Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 137 Shut up quickly

Chapter 137 Shut up quickly (please subscribe)

It had been a long time since Li Mochou had slept so peacefully. I don't know when meditation had replaced sleep.

Even if you are meditating and practicing, you must always set aside some concentration to deal with accidents that may occur at any time.

She was already used to living like this with people in the world and enemies everywhere.

Today, I finally returned to the ancient tomb, and it was the place where I had lived since I was a child. Coupled with the man's chest, I felt more at ease than ever before.

Li Mochou even dreamed of the days when she was a child and learned skills from her master in an ancient tomb. She seemed to see her master's gentle eyes again. She was always so calm and gentle.

"Mo Chou, if you have such a temper and go down the mountain, you don't know how much trouble you will cause, let alone how much grievance you will suffer, so just stay in this ancient tomb with my master!"

"I don't want it, Master. I want to go down the mountain and have a look. And if I don't go down the mountain, how can I know if there will be a man willing to die for me."

"Silly boy, that so-called rule for going down the mountain is just a wish of your grandma-in-law. There are always so many unlucky people in this world. Even if there are a few good ones, how difficult would it be to meet them?"

"I don't care, I just want to go down the mountain, and I just don't want to stay in this dark, cold tomb for the rest of my life."


Even in his sleep, Li Mochou's eyebrows began to frown slightly. In the quarrel before going down the mountain, the master and the disciple broke up unhappy.

She packed up her gifts and sneaked out of the tomb.

I originally thought that meeting Lu Zhanyuan would be the greatest luck in my life.

She even thought that Lu Zhanyuan was the man who was willing to die for her, and wanted to take him back to the ancient tomb to let the master know that she was not betraying the master, but breaking the rules of going down the mountain.


He didn't wait for that day, and Master didn't wait for that day either. After all, he was blind when he met someone who was not kind to him.

Later, in order to take revenge and practice poisonous palms and poisonous needles, she even killed her master.

"Master...Master...don't want it..."

Li Mochou seemed to see her master vomiting blood and falling to the ground again after Ouyang Feng's palm. The scarlet blood was so dazzling that it even made it difficult for her to sleep peacefully for countless days and nights.

As if feeling her pain, Lu Nianchou slowly tightened his arms, hoping to make this woman, who frowned even in her sleep, feel a trace of warmth.

Li Mochou gradually woke up without knowing when. The scenes in her dream filled her heart with sadness and hatred.

When she gradually woke up from her dream and felt the man's heartbeat and breathing, Li Mochou suddenly felt unspeakably nervous and uneasy.

"He is still so young, has a bright future, and has a fiancée at home."

"If one day, he also leaves me..."

Thinking of this, she actually felt cold all over and didn't dare to think about such a scene.

"Do we really want to kill him?"

Li Mochou had a momentary impulse to beat the man to death with one palm, then cut off her own heart and died in his arms. Perhaps this was the best ending.

No need to face all the unknowns in the future, no need to experience all the pain that may happen, just die in his arms at the happiest time.

Her expression was changing, and even though her eyes were closed, one could still feel her pain and struggle.

However, at this moment, Hong Lingbo's voice suddenly woke them all up.

"Master, younger brother?"

"You... you guys..."

Lu Nianchou frowned slightly. After waking up, he did not look at Hong Lingbo immediately. Instead, he looked at the shy woman in his arms, who even wanted to bury her head.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I have everything."

It was a good thing that he didn't speak. When he opened his mouth, Li Mochou could no longer pretend. She stood up and turned into a phantom, rushing out of the stone chamber door.

He passed by Hong Lingbo and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Lu Nianchou slowly stood up from the stone couch and said without blushing, "Senior sister, why are you here? What time is it now?"

Until this moment, Hong Lingbo couldn't believe the scene he just saw, and said in a stiff tone: "Junior brother, you, you just..."

Lu Nianchou chuckled and said, "It's nothing. Master is injured. I will help her heal her injuries."

"You, you are holding me for healing?" Hong Lingbo looked like you were treating me like a fool.

Lu Nianchou said without changing his expression: "This is my newly acquired secret healing method, senior brother. Senior sister, do you want to give it a try?"

"Bah, I don't believe your nonsense." Hong Lingbo said angrily: "Junior brother, I have seen you and Master hugging each other at the window before."

"How could you do this? If someone discovered it, wouldn't it... wouldn't it mean that someone would say..."

Lu Nianchou said nonchalantly: "What do you want to be accused of? Shameless? Adulterer and adulterer?"

