Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 138 How should you deal with it?

Chapter 138 How should you deal with it? (Please subscribe)

Lu Nianchou said righteously: "Master, you told me to shut up, but you didn't say you weren't allowed to move my tongue."

Li Mochou was finally annoyed. She used her power and slapped him with a palm, "I have to teach you a lesson today, otherwise you may not know what it means to respect your teacher."

Lu Nianchou simply knelt in front of the portrait, motionless, and said in an exaggerated manner: "Grandma, grandma, master, she is bullying people, you guys, please save me."

"Come out." Li Mochou thought that she was in front of Master's portrait, and finally did not continue to do anything.

"I won't. If you have the ability, come here!" Lu Nianchou looked like he was worried about what he could do to me.

Li Mochou was immediately furious. She shook her sleeves fiercely, snorted and said, "If you can, you will hide here forever."

"Well, originally I already knew the location of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra and wanted to share it with Master." Lu Nianchou deliberately pretended to be helpless and said: "Since Master is making things difficult for me, then it seems that only me and Long can do the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra." Master and uncle are practicing together."

Li Mochou was slightly startled when she heard this and asked, "What does it mean to practice with Xiao Longnu?"

She has never seen the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, so she doesn't know the mystery of it, let alone understand that this technique requires two people to practice it together.

Lu Nianchou lengthened his tone and said with a smile: "Master, you don't know something. The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra was originally created by the founder, grandma, to defeat Quanzhen's unique martial arts skills."

"But Grandma Grandma still has lingering feelings for Master Chongyang."

Before he finished speaking, Li Mochou slapped him on the forehead and scolded: "Grandma-in-law, in front of me, what nonsense are you talking about here?"

Lu Nianchou knew that this woman was seeking revenge, and he couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw the faint smile on her lips, as if she had succeeded.

Although she is such an adult, sometimes her heart is as simple as that of a girl.

At this time, I could only pretend to be in pain and say: "Master, you hurt me."

"You deserve it. If you dare to talk nonsense, grandma-in-law dares to make up whatever you want. Beating you is considered a light thing." Li Mochou raised her hand and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will beat you even harder."

Lu Nianchou murmured: "I'm not talking nonsense. The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra is clearly like this. If the founder's mother-in-law didn't have lingering feelings for Chongyang Master, how could she have created such a technique."

"This Jade Girl Heart Sutra not only requires practicing the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect and the Quanzhen Sect to lay the foundation, but also requires two people to practice together before it can achieve anything."

He raised his head and glanced at Li Mochou, paused slightly, and then continued: "Especially what is said in the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, when practicing this technique, two people need to take off all their clothes, help each other, and the yin advances and the yang retreats... …”

Before he could finish speaking, Li Mochou scolded: "Stop talking nonsense to me here. Do you really think I won't deal with you?"

Her face was slightly cold, thinking that Lu Nianchou had made a random arrangement and even dared to make fun of her ancestor's mother-in-law's reputation.

Lu Nianchou smiled bitterly and said: "Everything my disciple said is true, how can I dare to lie in front of the Patriarch?"

Li Mochou said dubiously: "Is it really so? Then take me to see it."

When he saw the look in Lu Nianchou's eyes, he suddenly came back to his senses and said quickly: "I didn't mean to trick you into taking me to read the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra."

"Forget it, forget it, you don't need to explain, I'll just take you there." Lu Nianchou stood up from the ground and walked outside as if his master had his orders and his disciples didn't dare to disobey them.

"Come back here, I didn't mean to read the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra..." Li Mochou became a little angry.

"Master, don't you want to learn the Jade Girl Heart Sutra?" Lu Nianchou's voice came from afar.

Li Mochou: "..."

After a while, seeing Li Mochou following him obediently, Lu Nianchou muttered: "You say you don't want it, but your body is very honest."

In this dark and silent ancient tomb, Li Mochou heard this voice clearly, and said with some embarrassment: "Shut up."

"That's right...just tell me if you want it. It's not like I won't give it to you..." Lu Nianchou said in an ambiguous tone.

Although Li Mochou didn't understand the meaning of his words, she knew that this brat couldn't spit out ivory from his mouth, so she couldn't help but use Qing Kung and palm skills to beat him severely.

Not willing to suffer any loss, Lu Nianchou turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran, "You murdered your husband..."

"You bastard, shut up now." Li Mochou was really going crazy because there were Xiao Longnu and Grandma Sun in the ancient tomb, not to mention Hong Lingbo.

