I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 52 The powerful shadow, the shock of the masters!By the order of the Son of Heaven, send you

Chapter 52 The powerful shadow, the shock of the masters!By the order of the Son of Heaven, send your souls back to the underworld!
"Grandmaster Wang, help!"

Seeing the silhouettes of Lu Zhao's masters and masters, the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army seemed to be rescued from a desperate situation.

Shout out in a hurry!

"This guy, I don't know where he came from."

"He eats human flesh and drinks human blood, he is simply, simply not human, he is a monster!"

Through these soldiers, the eyes of the masters fell on the green figure not far away.

He also took a breath of air!
If you just look at the appearance, this is someone who looks like he is only in his 20s.

He even looks like a somewhat gentle young man.

But at this moment, he had a cruel smile on his face.

The corner of his mouth was covered with blood!

This is not his blood, it is the flesh and blood that he tore alive from the body of the Xuanjia Army he attacked just now!
"Hahahaha, what delicious flesh and blood!"

"It's been a long time since I had such a full meal!"

The green-haired boy laughed wildly, which was in great contrast to the Xuanjia troops fleeing around him.

"Have a frenzy!"

Wang Pan roared and rushed towards the boy.

This palm is extremely powerful and powerful. Even a hundred kilograms of boulders can be broken into powder!
"Hey, there's new flesh and blood coming!"

The green-haired boy smiled evilly, stretched out his hand, and greeted him without any intention of giving in.

What's shocking is that his hands don't look like ordinary people. The nails are terrifyingly sharp, like some kind of wild beast!
The two palmed each other, and the green-haired boy just swayed.

Wang Pan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.


Immediately afterwards, the green-haired boy's sharp nails tore his arm until it was dripping with blood!

"A master at the master level, not bad."

"It's been a long time since I tasted the flesh and blood of a grandmaster."

The green-haired boy's fingertips dug deep into the flesh of Wang Pan's arm, and he licked his lips with blood-stained teeth.

His teeth are also in the shape of an inverted triangle and look very sharp.

"Stop, stop!"

When he saw the green-haired boy open his bloody mouth, as if he really wanted to bite it off.

Even Wang Pan, who is the master, was full of fear and shouted.


Seeing this, the remaining masters rushed up immediately, trying to stop the green-haired boy!

A blade of light that didn't know where it came from passed past their eyes.


In the blink of an eye, blood spattered on the shoulders of two more masters!

"Okay, such a fast knife technique, even I didn't see clearly..."

"who is it!?"

Several martial arts masters stopped in haste, no matter how fierce Wang Pan's scream was.

They didn't dare to step forward easily.

Because they have a premonition, if they come forward again at this time.

In the next moment, the sword energy will chop off their heads!
Thinking of this, they were both horrified and aggrieved for a moment.

As masters, before, no matter where they went, they were all respected by thousands of people.

When have you ever been treated like this? !

Swish, swish.

At this moment, a voice was not loud, but it was extremely clear.

Moreover, there seemed to be some indescribable and oppressive footsteps.

ringing from their ears.

The hearts of several master masters jumped wildly in an instant!

When they looked, they saw a slender and tall figure with white hair and green clothes.

Slowly walked into their sight from a distance.

"Chiya, don't waste your time."

When he passed by the green-haired boy who was holding the body of Wang Pan who had no idea whether he was alive or dead, and munching on it.

The white-haired swordsman said a word indifferently, and then walked towards the masters.

"Shadow Assassin, Qingfeng."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of cold light, and the double swords on Qingfeng's waist were unsheathed!


The moment Qingfeng drew his sword, several masters felt that their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

Sword energy, strong sword energy!
Just by feeling, they can conclude that the swordsman who claims to be Qingfeng is in front of him.

Definitely not an ordinary grand master!

"Unexpectedly, what the Second Highness said is true, the new emperor's subordinates really hide a terrifying master master!"

"What are you afraid of? There are only two grandmasters. Is there nothing we can do?"

"The entire army is listening to the order and prepare to follow me to surround these two people!"

One of the masters shouted.

As if they had made an appointment, the six grandmasters erupted with a powerful aura that only belonged to masters.

The auras emitted by the six masters could only suppress the auras of the two master masters, Qingfeng and Chiya.

This also made them feel a sense of frustration.

However, they also know that no matter what, the top priority is to deal with the enemy in front of them!
"Hey hey hey, Qingfeng, did you hear that, they want to get rid of us all."

There was a strange laugh from Chiya's mouth.

After devouring the flesh and blood of a master master, Chiya's appearance also changed again.

The whites of his eyes have been replaced by black, and the pupils are as scarlet as blood.

And the already sharp teeth and fingertips became even sharper.

Even more like a beast.

Such a form of red teeth, not to mention fighting, just seeing it is enough to shock people!

"Hmph, brazen words, do you think you can withstand the power of a hundred thousand Xuanjia troops?"

A master master, as if to cheer himself up, raised his voice and shouted.

"One hundred thousand Xuanjia Army?"

One eye is covered by a visor, and the other eye is as cold as unmelted ice and snow.

Said without any fluctuation or emotion.

"You mean, them?"

As soon as Qingfeng finished speaking, the masters heard the Xuanjia Army behind them suddenly let out pitiful shouts one after another.

"What, what's going on!?"

"My body is not listening!"

"You, your face!"

Bright red flowers suddenly sprouted from their bodies.

And when these flowers bloom, their bodies seem to be sucked by something invisible.

It began to shrivel rapidly until it became an empty shell.

And the flowers that bloomed on them became more and more colorful!
Such a strange scene also made the hearts of the masters shudder.

"This is... Manjusawa?"

Someone recognized the flowers that bloomed on the corpses as the red Bana.

This kind of flower is said to be the flower that blooms on the Huangquan Road!

"Hehe, it looks like you guys like this kind of tweed very much."

"It doesn't matter. Soon, the road to Huangquan where you are going will be filled with such charming flowers."

Accompanied by a chuckle, a voluptuous red figure descended from the sky.

In her white and tender hands, she was holding a freshly bloomed Manzhu Shahua flower.

Coupled with her charming smile, it feels like an invitation from hell.

"Shadow Assassin, Manzhu Shahua, by order of the Son of Heaven, send your souls back to the underworld."

(End of this chapter)

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