the imperial court, or the ordinary dignitaries, there is a sharp sword hanging high above everyone's head."

"Anyone who dares to disobey..."


This last word of killing was an understatement, but everyone present could feel the extremely terrifying will and belief.

They seem to have seen the not-too-distant future, where the world will be filled with countless bloodshed and killings.

Corpses piled up into mountains and blood gathered into rivers!

There was dead silence in the field, and there was no sound anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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