The scene where Hong Lingbo saw the two of them lying on the same bed was already embarrassing. If he yelled at her again, it would really be impossible to clean it up.

"If you want me to stop shouting, that's fine, as long as you agree to one condition." Lu Nianchou suddenly stopped, causing Li Mochou to almost bump into him.

Li Mochou was afraid that he would continue shouting, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "What are the conditions?"

"As long as you agree to help me practice the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, I won't shout. How about that?" Lu Nianchou said.

Li Mochou was startled for a moment, and then she quickly remembered the method of practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra that he just mentioned. Her fair and jade-like face suddenly turned red, and then she realized what bad idea he had.

"No, you think it's beautiful."

Lu Nianchou sighed deliberately, "Then it seems that I can only practice with Uncle Long."

"How dare you!" Li Mochou's eyebrows suddenly raised.

"Uncle Long asked me to teach her the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect. He owes me a favor." Lu Nianchou said, "If I ask her to help me practice the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, she shouldn't refuse."

"Since you are not willing, Master, then I can only go to Uncle Master for help."

After saying that, he walked towards the practice room.

"Come back!" Li Mochou quickly followed.

"Then do you agree?"


Lu Nianchou: "Forget it if you don't agree. I'll go find Uncle Long."

"Then I'll kill you first!" Li Mochou said through gritted teeth.

"Li Mochou murdered her husband!"

"You really want to die!"

When the two of them arrived at the stone room where they practiced martial arts, Xiao Longnu was still there.

Li Mochou's pretty face suddenly turned red. She didn't know if Xiao Longnu heard what the brat shouted just now. She always felt guilty in front of this junior sister and couldn't hold her head up.

Xiao Longnu didn't know what she was thinking. She turned to look at Lu Nianchou and said, "When will you teach me the martial arts taught by Quanzhen?" Li Mochou originally thought that Lu Nianchou was just talking casually, but she didn't expect that Xiao Longnu actually let me know. When he taught martial arts, he felt something indescribable in his heart.

Lu Nianchou said: "Uncle, don't you plan to learn the Nine Yin Scriptures left by Master Chongyang first?"

Xiao Longnu shook her head and said: "Since I am a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect, I should naturally learn the martial arts of my own sect first, and then use the martial arts of other sects to learn by analogy."

"Nine Yin Manual?" Li Mochou's heart skipped a beat when she heard the conversation between the two of them.

Xiao Longnu, who has lived in the ancient tomb for a long time, may not know the prestige and status of the Jiuyin Manual in the world, but how can she not know it after she has been in the world for more than ten years?

Lu Nianchou did not explain to her at this time. He just said to Xiao Longnu: "Since my uncle has made a decision, I will teach you the martial arts techniques of the Quanzhen Sect from today on."

Xiao Longnu said: "Then I'll trouble you."

"They are all members of our own family, so why bother?" Lu Nianchou chuckled lightly and said, "Uncle, come with me."

When Li Mochou saw the two of them acting like no one was around, laughing and talking, and even talking about their family members, Li Mochou felt depressed and her face turned cold.

However, Lu Nianchou grabbed her hand at this moment and walked sideways together.

Li Mochou was slightly startled, feeling completely stupid. She immediately wanted to break free, but somehow she didn't want to break free in front of Xiao Longnu.

She was so entangled in all kinds of thoughts that even she couldn't figure it out, and her mind was in chaos.

Before she came back to her senses, Lu Nianchou had already walked to the stone carving of Quanzhen Sword Technique and said: "The martial arts of Quanzhen Sect are based on Quanzhen Heart Technique and Quanzhen Sword Technique. After practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, I learned These two martial arts are enough."

"The essence of the Quanzhen Sword Technique is engraved on the top of this stone chamber. I will teach Master the Quanzhen Mental Technique to you and my uncle. When the time comes, you will naturally be able to master the sword technique."

After that, he taught the Quanzhen Heart Technique one by one. After the two of them had memorized it completely, he talked about the key points and his own experience.

Li Mochou also calmed down at this time and listened to him teach Quanzhen Kung Fu. She actually forgot that the two of them had their fingers intertwined all the time.

By the time Lu Nianchou finished teaching, Li Mochou and Xiao Longnu already had a solid foundation. Now they looked at the sword skills carved on the roof of the stone chamber, and they understood the key to it.

Li Mochou always felt that Xiao Longnu was better than him in terms of appearance and aptitude, and even the master valued her junior sister more.

At this time, when I learned the Quanzhen Mental Technique, I started to have a competitive spirit and wanted to quickly master this Mental Technique.