"Master, she is known as the Scarlet Lian Fairy. She is a female devil who is feared by everyone in the world. Even if she has many evil and shameless disciples, it is not a big deal."

"Anyone who dares to say this in front of me will have his head ripped off."

"If you dare not say it in front of me, that doesn't matter to me."

"not to mention……"

When he said this, a trace of blazing murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "In a few years, we won't be sure who has the final say in this world!"

After that, Lu Nianchou didn't care what Hong Lingbo's reaction was, and walked out of the room directly, heading towards the stone chamber where the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra was engraved.

He had already memorized the topographic map of the ancient tomb. Although it was difficult to see in the darkness, he had the Yuqing Visualization Technique and could sense the surrounding situation, so the impact was not very great.

Although I was not familiar with the terrain, I still found the place successfully after spending a while.

I saw that the shape of this stone chamber was extremely strange. It was narrow in front and wide in back, forming a trapezoid shape. The east side was semicircular and the west side was triangular.

"As expected, you know the location of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra."

When he came here, Xiao Longnu was also here. She pointed to the stone slab on the roof of the room and said, "All the essence of Wang Chongyang's martial arts is recorded here."

"Before this ancient tomb was given to the ancestor, Grandma, he used to practice martial arts here. The front is narrow to practice palms, the back is wide to use boxing, the east is round to practice swords, and the west corner is to shoot darts."

Lu Nianchou looked up, and at a glance, he found that almost all the martial arts moves he had learned, such as Quanzhen Sword Technique, One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones, Seven Big Dipper Styles, and Ice-breaking Fist, were included in it.

There are even some martial arts moves that even he has never learned. They should be Quanzhen's superior swordsmanship and fist skills. Other than that, there are only Quanzhen's Heart Technique, Jin Guan Yu Suo Kung Fu, Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation, Xiantian Kung Fu, etc. included.

When Lu Nianchou saw this, he couldn't help but feel happy. He originally thought that he had missed a good opportunity in the Quanzhen Sect and had not learned many excellent martial arts, but he did not expect that he could obtain them from here.

Before he could take a closer look, Xiao Longnu had already walked to the east and opened a stone door.

This stone room is completely opposite to the place where Wang Chongyang practiced. It is narrow at the back and wide at the front, with a rounded west corner and an east corner.

It was the place where Lin Chaoying practiced martial arts in seclusion.

Lu Nianchou looked up and saw that the ceiling of the room was also covered with countless characters and symbols.

"The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl is here. Grandma-in-law spent all her life learning to create this unique skill that can restrain the Quanzhen Sect's martial arts. Unexpectedly, she still failed to defeat Wang Chongyang."

After Lu Nianchou read the entire Jade Girl Heart Sutra, a system prompt sounded in his ears.

The system prompts that the Jade Girl’s Heart Sutra has been discovered. Do you want to enter it into the system?

He thought silently, "Yes."

After a while, the system light curtain refreshed.

Martial arts name: Jade Girl Heart Sutra

Quality: unique skills

Hang up experience: 30 points/h
Characteristics: The supreme secret art of the Ancient Tomb Sect created by Lin Chaoying, specifically designed to restrain the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect. After the mastery of the technique is completed, the practitioner will be as light as a feather, and his movements will be swift, several times faster than ordinary people.

(Note: The ancient tomb sect’s Qing Gong and the Jade Girl’s Heart Sutra complement each other. The Qing Gong’s movement skills and shooting speed are unparalleled in the world, and are known as the best in the world.)

(Note: The Jade Girl Heart Sutra is divided into nine sections. It requires the cooperation of two people to help each other. It can be completed within a hundred days)

(Note: To practice the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, the first step is to practice the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb School, and the second step is to learn the martial arts of the Quanzhen School. Only after you have achieved some success in both can you practice the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl)

When Lu Nianchou saw this, he realized why the Qing Gong of the Ancient Tomb Sect was called the best in the world. If it was just the unique level of Qing Gong and body techniques, it wouldn't be this.

But coupled with the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, which can increase Qinggong's body skills and attack speed, the two unique skills complement each other and become one, which is naturally unparalleled in the world.

Unless there are unparalleled magical skills such as Qinggong and Shenfa, no one in the world of martial arts can surpass them.

He studied it carefully and found out that the Jade Girl Heart Sutra can be placed in the on-hook system to avoid the disadvantage of requiring two people to practice it.

But if this is the case, it will take five or six years to complete the practice. Compared with two people practicing together, it can be accomplished in a hundred days, which is really far behind.