With this idea in her mind, she stayed in the stone room without going out. She forgot all about food and sleep, trying to comprehend the essence of Quanzhen's Heart Technique and Sword Technique.

Although Xiao Longnu had no desire to win, she still ignored foreign objects when she was obsessed with martial arts.

The pair of sisters stayed here all day long to study the techniques. Sometimes they would get something from them and practice with their swords, and even use their hands to understand the principles more clearly.

Lu Nianchou couldn't help but smile bitterly, and could only be responsible for the food and water for the two of them.

Fortunately, Grandma Sun takes care of these things on weekdays, and he only needs to deliver them.

Yang Guo was originally going to be sent out of the ancient tomb by Xiao Longnu, but Granny Sun couldn't help but begged again and again. In addition, she devoted herself to practicing martial arts, so she allowed Yang Guo to stay here temporarily.

After Granny Sun got her permission, she originally wanted to teach Yang Guo the martial arts of the Tomb Sect, but was stopped by Lu Nianchou.

On this day, he called Yang Guo aside and asked: "Junior brother Yang Guo, I once saw you practicing a martial art in private. If I guessed correctly, this martial art should be replaced by toad martial arts, right?"

Yang Guo first smiled bitterly and said, "You and I have been expelled from the Quanzhen sect, and now I am just living in this ancient tomb."

"Even if I want to call you Senior Brother, I feel ashamed."

"As for that martial arts, I don't know its origin. It was taught by my adoptive father."

He already had a friendship with Lu Nianchou, and since his life had been saved by Lu Nianchou before, he didn't hide it now.

"But I was on Peach Blossom Island and heard Uncle Guo and others say that this martial art seems to be the Toad Kung Fu."

Lu Nianchou sighed and said, "Then do you know why I didn't let Granny Sun teach you the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect?"

Yang Guo shook his head in confusion. If it were anyone else, he would naturally think that they were bullying and suppressing him.

But he knew that this Senior Brother Lu looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was very arrogant in his heart, and it was impossible for him to do such a despicable thing.

"What you don't know is that the Toad Kung Fu was created by Ouyang Feng, a great master of the evil sect in the Western Regions. This man is not only highly skilled in martial arts, he is also ruthless and commits all kinds of evil."

"In order to compete for the title of No. [-] in the world, they will do anything and everything. Both the great hero Guo Jing and Guo, as well as your Aunt Guo, have suffered a lot at the hands of that person."

"Moreover, this person conquered all the heroes at the top of Mount Huashan more than ten years ago and became the number one in the world."

"If I hadn't fallen into your Aunt Guo's plan, and practiced martial arts, she became obsessed with it, and sometimes became confused and crazy. I don't know how many people in the world's martial arts world would be frightened and trembled, and they wouldn't even be able to sleep peacefully."

Lu Nianchou looked at Yang Guo and said, "If I'm not wrong, the adoptive father who taught you Toad Kung Fu is the great master Ouyang Feng, who is called 'Western Poison' by people in the world."

Yang Guo was slightly startled when he heard this. He originally didn't want to believe that his adoptive father would be the big devil who did all kinds of evil in Lu Nianchou's mouth.

But thinking about my rebel father, he was always crazy and delirious, and on Peach Blossom Island, after Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo discovered the toad skill he practiced, their attitude immediately changed.

Even the blind old father-in-law Ke Zhen'e wanted to beat him to death with an iron rod.

All kinds of experiences in his memory emerged one by one, and Yang Guo finally came back to his senses. He knew that his adoptive father should be, as Senior Brother Lu said, one of the five great people in the world who was frightened by countless people in the world. Poisonous Ouyang Feng.

He just pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said decisively: "It doesn't matter whether he is Ouyang Feng, Xidu, or some feared big devil in the world."

"To me, he is the adoptive father who taught me martial arts and recognized me as his son."

Lu Nianchou was not surprised when he heard what he said. He just said in a calm tone: "Then if I tell you, my master, who is also the master of Xiao Longnu, the owner of this ancient tomb, is your adopted father. Where were those killed by Ouyang Feng?"

Yang Guo's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, his body froze completely, and there was a look of disbelief on his face.

"How, how is this possible?"

Seeing him like this, Lu Nianchou couldn't bear it, and sighed: "The reason why I stopped Granny Sun from teaching you the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect is because I don't want you to be in trouble on both sides in the future."

"When the time comes, you will have your master on one side and your adoptive father on the other, how will you deal with yourself?"

 Adding an update. Thanks to misslsq4ever for the [-]-coin reward, and thanks to mottomotto and Sanhua Damijiao for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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