"It seems I still have to rely on my Master Mochou!"

A smile flashed across Lu Nianchou's face. Thinking of the method of practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, he couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

At this moment, Xiao Longnu said: "I saw that you have used the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect before, and you also understand the martial arts of my Ancient Tomb Sect."

"Can you teach me the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect? If you want to practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, you must practice the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect."

"But the essence of martial arts that Wang Chongyang carved on the top of the stone chamber is obscure and difficult to describe. It seems to be missing some key formula. I have tried several times but failed."

Lu Nianchou was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered Yang Guo, whom he had forgotten in the ancient tomb, and couldn't help but ask: "Why are you looking for me? Doesn't that boy Yang Guo also know the martial arts of the Quanzhen sect?"

"Yang Guo?" Xiao Longnu was slightly stunned and asked, "Are you talking about the child who was brought into the ancient tomb by your mother-in-law?"

When Lu Nianchou heard this, he realized that Yang Guo had not yet accepted Xiao Longnu as his teacher.

"The reason why Yang Guo was able to worship Xiao Longnu as his teacher was because Granny Sun died in the hands of the Quanzhen Cult. Before she died, she asked Xiao Longnu to take care of him for the rest of his life."

"Now that Granny Sun is still alive, it is not that simple to ask Xiao Longnu to be her teacher. If nothing unexpected happens, she may even be sent out of the ancient tomb."

While he was thinking about it, Xiao Longnu had already continued: "You are Senior Sister's apprentice, and naturally you are also a disciple of my Ancient Tomb Sect, so I asked you for advice."

"That kid is an outsider after all, so how could I ask him about Quanzhen's martial arts? Wouldn't that be like stealing from his sect?"

Lu Nianchou came back to his senses, nodded with a smile and said, "Since my uncle has spoken, I will naturally agree."

Xiao Longnu nodded and said, "If you taught me martial arts, then it's my turn to thank you. I won't drive you away again. You can leave anytime you want."

Lu Nianchou chuckled and said, "Then I'll thank my uncle first."

"By the way, Master, I don't know where she has gone since she woke up. Uncle Master, do you know where she might have gone in the ancient tomb?"

Xiao Longnu thought for a while and said, "Senior sister, she should be at the portrait of the ancestor in the back hall!"

"Thank you, uncle." Lu Nianchou got the advice and followed the map in his memory to the back hall.

When they got here, they saw Li Mochou. She was kneeling in front of a portrait, with two lines of tears on her fair and jade-like cheeks.

Lu Nianchou looked up and saw a painting hanging on the east and west walls of the back hall.

The painting hanging on the stone wall on the west side shows two women, one of whom looks to be in her 20s, dressing up in the mirror.

The face reflected in the mirror was extremely beautiful, but there was a faint murderous aura in the corners of the eyes. Even though it was just a portrait, it still made people shudder.

The other one is a maid of fourteen or fifteen years old, holding a basin in her hand and waiting on the side. She looks naive and childish, but with a smile on her face.

Li Mochou knelt under the portrait without looking back, but she knew from the footsteps that it was him who was coming, and said in a cold tone: "This is the portrait of your ancestor, mother-in-law and master, come here and salute them. "

Lu Nianchou agreed, knelt down with her, and then kowtowed to the portrait.

After the ceremony, he said plausibly: "Grandma, grandma, master, don't worry. I will definitely take good care of master in the future and will never let her be bullied by others."

"When the two of us have children in the future, they will be the heirs of our Tomb Sect. Our incense and inheritance will not be cut off..."

Li Mochou originally thought that she had killed her master. Although she had broken into ancient tombs before, she never dared to look at this portrait, let alone face her master's body.

But now she finally solved all the mysteries of the past and knew the truth about her master's death. Coupled with the dream just now, she could no longer suppress her longing for her master.

Originally, I was feeling sad in front of Master's portrait, and even couldn't help but shed tears. However, when I heard the man next to me saying that something was getting worse and worse, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He quickly covered his mouth and scolded: "What are you talking nonsense here in front of my grandma and your master? Shut up now."

When Lu Nianchou covered her lips with her hand, an evil thought suddenly arose in her heart. She licked it gently with the tip of her tongue and felt it was warm and delicate, like fine mutton fat and jade.

As if being electrocuted, Li Mochou quickly moved away her hand, feeling embarrassed and annoyed, and said sternly: "If you act presumptuously again, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson in front of my grandma and your master."

(End of this chapter)

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